Title: Welcome to First Aid Skills
1Welcome to First Aid Skills
Discovery Ranger Workbook Pages 195-209 Leaders
Red Merit Reference Pages 169 - 199
Lesson Two
Lesson Three
Lesson Four
Lesson Five
2Lesson One
3Lesson One Objectives Fundamentals of First Aid
- Define the meaning of First Aid.
- Explain how to use the 911 system.
- Explain the first concern when giving first aid.
- Explain when to move and when not to move an
injured person. - List the four steps of victim assessment.
4 Fundamentals of First Aid
1. What is the purpose of first aid DR Workbook
Pg 199, Question 1
- First Aid is care given to an injured person to
stabilize and keep him / her safe until he / she
can receive professional medical attention.
5MWS 2 RAP ABCH Page 200
6Fundamentals of First Aid
Scenario A man has been hit by a car and thrown
into the street. He is wearing shorts, and blood
is flowing, but not spurting, from his leg. What
looks like a bone is sticking out of his leg.
What are the two major concerns when giving first
aid to this victim?
7Fundamentals of First Aid
First, safety of the rescuer from traffic and the
safety of the of the victim. Second, unless the
victim is in a life-threatening situation, he
should not be moved.
8 Fundamentals of First Aid
2. List the Two Major Concerns When Giving First
Aid Pg. 199
- The first rule of first aid and the primary
concern is - The second concern is, unless the victim is in a
life-threatening situation, he or she should
Not Be Moved
9MWS 2 RAP ABCH Page 200
10Giving First Aid
R is for Responsiveness Is the victim
conscious? Touch their shoulder, ask if they are
alright. Ask if they need help. If they say no,
then proceed no further If yes, or no response,
then proceed to A
11Giving First Aid
A is for Activate EMS or 911
12 How to Use the 911 System
4. What are the four things you need to remember
when making a 911 call? Pg. 199
- Your name
- The emergency
- The location of the emergency
- Condition of the victim
Stay on the line with the operator until help
13 How To Use the 911 System
When should EMS / 911 be called? Page 195,
Question 2b
- Check the victim for responsiveness. If they do
not respond or if they tell you that they need
help, then contact EMS.
14When To Move An Injured Person
MWS 2, page 200
P is for Position
Only re-position the victim if the victim is in
further danger in their present location. And /
or there does not seem to be spinal injury and
additional care requires moving them.
15Explain when an injured person should and should
not be moved?
Requirement 4, Pg. 195
- If there are suspected spinal injuries, do not
move the victim (except when the victim is in a
life threatening situation).
Seek immediate medical attention. Follow the
flowchart and care for the victim in any form
that does not require moving the victim.
16Four Steps of Victim Assessment
Use the mnemonic ABCH MWS 2, Page 200
-check to see if the airway is blocked.
Use your finger to sweep the mouth to remove any
seen object. If this fails, then perform the
Heimlich maneuver or abdominal thrusts. We will
learn these techniques in later lessons.
17Four Steps of Victim Assessment
Look, listen and feel by watching the chest and
placing your cheek a few inches above the mouth
of the victim to sense any movement of air. If
the victim is not breathing, they may need their
head repositioned. If they are still not
breathing they need rescue breathing, do not give
unless you are trained, instead, find an adult.
18Four Steps of Victim Assessment
If there is not a pulse, then this person needs
CPR. The best place to check for a pulse is the
carotid artery along the side of the neck along
the windpipe. If you are not trained in CPR, then
find someone who is.
19Four Steps of Victim Assessment
If the victim is bleeding, then provide the
necessary care. If not, then begin a secondary
Complete filling in MWS 2 RAP ABCH Flowchart
20Lesson One Review
First aid is a first-response activity, nothing
more. Its sole goal is to maintain the injured
person until they get professional help. First
priority Safety for all! Blood from a cut or
torn vein will flow, a cut artery will
spurt. Fill out the True-False Questions on Page
21Lesson One True-False Questions MWS 1, Pg. 199
T F 5. Checking the victim, calling for help,
and giving care are three steps in treating
someone who has been seriously hurt or ill. T F
6. It is ok to move someone who is seriously hurt
to make them feel better. T F 7. Knowing first
aid could save a life, and applying first aid
should be accompanied with prayer.
22Lesson One True-False Questions MWS 1, Pg. 199
T F 8. The groove to the side of the neck
(carotid artery) is a good place to check the
pulse. T F 9. Calling for help may be the most
important thing that you do to help the victim. T
F 10. First aid is the temporary care that you
give until professional help arrives.
