Title: Merchant Account Payment Gateway
1Contest Payments
- Complete Solution To Your High Risk Business
2About Contest Payments
- Contest Payment has been dedicated towards
- providing payment gateways
- Key Features
- Core guiding principles
- Building trust
- Credibility
- Easy Integration
- Fast
- Secure
3Services Provided to industry
- E-Commerce Industry
- High Risk Merchants
- Offshore Merchants
- Highest PCI-DSS Compliance
- Automatic Recurring Billing
- Fraud Prevention
- 24/7 Business Support
- Note1. Service tax will be applicable _at_12.36
.2. Application fee for High Risk merchant
account will be 50. Application fee is non
refundable.3. Rolling reserve will be kept for
High risk merchant accounts as per bank
approval.4. Account Approval is subject to sole
discretion of Processor/Bank/Partner.5. Merchant
will have 100 liability for charge backs and
fraudulent transactions.6. Setup fees and MDR
may vary case to case and bank to bank.
7Contact us now
CONTACT US 91-120-4316175
sales_at_contestpayments.com A4-A5, Logix Park,
Sector 16, Noida.