Title: Welcome to Sitka Parks and Recreation
1Welcome toSitka Parks and Recreation
Goddard Hot Springs - Rebuilt Shelter - 1999
2Sitka City Parks and Recreation manages 6 parks,
6 playgrounds, 5.63 miles of trail, 9 ballfields,
a cabin, the rifle range, Goddard Hot Springs, 21
landscaped areas, 15 acres of turf.
3Whale ParkBuilt in 1994, this park is the home
to an FM whale listening station connected to a
hydrophone on the ocean floor
4Pioneer Parkwas transferred to the Municipality
in 1999. It features four shelters and a stunning
5Moller Parkreceived a facelift in 1999 with new
playgrounds, a picnic shelter and lighting...
6Crescent Parkfeatures green space, picnic
shelters, tennis and basketball courts, and many
7Skateboard Parkwas created in 1999 and will be
moved to the Turnaround as soon as additional
funds are raised. The new skate park will be a
7,000 square foot concrete park with a bowl and
street features.
8Swan Lake Park is used year-round by Sitkans.
Swan Lake Park is used year-round by Sitkans.
9Swan Lake Cleanupincluded the tributaries of
Wrinkleneck and Arrowhead Creeks and many
10Sitka Trailshave expanded over the past six years
New ADA Accessible Bridge at Thimbeberry Lake
11Sitka Trail Works Inc.
Has helped the Forest Service, Park Service and
the City with trail maintenance, new trail
construction, and attaining funding for Sitka
Trail Plan projects.
12Thimbleberry Lake TrailThe project terminus
includes a dock and skaters platform (courtesy of
Boy Scout/Eagle Scout program). The connection
between Thimbleberry and Heart Lake will be
completed in the fall of 2005.
13Sitka Cross Trailruns from Kimsham landfill ball
fields to Indian River and was also constructed
by Sitka Trail Works
14Mount Edgecumbe Ballfieldis a cooperative effort
with Sitka Softball Association, UAS, Mount
Edgecumbe School, Americorps, DOT and the
Municipality to bring this unused ballfield back
to life.
15Mount Edgecumbe BallfieldGroundskeeper Shawn
McLeod and crew put the finishing touches on the
16Mount Edgecumbe Ballfieldfeatures a 16 Silver
Monster fence.Opening Day is July 18th!
17Turnaround Parkfeatures picnic tables (courtesy
of the Boy Scouts), a beach and is the future
site for a concrete skatepark.
18Sitkas Recreation Guideis available on line at