Complete requirements 1, 2, 3 and 4 if you have
not done so already - (Page 195)
23Lesson Two
24Lesson Two Objectives Choking, Shock and
Weather- Related Ailments
- Review Victim Assessment from lesson 1
- Explain and Demonstrate how to treat for shock.
- Explain and Demonstrate the Heimlich maneuver and
abdominal thrusts. - Explain the treatment for hot- and
cold-weather-related injuries or ailments.
25RAP ABCH Review
DR Workbook MWS 3, Pg. 201
- Safety is the primary concern.
- R Responsiveness (Is the victim conscious?)
- A Activate EMS or 911
- P Position (no spinal injury, position
according to injury) - A Airway (is it blocked? Check head position)
26RAP ABCH Review
DR Workbook MWS 3, Pg. 201
- B Breathing (is the victim breathing? Check!)
- C Circulation (Is there a pulse? Check!)
- H Hemorrhaging (Is the victim bleeding?)
- Perform secondary survey. Examine the victim for
other injuries and wait for medical attention to
27Heimlich Maneuver
- Used only when the victim is conscious and is
unable to breath or cough. - Victim coughing, encourage to continue.
- If the victim goes unconscious, use Abdominal
28Heimlich Maneuver
DR Workbook Requirement 7a, Page 196
- Stand behind victim.
- Wrap arms around victims waist and not around
the ribs. - Make a fist and place the thumb side of your fist
just slightly above the navel. - Grab your fist with your other hand.
29Heimlich Maneuver
DR Workbook Requirement 7a, Page 196
- Press into the victims stomach with five quick
upward thrusts. Each thrust should have a pause
in between. - After every five thrusts, recheck the victim.
Repeat until the object has been dislodged of
until the victim loses consciousness.
Time To Practice!
30Abdominal Thrusts
DR Workbook Requirement 7b, Page 196
- Place victim on his or her back.
- Straddle the victim by sitting on their thighs.
- Place the heel of one hand just slightly above
their navel. Your fingers should be angled
slightly upward, pointed toward the victims head.
31Abdominal Thrusts
DR Workbook Requirement 7b, Page 196
- Grasp your hand by placing your other hand on top
and lacing your fingers into the first hand. - Press inward and upward with five quick thrusts.
Each thrust should have a pause in between.
32Abdominal Thrusts
DR Workbook Requirement 7b, Page 196
- After every five thrusts, recheck the victim.
Repeat until the object has been dislodged or
until you are relieved by another person or an
EMT. - Perform finger sweep after each set of five
Time To Practice!
33Preserve Body Heat
Head and Shoulders
Page 202
Eight to Twelve
Small Water
Fluids Conscious Burned
34Shock - Treatment
DR Workbook, Question 5a, Page 195 Question 11,
Page 201
- Preserve body heat by placing a blanket or cover
over the victim. Provide insulation, or move the
victim, if possible, to a warmer environment.
35Shock - Treatment
36 Shock - Treatment
DR Workbook, Requirement 5b, Page 196
Allergic Reaction
First Question Is shock the result of an
allergic reaction? If the shock is the result of
an allergic reaction, then follow victim's
instructions for treating allergy and monitor the
"ABCHs" until medical attention arrives.
37 Shock - Treatment
DR Workbook, Requirement 5b, Page 196
- Spinal injury do not move the victim.
- If result of a head injury or if victim has
difficulty breathing, elevate head and shoulders
by placing a pillow or blanket under head. - If the victim is unconscious or vomiting, then
turn the victim on their left side so the stomach
is on the left side of the body.
38 Shock - Treatment
DR Workbook, Question 5b, Page 196
- If no, elevate legs eight to twelve inches off
the ground. - If less then two hours from medical care, then do
not give fluids (except to those who are
conscious and are severely burned). - If no, give small and periodic amounts of water
(only if conscious). - Wait for medical attention to arrive.
39Weather Related Emergencies
- Weather related emergencies include
- Hyperthermia Heat related, body unable to cool
itself - Heat Exhaustion Skin cold clammy, person alert
- Heatstroke Skin hot, altered state of awareness
- Hypothermia Cold related, body unable to warm
itself - Frostbite Freezing of the extremities (fingers
toes) - Frostnip First stage of freezing outer layers of
40Weather Related Emergencies
Treatment for Hyperthermia
Question 13. Pg. 201 The body is unable to
List below on page 196, Requirement 6a.
