Title: Lessons from some of Ontario’s most famous entrepreneurs
1 Lessons from Ontarios Most Famous Entrepreneurs
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2Being willing to start at the bottom and learn
may be a more important factor to success in
entrepreneurship than it gets credit for.
John A. McCluskey President and CEO Alamos Gold
Lessons from Ontarios Most Famous Entrepreneurs
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3There was a point where I thought, 'I'm thinking
too small. Sure, I don't understand the next
step I haven't been there before. But I have to
stop being concerned about going to a place I
haven't been yet.
Ann Kaplan President and CEO iFinanceCanada
Lessons from Ontarios Most Famous Entrepreneurs
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4Innovation is at the heart of every
game-changing entrepreneurs success. Its a way
of being and one that made Johns vision of
prosperity in the gold mining industry a
- Colleen McMorrow
- Partner
- Ernst Young LLP
Lessons from Ontarios Most Famous Entrepreneurs
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5Arguably the most important thing we can do for
the country right now is to create an environment
that helps entrepreneurs succeed on a global
Trent Henry, Canadian chairman, CEO in Ernst
Lessons from Ontarios Most Famous Entrepreneurs
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Lessons from Ontarios Most Famous Entrepreneurs
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