Title: Non-Profit Fundraising: Is Multi-Channel Worth the Hype?
1- Non-Profit Fundraising
- Is Multi-Channel Worth the Hype?
2Non-Profit Fundraising
- Using multi-channels for non-profit fundraising
is a trend not likely to change any time soon.
- As new communication vehicles and technologies
surface, it makes sense non-profit organizations
will stay ahead of the curve and use all the
tools and resources available to them.
- Multi-channel fundraising means a non-profit uses
a variety of communication mediums to convey
messages to its audiences.
- Instead of focusing solely on traditional
communication vehicles, multi-channel fundraising
uses the full-spectrum of whats available today.
- It revolves around the preferences of the
non-profits constituent and makes use of both
traditional and new options.
3Non-Profit Fundraising
Common Channels in Non-Profit Fundraising
- Direct Mail.
- You may have gotten the impression or even read
that direct mail is dead. - Its true online channels have increased
tremendously in popularity. However, direct mail
is still a significant channel for non-profit
fundraising. - Examples include post cards, newsletters and
other forms of mail distributed through the
postal service. -
- Internet.
- Non-profit fundraising uses the Internet in a
wide range of ways. - Examples include e-mail, newsletters, blogs, RSS
feeds, social media and more. - However, the most important Internet
communication channel for non-profit fundraising
is the organizations own website. - In some cases, the non-profit may put more effort
into other Internet sub-channels than it does its
own website.
4Non-Profit Fundraising
Common Channels in Non-Profit Fundraising
- Phone.
- Like the Internet, the phone offers several
sub-channels for non-profit fundraising. - Advanced technologies expand the phone from a
simple tool for audio conversations to a
sophisticated communication tool. - Todays phones offer mobile communications, text
messaging, mobile Internet and more. -
- Face-to-face.
- In non-profit fundraising, its important to not
let technology replace people interaction. - Conversations can be powerful and must never be
excluded from a multi-channel program. - They can take place one-on-one or in group
5Non-Profit Fundraising
- Challenges in Multi-Channel Communications
- Having a variety of channels creates
opportunities to reach an increasing number of
constituents. But, with more options available
come more difficult choices. - For example,
- What channel is best for conveying a certain
message? - What channels do each constituent segment prefer?
- Whats the best combination of message, channel
and preference for each communication? - How can you overcome these challenges?
- Several tools exist to help in non-profit
6Non-Profit Fundraising
- Challenges in Multi-Channel Communications
- Constituent preferences.
- Most donor management systems will allow you to
indicate contact preferences. - The system can categorize constituents based on
how they prefer to receive communications, such
as via e-mail, phone or direct mail. -
- Web analytics.
- This tool gathers information about constituent
behavior so it can make better decisions about
non-profit fundraising. - By learning about its constituents, the
organization can determine the most effective
appeals and the most used channels. -
- Social networking.
- Easy and economical, fundraising efforts should
include setting up a social networking page. - It helps establish a community for constituents
to communicate your mission.
7Non-Profit Fundraising
- Challenges in Multi-Channel Communications
- Multi-channel incoming communications.
- Just as you distribute multi-channel
communications to your constituents, its
important you allow them to communicate back to
you using a variety of channels. - For example, in a single communication, you
should give the recipient the option to call,
e-mail, visit your website or send a postcard. - Make it as easy as possible to engage your
organization. -
- Consistent messaging.
- Often multi-channel fundraising results in
multiple messages being conveyed. - You risk confusing constituents and possibly
reducing donations. - Its critical your overall message remain
consistent regardless of the channel you use.
8Non-Profit Fundraising
- Non-profit fundraising in todays competitive
environment requires strategic messaging that
builds a strong, comprehensive annual fund
program and a pipeline to major giving. - IPM Advancement works exclusively with non-profit
organizations and brings expertise, energy, and
resources dedicated to helping you raise the
money needed to support your mission. -
- With over 75-years of fundraising experience, the
IPM Advancement team brings deep knowledge of
what works to build the strongest relationships
and raise the most money for your organization. - Our success is built around strong direct
marketing messaging that integrates Internet,
phone and mail into a multi-channel approach that
gets results. -
- Whether you choose to use one vehicle or an
integrated multi-channel approach for your
fundraising program, IPM Advancement is dedicated
to helping you raise more money and engage your
supporters in meaningful and creative ways.
9About the Author
Edward Phillips, MBA is Chief Creative Officer of
IPM Advancement, a leading non profit fundraising
company. Visit us at http//www.ipmadvancement.c
om or call 623-687-3908 for more information
about Non-Profit Fundraising.