Title: Knk acting institute
1Kishore Namit Kapoor Acting Institute
Your dream Our Goal Your success our dream
2About us
Kishore Namit Kapoor Acting Institute
We believe in values above everything else and
there is no value greater than service. By
service, we mean contribution to a cause greater
than oneself. The line of work that you have
chosen for yourself requires as much dedication,
honesty and sacrifices as any other path of
service. Above all, one requires compassion and
an astute sense of realism.
We envision a world of aesthetic creators
(Actors) who are bold enough to bare their souls,
the anatomy of their emotions and their
perception of truth. We envision these creators
to not be isolated as entertainers or the
morally quadriplegic.
18 Weeks Course
The Acting Curriculum Covers
- Movement
- Expression Exercises
- Music
- Charactor Study
- Video Practicals
- Theatre
- Advance Acting Techniques
- Futuristic Acting Training
- Cinema Orientation
- Yoga And Meditation
- World Cinema
- Opening Up Exercises
- Dance
- Action (Fighting)
- Diction
- Voice Culture
- Dubbing
- Imagination Exercises
- Memory Exercises
- Speech Variation And Modulation
- Body Language
- Improvisation
4List Alumni
Top stars of bollywood
5Show Reel
6Contact us
No-95, Plot No- D5/D6, Vasundhara
Society,Behind Janaki Devi School, MAHADA, 4
Bungalows, SVP Nagar, Andheri (W), Mumbai
400053Email - actinginstitute_at_yahoo.co.inContac
t Person Mr. Naresh / Ms. JenniferTel 022 -
2636 1626, 2639 8073 Mob 9820036584
7Thank you