Mobile App Development has become one of the top technical advancements in the current world. There are various factors that influence the mobile application development and it includes - budget, customers, and demand for that particular app. The mobile app developer need to understand the budget and should have a good knowledge of programming language required for the app development process. Here is a list of some of the most common Smartphone platform and the programs associated to it.
Android OS Program The Android applications are developed with the help of Java programming language. A Developer can start his app creation with the help of an Android SDK (Software Development Kit). To register as an Android developer he/ she need to pay a one-time fee of 25. The starter kit for Android includes development tools, source code, an emulator and lot of sample projects. There are step-by-step process documents, videos, and technical articles available for further reference.
iOS Developer Program To become an iPhone App Developer, the developer need to register himself under the Apples Developer Program. The program comes with a charge of 99 as an annual fee. The developer can build apps based on Objective C, programming language after the registration. There are various tools, guides, test processes in the Apple Development Center for the creation of successful apps.
RIM/ BlackBerry OS Developer program The BlackBerry apps are developed with the Java Micro Edition (ME) programming language. The developer is charged an amount of 200 per 10 apps created and also waiver plans are offered for promotions.
Heres a list of the most common App Development Tools used by Developers
PhoneGap- PhoneGap helps to develop applications with standard HTML, CSS, or JavaScript. The developer can write codes, upload the codes and other files to PhoneGap Build services. PhoneGap supports Android, BlackBerry OS, and Palm.
MotherApp- Mother App develops applications for iOS, Android, BlackBerry, and all other mobile platforms. The Programmer need to be an expert in multiple programming languages instead of a specific one. HTML code is used for creating applications.
Appcelerator Titanium- A very commonly used tools for app creation for the iOS and the Android OS. The Titanium SDK helps in app creation with the help of CSS, HTML or JavaScript code. The developer can build free apps with the help of this tool.
Stacey is a copywriter with Zco Corporation interested in mobile application development and 3D animation.