Title: Table Top Exercises
1Table Top Exercises
2Training and Exercises
- Training and exercises are invaluable tools for
preparing staff and testing emergency plans. - Training and exercises should reinforce concepts
in the organizations emergency plan. - Training should be conducted regularly
- (Reality we do what we've practiced, not what is
in the plan).
3What is a Tabletop Exercise?
-A tabletop exercise is a facilitated,
scenario-based group discussion
-Typically 2 hours to 4 hours in duration
-Scenario should be chosen on likely hazards in
the area -There are many formats and methods
4Why Table Top Exercises?
- Are low-stress discussion of coordination and
policy within the organization and/or between the
organization and other agencies. - Provide a good environment for problem solving.
- Provide an opportunity for key agencies and
stakeholders to become acquainted with one
another, their interrelated roles, and their
respective responsibilities. - Provide good preparation for a functional
exercise. - Cost Effective
- Minimal Disruption
- Validation of your Plan
5Getting Started Steps for Success
Pre-Planning -Hazard Analysis -Establish
Objectives -Inform the Media -Orientation
Meetings -Set Timelines -Identify
Participants -Pre-exercise Training -Single
agency Drill
Tabletop Exercise -Identify a Facilitator -Identi
fy a Scribe -Draft the Narrative -Room Layout
-Breaks/Refreshments -Presentation -Copies of
Materials -Sign in Sheet -Conduct the Exercise
After Action -Immediate Debriefing -Participant
Evaluation -Comprehensive Report -Post Exercise
Meeting -Functional Exercise -Full Scale
Exercise -Revisions -Training -Implementation
Developing a tabletop exercise normally evolves
over a 1-month to 2-month period if conducted
6Tabletop Exercise Preparation
- Flipchart and markers
- Scribe
- A/V equipment
- Attendance sheet
- Extra seats for observers
- Name tents
- Copies of the exercise scenario
- School floor plans
- Emergency plans-school/county
- Maps (street/aerial/bus routes)
- Additional pre-incident information
- Participant evaluation form
7The After Action Process
- Immediate Debriefing
- Evaluator and Participant Comments
- Written Comments from Evaluators
- Comprehensive Report
- After Action Meeting (Weeks Later)
- Improvement Ideas and Implementation
- Training
8After-Action Review
- After-action reviews capture key lessons learned
from emergency response and make recommendations
for improvements. - Benefits of after-action reviews
- Supports proactive response management
- Provides documentation for any future litigation
- Identifies areas for improvement.
- After-action reviews must not be an after-thought!
9After-Action Review
- Consideration must be made for the best time for
this - not necessarily immediately after! A
skilled facilitator is important. Tension must
be constructive. - Identify components of after-action reviews
- Exercise / emergency overview
- Exercise goals and objectives
- Analysis of outcomes
- Analysis of capacity to perform critical tasks
- Summary
- Recommendations
- Specific improvements for each partner
- Accountability plan.
10Through Exercises, Organizations Can
- Test and evaluate plans, policies, and
procedures. - Reveal planning weaknesses.
- Reveal gaps in resources.
- Improve organizational coordination and
communications. - Clarify roles and responsibilities.
- Train personnel in roles and responsibilities.
- Improve individual performance.
- Gain program recognition and support of
officials. - Satisfy regulatory requirements.