Title: Haunted House CYOA
1Haunted House A Create Your Own Adventure
2- You are walking down the road, when you see a
rather creepy looking house on your side. You
notice the door is slightly ajar. - INVESTIGATE! Itll be like Scooby Doo!
- No way you are going in. Just to be safe, lets
cross to the other side of the street.
3Good job, you are brave. You approach the house.
You notice that along with the door being open,
there is a back yard. Go through the door!
Sneak around back.
4- Unfortunately, you cross the road at the wrong
moment. You are hit by a passing car, and you
DIE. - Start over?
5- You have now entered the house. You shine your
light around. Youve got goose bumps, and you
think you hear a whispering noise from up the
stairs. - Find out what it is.
- Keep downstairs. What you cant see cant reach
6- In the backyard, it is like a forest. Do you
wander around out here, or go back inside,
because you know your phones light will die
7You creep up the rickety staircase. To your left
is a bedroom, to your right a bathroom. The
whispering is coming from the bathroom. In
vestigate! Go to the nearest room. Back away
and run
8- Since you decided to stay downstairs, you look
around. The first room down a misty hallway is
the kitchen. For an odd reason, you smell
cookies. But theres no one in the room A
figure emerges. He is wearing a suit, and has no
face. Guess who - Say howdy to Slendy!
- Scream and run like a child.
9- You approach Slenderman in the kitchen. He turns
toward you, and holds in his handsa pan of fresh
cookies. You are completely bewildered. What?
he asks, do they look alright? You nod and take
one from the pan, and it tastes delicious. He
beckons you to follow him. - Follow Slendy!
- Excuse yourself and leave.
10- You stagger back, away from the dark figure. You
stumble, and hit your head on the sharp china
cabinet. All fades to black. YOU FAIL - Go see him?
11- You go to see the mysterious noise in the
bathroom. There is no one in there, and the light
is on. You turn it off, and a girls face appears
in the mirror. - Turn the light back on!!
- See about this face.
12- This house is creeping you out. You briskly back
away from the whispering, only to come to a
sudden death as you fall down the stairs. - You fail
- Redo?
13- You flip the light switch, but it is short
circuited. ELECTRICUTION. And death. - You fail.
- Fix your last moment?
14- You keep the light off but stay tense. The face
in the mirror is Bloody Mary. What are you doing
here, this is my house. Im the prettiest still,
right? - Uh, yeah! Youre gorgeous.
- This is not what you expected to find. Bloody
Mary, a vain beauty queen! - Go downstairs to the kitchen and see slender
man, hell explain everything, she says. Thanks
for calling me pretty. - Go see Slender?
15- You run to the nearest room. It is a bedroom, and
it is pitch black in here. - Turn the light on and stay in here?
- Go to the bathroom instead.
16- You decide to stay outside and risk your only
source of light dying. Walking around, you see
something moving behind a tree. - See what it is?
- Sit out in the dark alone.
17- You just sit outside in fetal position and die by
being eaten by every mosquito in the world. Boo
you. - Make a better/braver decision?
18- You walk towards the rustling, and a figure runs
on all fours toward you. It howls. A werewolf!!!
Except, instead of eating you, it comes up
holding a water bowl in its mouth. It has those
cute puppy-dog eyes, and nudges you. - Go get it some water!
- Don't.
19- You walk with Slendy, and he tells you, "The
ghosts and legends you find here are actually not
as bad as we seem. We're all just misunderstood.
I see you are carrying a water bowl, is that for
a friendly werewolf in the back? - "Y-yess," you say skittishly.
- "Don't be afraid of me, or the werewolf. Our
barks are worse than our bites. - the werewolf, now appearing as a cute puppy, runs
up beside you and Slender. - "We ghouls of the house are having a dinner in a
few, want to come?" Slendy asks.
20- You choose not to get this surprisingly adorable
werewolf some water. It runs away, with one last
sad look, and you are once again left alone
outside, and lost in this forest-like backyard. - Again, and this time dont succumb to animal
21- You bring the water bowl to the kitchen, and you
see a mysterious shadowy figure. It is wearing a
suit, and has NO FACE. Slendy! - Go see him
- Continue what you are doing, and ignore him.
22- You choose to ignore slender, but you are shaky,
as he might just eat you. You walk over to fill
up the water bowl in the sink, but you can't seem
to find it. You feel the wooden floor underneath
you creak and rattle, and CRASH. You fall through
the floor and get stabbed by a wood piece and
die. - Try again?
23- You are insanely hungry, after all of your
adventuring this night. You agree to dinner, and
Slender leads you to a dining room. Inside, you
see you are definitely not alone. At the table,
there are urban legends and creeps of all sorts.
You know they are all apparently 'nice' but you
still can't help but be thankful you didn't run
into them by yourself. You have a scrumptious
meal with them. Afterwards, Slender shows you out
of the house with what you assume would be a
smile if he had a face. - Go home
- Go to the mental hospital, because you clearly
have gone crazy.
24- You decline the request, and Slender shrugs.
"Suit yourself." - You are shown the way out of the house, and
decide to go eat at a Waffle House. It is night
time, in the city, and you get mugged and killed.
Should have gone to dinner. - Try again, and this time be courteous!
25- You end up telling your adventure to the
psychiatrist at the mental hospital, and he
classifies you as 'mentally ill'. The rest of
your life is to be in a padded cell. - Try again?
26You go straight to your house. You are full, and
strangely happy. You will never tell anyone about
this insane night. You note that next time you
are reading an urban legend and are getting
scared, just remember Slenderman's glorious
cookies. Congratulations, you have finished
this adventure.