Title: Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE
1Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE
EMAIL anthony.williams_at_navy.mil Phone (901)
874-4336 PRIMARY REFERENCE http//www.asmconline.
- Brief Overview of The Three (3) CDFM Modules
- Helpful Mental Tips For Preparing for the Exam
- Sample Test Questions and Answers
- The Eight (8) Week Study Plan
- Motivational Closing
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
3The Three (3) CDFM Exam Modules
- Module One Resource Management Environment
- Competency One The Government Resource
Management Environment (about 15) - Competency Two The Defense Resource Management
Environment (about 35) - Competency Three Manpower Management (about
10) - Competency Four Personnel Management (about
15) - Competency Five Management and Internal
Controls (about 10)
Fiscal Law Competency
Located in All Modules (about 15, 10, 15,
- Module Two Budget and Cost Analysis
- Competency One Planning, Programming, Budgeting
Execution (about 60) - Competency Two Cost and Economic Analysis
(about 20) - Competency Three Business Management Process
Improvement (about 10)
- Module Three Accounting and Finance
- Competency One Finance (about 35)
- Competency Two Accounting (about 35)
- Competency Three Auditing (about 15)
Note, There are CHANGES to the
Competencies listed above. You will have to
visit the ASMC website (www.asmconline.org) for
the updates as required
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
4The Three (3) CDFM Exam Modules
- Module One Resource Management Environment
- Competency One The Government Resource
Management Environment (about 15)
- This area deals with the financial manager's
knowledge of the government-wide processes
involved in obtaining resources necessary to
perform your organization's mission.
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
5The Three (3) CDFM Exam Modules
- Module One Resource Management Environment
- Competency Two The Defense Resource Management
Environment (about 35)
- This area deals with the role, size and impact of
the Department of Defense (DoD) in the Federal
government, national security (defense) strategic
planning process. This includes the Defense
Planning Guidance, National Military Strategy,
Quadrennial Defense Review, the Unified Command
Plan, and role of the Commanders in Chief (CinCs)
and the inter-relationship of key Departmental
managers to the resource management process.
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
6The Three (3) CDFM Exam Modules
- Module One Resource Management Environment
- Competency Three Manpower Management (about
- This area deals with the financial manager's
knowledge of personnel policies as they relate to
resource management, manpower rules, regulations,
laws, and development of manpower requirements.
Manpower management, as referred to in financial
management, refers primarily to processes used in
estimating manpower requirements for budgetary
purposes, tracking manpower and reporting
manpower in a standard manner as required in OMB
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
7The Three (3) CDFM Exam Modules
- Module One Resource Management Environment
- Competency Four Personnel Management (about 15)
- This area deals with personnel management
principles and practices including problem
recognition and problem solving, generally
accepted organization principles and practices -
to include organizations as systems and personnel
principles, practices, laws and regulations.
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
8The Three (3) CDFM Exam Modules
- Module One Resource Management Environment
- Competency Five Management and Internal
Controls (about 10)
- This area deals with the financial manager's
knowledge of the Federal Manager's Financial
Integrity Act of 1982, Comptroller General
Standards for internal controls in the Federal
Government and applicable Federal Government and
DoD management control guidance and regulations.
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
9The Three (3) CDFM Exam Modules
- Fiscal Law Competency (about 15)
- This key area deals with the financial manager's
knowledge of the law regarding availability of
appropriations as to purpose, time and amount,
applicable Comptroller General decisions, special
purpose laws (Credit Reform, Foreign Assistance,
Arms Export Control Acts), penalties and
sanctions applicable under law, Anti-Deficiency
Act (as applied to appropriations limitation),
allotment or project executions, authorization
and appropriation acts including their
inter-relationship and respective roles,
reporting and notification requirements.
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
10The Three (3) CDFM Exam Modules
- Module Two Budget and Cost Analysis
- Competency One Planning, Programming, Budgeting
Execution (about 60)
This area deals with the financial manager's
knowledge of the DoD Planning, Programming,
Budget and Execution system (PPBE) (process,
terminology and products), DoD budget
formulation, review and execution, OMB circulars
and implementing DoD guidance, relationships
among and use of appropriations and funds, stages
of funds execution, reimbursable and support
agreements, flow of funds and the DoD programming
process, terminology and products.
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
11The Three (3) CDFM Exam Modules
- Module Two Budget and Cost Analysis
- Competency Two Cost and Economic Analysis
(about 20)
This area deals with the financial manager's
knowledge of mathematical and statistical
methods, cost estimating techniques, benefit
analysis (including payback, return on investment
and present value), system acquisition and life
cycle management policies, including analysis of
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
12The Three (3) CDFM Exam Modules
- Module Two Budget and Cost Analysis
- Competency Three Business Management Process
Improvement (about 10)
This area deals with the financial manager's
knowledge of concepts of business process
reengineering, special authority to use receipts,
Government Performance and Results Act of 1994
and directives and regulations related to
performance of commercial activities.
