Title: Random Series / White Noise
1 Random Series / White Noise
- WN (white noise) uncorrelated
- iid
- independent and identically distributed
- Yt iid N(m, s) Random Series
- et iid N(0, s) White Noise
3Data Generation
- Independent observations at every t from
- the normal distribution (m, s)
4Identification of WN Process
- How to determine if data are from WN process?
5Tests of Randomness - 1
- Timeplot of the Data
- Check trend
- Check heteroscedasticity
- Check seasonality
6Generating a Random Series Using Eviews
- Command nrnd generates a RND N(0, 1)
7Test of Randomness - 2 Correlogram
8Scatterplot and Correlation Coefficient - Review
9Autocorrelation Coefficient
- Definition
- The correlation coefficient between Yt and
Y(t-k) is called the autocorrelation coefficient
at lag k and is denoted as rk . By definition,
r0 1. - Autocorrelation of a Random Series
- If the series is random, rk 0 for k 1,...
10Process Correlogram
Lag, k
11Sample Autocorrelation Coefficient
- Sample Autocorrelation at lag k.
12Standard Error of the Sample Autocorrelation
- Standard Error of the sample autocorrelation
- if the Series is Random.
13Z- Test of H0 rk 0
Reject H0 if Z lt -1.96 or Z gt 1.96
14Box-Ljung Q Statistic
15Sampling Distribution of QBL(m) H0
- H0 r1r2rk 0
- QBL(m) H0 follows a c2 (DFm) distribution
- Reject H0 if QBL gt c2(95tile)
16Test of Normality - 1Graphical Test
- Normal Probability Plot of the Data
- Check the shape straight, convex,
- S-shaped
17Construction of a Normal Probability Plot
- Alternative estimates of the cumulative relative
frequency of an observation - pi (i - 0.5)/ n
- pi i / (n1)
- pi (i - 0.375) / (n0.25)
- Estimate of the percentile Normal
- Standardized Q(pi) NORMSINV(pi)
- Q(pi) NORMINV(pi, mean, stand. dev.)
18Non-Normal Populations
19Test of Normality - 2Test Statistics
- Stand. Dev.
- Skewness
- Kurtosis
20The Jarque-Bera Test
- If the population is normal and the data are
random, then - follows approximately c2 with the 0f
degrees of freedom 2. - Reject H0 if JB gt 6
21Forecasting Random Series
- Given the data Y1,...,Yn, the one step ahead
forecast Y(n1) is - or Approx.
22Forecasting a Random Series
- If it is determined that Yt is RND N(m, s)
- a) The best point forecast of Yt E(Yt) m
- b) A 95 interval forecast of Yt
- (m 1.96 s, m1.96 s)
- for all t (one important long run implication of
a stationary series.)
23The Sampling Distribution of the von-Neumann
- The vN Ratio H0 follows an approximate normal
with - Expected Value of v E(v) 2
- Standard Error of v
24AppendixThe von Neumann Ratio
The non Neumann Ratio of the regression residual
is the Durbin - Watson Statistic
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