Title: HPrize
2The End of Cheap Oil
The End of Cheap Oil
2 8 3
4Top 10 Foreign Suppliers of U.S. Oil
5Energy Security?
Mahmood Ahmadinejad, President of Iran Rich
nations should be paying 100 / barrel
- Hugo Chavez, President of Venezuela use
geopolitical power from oil.
6Global Energy Demand to Grow 60 by 2030
Cars line up to buy gas in China's Guangdong
province, August 17, 2005. (China Daily)
Exxon Mobil Energy outlook
7 Demand will require 40 increase in OPEC Oil
8What about ANWR?
U.S. Consumption of Oil (million barrels /day)
Total 27 mb/day
ANWROne mb/day 10 years from now
9The Road Ahead
- Near term
- Conservation measures
- Mid term
- Hybrid, flexible fuel, ethanol methanol,
bio-diesel, better batteries - Long term
- Transitioning to the hydrogen economy
10Why hydrogen?
11Is Hydrogen safe?
Gasoline tank fire
12Our part in theHydrogen Economy
- Commitment
- Collaboration
- Discovery
"to achieving the goal, before this decade is
out, of landing a man on the moon and returning
him safely to the Earth."
Neil Armstrong One small step for man. One
giant step for mankind.
July 20, 1969
Center for Fuel Cell Research
- Hydrogen Storage
- Needs to be about 300 miles
- Fuel Cell Cost
- Now about 110 a kW
- Needs to be about 30 per kW
- H2 Cost
- Now 4 gallon of gas equivalent (gge) Needs to
be about 3 gge.
- The most non-governmental way government can
achieve clear results. - Provides results-based financial incentives to
harness the creative, can-do spirit of Americans.
17H-Prizes 1) Technical Breakthroughs 2)
Prototypes 3) Transformational Technologies
18We can. Because we have.
Transcontinental Railroad last spike on May 10,
1869, at Promontory Summit, Utah
19We can. Because we have.
August 15, 1914 the Panama Canal opened after
nine years of grueling effort
20We can. Because we have.
July 16, 1945, Manhattan project results in first
successful atom bomb test at Trinity Site
21How Long?
- Transcontinental Railroad
- 1863-1869 6 years
- Panama Canal
- 1905-1914 9 years
- Manhattan Project
- 1942-1945 3 years
- Moon Landing
- 1961-1969 8 years
- Hydrogen economy
- 2003 - ?
22We can. Because we must.