Title: Forklift Sales in Toronto
1We will provide excellent service to all of our
2Professional Evaluation and Fleet Management
3Lifts and Trucks
4Forklifts sales in Toronto
- Forklift is a truck with more powers than a
- normal truck. Most of us perhaps have a
- common idea of what a forklift is, but there
- are a number of different classifications,
- sizes, uses, new technologies etc. A forklift
- is a machinery which is used to lift and move
- heavy loads or on constructions site.
5Loading Amount of Forklift
- Forklifts can lift loads in amount of
- thousands of pounds, forklift work long
- hours each day moving and lifting heavy
- loads. Mast is one of the most important
- parts of the Forklift. A mast is a part which
- works to increase or decrease the load on
- the wheels of forklift.
6Do You Know which type of Fuel used in Forklift?
- The forklift can be fueled with various forms
- of fuels i.e. LPG, diesel, electric etc.
7Do You Know ?
- A single person can be operated forklift very
- easily. Front part of the forklift contains a
- seat for the driver with steering wheel and
- Control operations to load and unload the
- goods. If you buy a forklift is surely a benefit
- to you. Forklift will save your efforts and
- expenditure of a load carrier as well.
8Stock TT10012
Make / Model Yale/GLP050VX
Capacity 5000 lbs
Year 2006
Power LPG
Mast Type Triplex
Lowered Height 84
Raised Height 189
Free Lift Full
Attachment sideshifter
Number of hydraulic functions 3
Fuel LPG
Description LPG pneumatic rider, certified
type Counterbalance Rider
Transmission type Automatic
Hours 6046
Engine type Mazda
Counterbalance Rider
9Stock TT10022
Make / Model Toyota/7FBCA30
Capacity 6000 lbs
Year 2007
Power electric 36V
Mast Type Triplex
Lowered Height 83
Raised Height 189
Free Lift Full
Attachment None
Number of hydraulic functions 4
Fuel Electric
Description Low hour 4 wheel sit down electric rider
type 4 wheel electric
Transmission type None
Hours 3206 Drive
Engine type None
4 wheel sit down electric rider
10Stand on end counterbalance
Stock TT10008
Make / Model Yale/ESC030AB
Capacity 3000 lbs
Year 2006
Power electric 24V
Mast Type Simplex
Lowered Height 83
Raised Height 128
Free Lift Minimal
Attachment sideshifter
Number of hydraulic functions 3
Fuel Electric
Description Stand on end counterbalance, very low hours
type Stand On End Control
Transmission type None
Hours 1106
Engine type None
11Dont think Contact us
- Address 115 Rivalda Rd North York, ON M9M
2M6 - Phone No. (416) 745-2424
- Email info_at_titanmaterialhandling.ca