- Move person into a cool place remove any excess
clothing cool victim with either water, fanning,
or cool packs under the armpits or groin wait
for medical attention, in the case of heatstroke.
41Weather Related Emergencies
Treatment for Hypothermia
DR Workbook Question 14, pg. 201
The core body temperature drops below
42Weather Related Emergencies
Treatment for Hypothermia
DR Workbook Question 6b, Pg. 196
- Move the victim out of the cold handle the
victim carefully replace wet clothes with dry
clothes. - You may need to be forceful verbally to get the
individual to comply - Insulate from the cold with layered clothing
and/or an insulated sleeping bag.
43Lesson 2 Review Questions
True-False Questions MWS 3, Pg. 201
T F 15. Hyperthermia occurs when the body loses
the ability to cool itself and overheats. T F
16. When you have frostbite, rub the hands
together slowly to warm them up. T F 17.
Hypothermia occurs when the body loses its
ability to keep itself warm. T F 18. Shock may
occur with any injury, illness, or trauma.
44Lesson 2 Review Questions
True-False Questions MWS 3, Pg. 201
T F 19. Itching eyes is a sign of
hypothermia. T F 20. Clammy skin is a sign of
heat exhaustion. 21. Describe the treatment
needed for the following scenario You have come
to an accident scene, and the victim is sitting
on the curb. He of she seems a little upset, is
shivering, and there is some discoloration of the
skin. How do you treat this person?
Check RAP ABCH. Cover with blanket. Ask if it
is an allergic reaction. Seek medical attention.
45Lesson Three
46Lesson Three Objectives
- Explain and demonstrate first aid for a cut.
- Explain how to treat a blister.
- Explain and demonstrate first aid for a puncture
wound. - Explain and demonstrate first aid for arterial
bleeding of an arm or leg. - Explain and demonstrate how to stop bleeding.
47Blister Treatment
DR Workbook, Requirement 8b, page 196
- Remove the object or clothing that is causing the
blister. - Wash with warm water and soap.
- Use a sterile needle to pop the blister at its
base and drain. - Place a donut-shaped piece of mole foam around it
to keep it from further irritation.
48Blister Treatment
DR Workbook, Page 203 Bleeding and Wounds
- Treating a Blister
- Remove footwear then
- The best place to pop the blister is
- tear off the roof of the blister.
- The best way to prevent blisters is to wear
fitted footwear.
wash the blister with warm water and soap.
at the base.
Do not
49Puncture Wound Treatment
Dr Workbook, Requirement 8c, page 197
- Larger wounds - never remove barriers (may cause
wound to bleed again). - Wash gently with outward strokes to move dirt and
bacteria away from wound. - Use a stream of water to flush it out. Dry
carefully, apply antibacterial ointment (for
small wounds) and sterile bandage.
50Puncture Wound Treatment
DR Workbook, Page 203 Question 2
- Treating punctures
- If the object has already been removed, treat the
wound based on the type of that
has occurred. - The object acts as a and should not be
- The most important thing is to keep the object
51Minor Cut Treatment
DR Workbook, Requirement 8a, page 196
- Wash hands with soap and water.
- Apply direct pressure to the cut until it stops
bleeding. - Gently wash with soap and water and rinse it for
a few minutes. - Pat dry and add a bandage with small dab of
ointment on it.
52Arterial Bleeding
DR Workbook Requirement 8d, page 197
- Check RAP ABCH first.
- Try to stop the bleeding using direct pressure.
- If the bleeding stops, treat for shock.
- If not, then Elevate that part of the body above
the victim's heart and continue with direct
53Arterial Bleeding
DR Workbook Requirement 8d, page 197
- If the bleeding stops, treat for shock. If not,
then Locate a pressure point and continue to
apply direct pressure. - The pressure points are located in the upper arm
and where the leg joins the hip.
54Arterial Bleeding
DR Workbook Requirement 8d, page 197
- If the bleeding stops, treat for shock. If not,
then Seek immediate medical assistance. - Never use a tourniquet. This is no longer a
recommended treatment.
55Preventing Infection
DR Workbook, Page 203 Question 3
- How to prevent infection and treat bleeding.
- The best way to prevent infection is to
the wound. - Fill out the flow chart (next slide).
- use a tourniquet.
Direct Pressure
Do Not
Victims Heart
Page 204
Pressure Point
57Lesson 3 Review Questions
True or False, MWS 5, Page 203
T F 4. A foot blister occurs because of the
constant rubbing of clothing of equipment against
the skin. T F 5. Most wounds can be card for
by applying direct pressure, cleaning, applying
medicine, and applying a bandage. T F 6. A
tourniquet is a good and safe way to control
bleeding at a camp-out. T F 7. Arterial
bleeding is considered a simple wound.
