Title: Details about Finpecia
1Details about Finpecia
2Finpecia (Finasteride) is used in the treatment
of male pattern hair loss and each tablet
contains 1mg of active Finasteride.
3The main reason for the men pattern acute hair
loss is the increased amounts of scalp and serum
DHT concentration.
4Finpecia is suitable for the men suffering from
mild to moderate hair loss. It's also used for
the treatment of benign prostatic hyperplasia
(BPH) in men.
5Its recommended to take one tablet of Finpecia 1
mg orally once a day before or after the meals.
Dont expect instant result. It will show the
result if you continue for 3 months. If you
discontinue with it you will lose the hair loss
what you have gained during the tenure.
6As we all know that every medicine has got its
expiry date. Finpecia is best before 18 months.
If you take this medicine after the expiry date
it may cause a serious health problems.
7So if you think you are suffering from acute hair
loss then Finasteride 1mg is the medicine you
should opt which can help you to prevent hair
8For more query visit www.finpecia.de