Title: Intrapartum fetal monitoring for undergraduate
Zagazig University, EGYPT
2 The three unique risk factors for fetus during labor
Factor of uterine contraction
Factor of cord accident
Factor of head compression
3 Factor of uterine contraction
Let us see what happen to oxygenation and blood supply of the fetal brain during a uterine contraction?
De-oxy-Hb 0.79micromol/100Gm of brain
Oxy Hb 0.19 micromol/100Gm of brain
CerebralO2 saturation 9
Cerebral blood volume 0.33 ml/100Gm of
In spite of this slightly worrying picture,
Nothing harmful effect happen if
fetus is healthy
labor contraction are normal
Placenta has adequate reserve
5 Fetal distress, birth asphxia are likely to occur if
The fetus is already compromised antenatally---even with normal uterine contraction
The uterine contraction are exaggerated------even with healthy fetus and adequate placental reserve
6 Factor of cord accident
Only during labor cord prolapse ,presentation and entanglements become apparent either by compression or stretch secondary to uterine contraction
7 Factor of head compression
Some degree of compression is inevitable during normal labor But
Excessive compression over long period causing supermoulding
as in obstructed labor
may cause fetal hypoxia
8 Methods available for fetal monitering in labor
Intermittent auscultation
CTG Fetal electrocardiography
Scalp stimulation
Vibroacoustic stimulation
Fetal scalp sampling ? PH determination
Fetal pulse oximetry
9 Important definations
Hypoxia Decreased po2 level in tissues.
Hypoxima Decreased po2 level in blood.
Acidosis Decreased PH in tissues.
Acidemia Decreased PH in blood.
Ashyxia Hypoxia with metabolic acidosis.
10 Aim of intrapertum fetal monitering
1- to detect the earliest stages of hypoxia or even (hypoxic acidemia ) so therapy can be directed to prevent asphyxia and asphyxial damage( e.g Cerebral palsy)
2-To Improve perinatal morbidity mortality
11 What is Cardiotocography(CTG)?
It is a paper record of the continuous FHR blotted simultaneously with a record of uterine activity
Ultrasound (cardio)
12 External monitoring
Doppler ultrasound transducer
13 Internal monitoring 14 What is Admission test ?
Ideally every fetus every fetus should be screened by CTG for a short period (20 min) right on admission in labor.
From nature of the trace determine
Intensity of monitoring Whether the case should be monitored clinically or by CTG
Duration and frequency of monitoring Whether the case should be covered by CTG continuously or intermittently
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