58Lesson 3 Review Questions
True or False, MWS 5, Page 203
T F 8. A deep puncture wound is not serious
and does not need to be treated by a doctor. T F
9. Applying ointment is not a method to control
bleeding from a large wound.
Lets Practice
59Lesson Four
60Lesson Four Objectives
- Explain and demonstrate how to respond to
poisonings. - Explain and demonstrate first aid for insect
bites. - Explain how to remove a splinter from a finger.
- Explain how to treat poisonings.
Use MWS 8 Poisons and Bites Flowchart, Pg. 206
- Poisons can enter the body one of four ways
- Inhalation
- Ingestion
- Injection
- Absorption
62Page 195
63Poisoning Treatment
DR Workbook Question 9c, Page 197
- Absorbed, like Poison ivy,
- Immediately wash the area with soap and water.
- Then take a cool bath and apply calamine lotion.
- If it spreads and painful, then seek medical
64Poisoning Treatment
DR Workbook Question 9c, Page 197
- Poisonous injections i.e. Snakebites,
- Identify the snake, if possible.
- Then clean the bite with soap and water and keep
bite below heart level. - Seek medical attention.
65Poisoning Treatment
DR Workbook Question 9c, Page 197
- If the poison is inhaled or swallowed
- Check "ABCH" and treat for shock.
- Seek medical attention and call the Poison
Control Center - 1-800-222-1222
66Insect Bite or Sting Treatment
DR Workbook Question 9a, Pg. 197
- If possible, try to catch the spider or insect
without risk to you. - Check to see if the stinger is in the skin.
- If not, Clean the area, apply ice to reduce
67Insect Bite or Sting Treatment
DR Workbook Question 9a, Pg. 197
- If stinger is found, gently scrape the stinger
out of the wound using a plastic card or
fingernail, pulling away from the wound to
minimize amount of toxin released into the body. - Do not squeeze stinger. Treat wound as a minor
68Insect Bite or Sting Treatment
DR Workbook Question 9a, Pg. 197
- Next, check to see if the victim is allergic to
the bite. - Look for signs of shock and swelling.
- If no, then seek medical attention or an adult
for assistance. - If yes, check ABCH, treat for shock, and
immediately seek medical attention.
69Splinters and Ticks - Treatment
DR Workbook Question 9b, Pg. 197
- Use tweezers to carefully remove.
- If splinter breaks, use sterilized tweezers.
- Remove remainder of splinter, and treat wound as
a minor cut.
70Splinters and Ticks - Treatment
DR Workbook MWS 7, Question 1, Pg. 205
- Treating a splinter.
- Remove as much of the splinter as
- If the splinter breaks off, sterilize the
- cut into the skin.
Do not
71Splinters and Ticks - Treatment
DR Workbook MWS 7, Question 2, Pg. 205
- Treating a tick.
- Do not yank the tick out, but pull
it out. - After removing the tick, the area
and watch for - Contact medical attention if swelling,
or persists.
Page 195
73Lesson 4 Review Questions
True or False, MWS 7, Page 205
T F 3. To remove a tick, just yank it off of
your body. T F 4. Call the Poison Control
Center if poison is swallowed or inhaled. T F
5. For a snakebite, slice the wound, suck out the
venom, and spit it out. T F 6. To remove the
oils that rub onto the body from poison ivy,
poison oak, or poison sumac, you should change
your clothes and wash thoroughly.
74Lesson 4 Review Questions
True or False, MWS 7, Page 205
T F 7. Tweezers are needed to remove a
splinter. T F 8. A plastic card could be used
to remove a stinger from an insect bite.
Lets Play the Progressive Skills Game
75Lesson Five
76Lesson Five Objectives
- Demonstrate and explain first aid for simple
burns. - Assemble a personal first aid kit.
- Learn where a first aid kit should be stored.
77Degree of Burn
First Degree Burn
Epidermis Dermis Hypodermis
Second Degree Burn
Third Degree Burn
78Burns Degrees of Burns
DR Workbook MWS 9 Question 1, Pg. 207
- First-degree burn
- Only the top layer of skin is
- The skin is only mildly
- There is only a little
- These burns usually within a week.
79First-Degree Burn
Redness (Erythema)
First Degree Burn Damage to the outer layer of
skin (epidermis), causing pain, redness, and
Epidermis Dermis Hypodermis
80Burns Degrees of Burns
DR Workbook MWS 9 Question 2, Pg. 207
- Second-degree burn
- layers of skin are burned.
