Title: Invenory Managment Software
1Inventory Management Software Key Features
2Inventory forms one of the biggest investments in
manufacturing and trading sectors. Huge capital
blocked in inventory, inability to identify
products, multiplicity of products, product
freshness, order of arrival, guarantee/ warranty
periods, handling and a host of related issues
can confound any individual assigned the task of
materials management. The solution lies in
installing a software that will solve these
problems and evolve a system for continuous
operation and evaluation.Inventory Management
Software is an absolutely compatible and
competent application to deal with inventory of
several commercial and non-commercial industries
such as Clothing, Electronics, Aeronautics,
Mechanical, Medical, Hotel, Food, Stationery,
Shoe, Retail Chains, Online Shopping Malls and
other business. It handles invoicing, stock
movement and customer details easily and rapidly
via interactive, user friendly interface.
Inventory Management Software is extremely
economical and a compliant package for all common
window platforms like 98, NT, 2000, XP and Vista.
3Key Features
- Inexpensive, advanced and swift.
- Easy to configure and install
- Complies with all Windows operating systems.
- Inventory Management Software is basically
focused to derive stock balance, sales record,
restore stock, goods record, goods category
distribution, customer order records, invoice,
price system, backup stock, reports
customization, order processing, purchase order,
pay orders and significantly reducing paper work. - The application offers a broad and innovative
inventory management resolution to synchronize
items, stocks, cumulative productivity of stores,
managing sufficient supplies by implanting
modular classification of the entire process. - Inventory management software is best suited to
keep track of the records of sale, purchase and
vendor prices of all the goods stocked in the
system. Inventory package includes specific
features like barcode reading for price
identification, Multi-currency adoption to
identified rates, reports generation for fast,
precise analysis of goods, stock, quantity,
prices, manufacturers, suppliers, vendors and
sales. Expiry alert for various items, print
preview option for flexible, multi-user
compatibility, security with approvals and more.
Like every software inventory management
software is not a total bundle of advantage.
There are disadvantages too. For a small company
the cost overrun of installing such software is
very high. Barcode readers dont come cheap. No
data is reliable unless updations is made
continuously. When a software company walks out
replacement is a laborious process that includes
training and recasting data. Nowadays
updations is carried out on a dynamic basis with
PCs, iPods and Androids which can be connected to
the central unit. Despite these disadvantages the
utility of inventory management software far
outweighs these minor snags. The enormous
quantity of inventory, the capital involved and
the necessity to keep the supply- production-
distribution channel alive is enough for any
right thinking materials personnel to seek out
and latch on to an inventory management software
most appropriate to the performance of the
5Inventory management software
Which software to install? This is not an easy
question to answer. There is a plethora of such
softwares available in the market. Each one with
its own tall claims. Information from industry
sources and similar business. Ventures will be a
right indicator. Besides there are reliable
software consultants who can provide valuable and
relevant data pertaining to the IM software.
981 8282 106 sanganaktechnologies_at_gmail.com