Title: Indraprastha Gas Ltd - Company Information & SWOT Analysis
1Indraprastha Gas Ltd - Company Information SWOT
- Indraprastha Gas Limited, promoted by GAIL
(INDIA) Ltd and Bharat Petroleum Corporation Ltd
(BPCL), is a distributor of natural gas to
consumers in the domestic, transport and
commercial sectors. IGL is a sole supplier of
Compressed Natural Gas (CNG) to the automotive
sector and Piped Natural Gas (PNG) to the
domestic and commercial sector in national
capital territory of Delhi. The company has a
network of 278 CNG stations and 1, 22,000
domestic and 300 commercial PNG customers. Today,
over 80 of the gas is sold as CNG to the auto
sector with the balance as piped natural gas to
domestic and commercial users. Currently, the
estimated number of vehicles using CNG is over
4.50 lakhs in the capital region. IGL has
provided PNG connections to 2.45 lakhs domestic
and more than 500 commercial industrial
customers as on March 31, 2011. With the Company
growing its footprints to other cities to expand
its gas distribution network, IGL is well
prepared to handle escalating demand of gas in
the country.
3Table of Contents
- 1. Snapshot 1.1 Company Details 1.2 Company
Address 1.3 Price Information 1.4 Company
Size 1.5 Company vs Sensex 2. Financial
Highlights 2.1 Key Financials (in USD) 2.2 Key
Ratios 2.3 Market Cues 3. Profile 3.1
Background 3.2 Business Segments of the Company
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