- The skin has a
appearance. - There is greater swelling, and there are
- These burns take up to three weeks to heal and
should be attended by a
spotty or blotchy
81Second-Degree Burn
Second Degree Burn Damage to both outer skin and
underlying tissue layers (epidermis and dermis),
causing pain, redness, swelling, and blistering.
Blisters (Bulla)
82Burns Degrees of Burns
DR Workbook MWS 9 Question 3, Pg. 207
- Third-degree burn
- layers of skin are burned.
- There is discoloration.
- Some skin may be
- These burns can be
life threatening.
83Third-Degree Burn
Full thickness burn with tissue damage
Third Degree Burn Damage extends deeper into
tissues (epidermis, dermis, and hypodermis)
causing extensive tissue destruction. The skin
may feel numb.
84Heat Burn Treatment
DR Workbook Question 10a, Pg. 197
- Go through RAP ABCH first, then ask if burn was
caused by heat. - Determine degree and amount of burn.
- If it is a third-degree burn or large
second-degree burn, use the ABCH, then treat
for shock. - Do not attempt to pull off the clothing because
skin may come with it.
85Heat Burn Treatment
DR Workbook Question 10a, Pg. 197
- Cut it off if attached to the skin.
- Apply a sterile dressing and elevate.
- Seek immediate medical attention.
- Burn is first-degree or small second-degree,
apply cold water/compress until pain stops. - If you must use ice, provide a barrier.
- Do not apply an ointment.
86Chemical Burn Treatment
DR Workbook Question 10b, Pg. 198
- Determine if burn was caused by a dry chemical.
- If so, brush it off, remove clothing, wash area
fifteen to twenty minutes. - If not caused by dry chemical, remove clothing
and jewelry, wash area for fifteen to twenty
minutes. - Seek medical attention in both cases.
87Electrical Burn Treatment
DR Workbook Question 10c, Pg. 198
- If burn is not chemical, then its an electrical
burn. - Is victim in contact with electrical source, are
you at risk. - If yes, ask adult to turn off power.
- May entail calling 911 to have then call
appropriate person. - Treatment same as heat burn.
88Electrical Burn Treatment
DR Workbook Question 10c, Pg. 198
- In all cases, monitor wound for signs of
infection. - Large wounds seek medical attention to reduce
risk of infection. - Serious burn, monitor for signs of shock.
Pg. 209
90First Aid Kit
DR Workbook MWS 9, Pg. 207
- Container To keep all first aid items in one
common container. - Gauze Pads -To cover wounds and prevent
infection. - Roll Bandage -To stabilize strains and sprains
and cover wounds. - Triangular Bandage -To cover wounds and prevent
infection .
91First Aid Kit
DR Workbook MWS 9, Pg. 207
- Bandages -To stop minor bleeding and prevent
infection. - Adhesive Tape -To secure bandages to wounds.
- Antibacterial Ointment -To prevent infection on
small cuts.
92First Aid Kit
DR Workbook MWS 9, Pg. 207
- Calamine Lotion -To prevent itching.
- Soap -To clean minor wounds and cuts and to
prevent infection. - Latex Gloves -To protect the rescuer from
infection and blood pathogens.
93First Aid Kit
DR Workbook MWS 9, Pg. 207
- Bandage Scissors -To cut gauze and bandages.
- Tweezers -To pull splinters.
- Moleskin -To protect blisters and prevent
Now transfer to page 198, Question 11a
94First Aid Kit
DR Workbook Question 11b, Pg. 198
Where should a first aid kit be placed?
- It should be placed in a visible location near
the center of the activities. Everyone should be
aware of its location.
95Lesson 5 Review Questions
True or False, MWS 9, Page 208
T F 17. A first-degree burn should be cooled
using ice, not water. T F 18. When helping a
victim with a chemical burn, quickly rinse the
burn for a few seconds. T F 19. You should
remove clothing from a burn, even if it is
sticking, so you can treat it more effectively. T
F 20. When approaching a victim or electrical
burns, you should make sure the power is off.
96Lesson 5 Review Questions
True or False, MWS 9, Page 208
T F 21. Duck tape is an important item in a
first aid kit. T F 22. Large second-degree
burns are just as dangerous as third-degree burns.
Lets Play Scenarios
Make sure all work is completed in your
Workbook. Have your commander sign off on each
completed advancement. God Bless You and lets