Title: John Does EPortfolio
1 Welcome to
2E-Portfolio Home Page
Table of Contents
- Awards
- Interests
- Community Activities
- and Volunteer Work
- References
- Business Card
- In Conclusion
- Cover Letter
- Objective
- Resume
- Sample Work
- Experience
- Education
- Transferable Skills
- Technical Skills
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3Cover Letter
- 123 Main Street
- Santa Ana, CA 92706
- Saturday, October 10, 2009
- Software Creations Unlimited
- 345 Main Street
- Santa Ana, CA 92706
- Dear Mr. Jones
- I would like to apply for the Programmer
Specialist position that you recently advertised
in the Orange County Register. - My research has indicated that your company is
one of the most innovative organizations in the
field of entertainment software. I have been
looking for a company that develops
state-of-the-art entertainment software where my
background in programming can be an asset. To
assist in this endeavor, I have worked as a
computer programmer for many years and have also
taken numerous college level courses in the
fields of programming, graphic design, web page
and site development and database organization. - Please refer to the Experience, Technical
Skills and Sample Work sections of my
multimedia resume. In the Sample Work section
several of my works are listed for your
reference. - I would appreciate a personal interview with you
at your convenience to discuss employment
opportunities that are mutually beneficial. You
can reach me at my cell phone number, (949)
444-3333. I am looking forward to hearing from
you. - Sincerely yours,
- Seeking a computer specialist position in an
entertainment software company where my extensive
computer and management skills will assure
successful operations and positive visibility.
5Sample Work
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6Literature Creations My Mother
A mother casts her dreams into the sea We, the
words sent bobbing towards the sun, The eggs of
stone, the shards of prophesy. Because she must
conclude her melody And fall back to the sweet
dark hush of One, A mother casts her dreams into
the sea, Hoping to cross that wild infinity And
on some infant shore again to run, The eggs of
stone, the shards of prophesy Outside the fiery
circle of memory, The howling surf, the incessant
years undone A mother casts her dreams into the
sea And then dissolves into a tapestry, Her
rolling, helpless drift again begun, The eggs of
stone, the shards of prophesy A float once more
upon eternity, Once more the alien fury, never
done Again, again, her dreams into the sea, The
eggs of stone, the shards of prophesy! John Doe
7Digital Design Kyoto
- This computer graphic was created while I was
studying computer graphics at Santa Ana College. - It has been published on Santa Ana Colleges web
site at (http//www.sac.edu) under the Art
10Transferable Skills
11Technical Skills
- Computer Games
- Movies
- Music
- Art
- Building Computers
- Traveling
- Jogging
14Community Activity and Volunteer Work
15Languages Spoken
- English
- Spanish
- Vietnamese
17Business Card
John Doe Extensive Computer and Management Skills
Ensuring Positive Visibility
Phone Numbers Work (714) 666-2222 Home
(949) 555-9876 Cell (949) 444-3333 Fax
(714) 777-6666
Programmer/Analyst Hewlett-Packard 123 Main
Street Santa Ana, CA 92706
Web Sites Home Page
http//sacacc.sac.edu Resume Web Address
E-mail Personal jdoe_at_eartlink.net
18In Conclusion
Thank you for viewing my E-Portfolio. I am
looking forward to hearing from you soon, and the
possibility of working collaboratively with your
19The End
EOPS Certificate of Appreciation