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
13The Three (3) CDFM Exam Modules
- Fiscal Law Competency (about 10)
- This key area deals with the financial manager's
knowledge of the law regarding availability of
appropriations as to purpose, time and amount,
applicable Comptroller General decisions, special
purpose laws (Credit Reform, Foreign Assistance,
Arms Export Control Acts), penalties and
sanctions applicable under law, Anti-Deficiency
Act (as applied to appropriations limitation),
allotment or project executions, authorization
and appropriation acts including their
inter-relationship and respective roles,
reporting and notification requirements.
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
14The Three (3) CDFM Exam Modules
- Module Three Accounting and Finance
- Competency One Finance (about 35)
This area deals with the financial manager's
knowledge of basic rules covering military and
civilian pay, travel entitlements, contract pay,
disbursing and debt management, communication
techniques (customer relations) and internal
controls in finance organizations.
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
15The Three (3) CDFM Exam Modules
- Module Three Accounting and Finance
- Competency Two Accounting (about 35)
This key area deals with the financial manager's
knowledge of cost accounting procedures designed
to capture total cost, generally accepted
accounting principles.
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
16The Three (3) CDFM Exam Modules
- Module Three Accounting and Finance
- Competency Three Auditing (about 15)
This area deals with the financial manager's
knowledge of Comptroller General Standards (GAO
Yellow Book), Federal Generally Accepted
Accounting Principles, DoD policies and
procedures, documentation requirements, reporting
requirements, audit program development criteria,
frequency of review criteria and requirements and
constraints on services other than audits.
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
17The Three (3) CDFM Exam Modules
- Fiscal Law Competency (about 15)
- This key area deals with the financial manager's
knowledge of the law regarding availability of
appropriations as to purpose, time and amount,
applicable Comptroller General decisions, special
purpose laws (Credit Reform, Foreign Assistance,
Arms Export Control Acts), penalties and
sanctions applicable under law, Anti-Deficiency
Act (as applied to appropriations limitation),
allotment or project executions, authorization
and appropriation acts including their
inter-relationship and respective roles,
reporting and notification requirements.
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
18Helpful Tips For Preparing for the Exam
- First and foremost ---Believe that you will
- Change your way of thinking----Think Big
---Think Department of Defense (DOD)
- Think comprehensive --of large scope covering
or involving all DOD financial management
inclusive For example, do not think-i.e., the
Department of Navys way or the Department of
Armys way etc.
- Dont procrastinate---You must commit your time
and mind to studying
- Block off and dedicate a specific amount of time
and a place where you can persistently,
consistently, and fervently study (preferably--8
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
19Sample Test Questions Answers
Module One Resource Management Environment
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
20Sample Test Questions Answers
Module One Resource Management Environment
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
21Sample Test Questions Answers
Module One Resource Management Environment
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
22Sample Test Questions Answers
Module Two Budget and Cost Analysis
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
23Sample Test Questions Answers
Module Two Budget and Cost Analysis
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
24Sample Test Questions Answers
Module Two Budget and Cost Analysis
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
25Sample Test Questions Answers
Module Three Accounting and Finance
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
26Sample Test Questions Answers
Module Three Accounting and Finance
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
27Sample Test Questions Answers
Module Three Accounting and Finance
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
28The Eight (8)Week Study Plan
- Weeks One Two
- First Two Days Read The American Society of
Military Comptrollers (ASMC) Reference Guide
(July 2000_updated January 2004). - Read it straight through like a book/novel. You
are reading for comprehension---not
technical--not to research or reference
- Second Ten Days Read The Enhanced Defense
Financial Management Training Course (EDFMTC)
textbook - Read it straight through like a book/novel. You
are reading for comprehension---not
technical--not to research or reference
- Last Two Days Rest and take in all that you have
read on an inclusive level. That is, continue to
digest the Big picture of DOD from your reading.
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
29The Eight (8)Week Study Plan
- Weeks Three Four-- Module One (1)
- Monday Week Three (3) Competency One (1),
ONLY - Read straight through every page of this
competency - Take your time and answer each question of the
Knowledge Check - Go Back and Read, extensively, all the
information in the SQUARE boxes, ONLY! - Read straight through every page of this
competency, again - Take your time and answer each question of the
Knowledge Check, again
- Tuesday thru Friday Competencies Two-Five, ONLY
Repeat the five (5) steps listed above
- Repeat the process above for week Four (4)
with the exception of Saturday Saturday you take
Module One Exam. Sunday you rest!
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
30The Eight (8)Week Study Plan
- Weeks Five Six-- Module Two (2)
- Monday Week Five (5) Competency One (1), ONLY
- Read straight through every page of this
competency - Take your time and answer each question of the
Knowledge Check - Go Back and Read, extensively, all the
information in the SQUARE boxes, ONLY! - Read straight through every page of this
competency, again - Take your time and answer each question of the
Knowledge Check, again
- Tuesday Wednesday Competencies Two Three,
respectively. Thursday Friday Fiscal Law
Competency Repeat the five (5) steps listed
above for each day and each competency
- Repeat the process above for week Six (6) with
the exception of Saturday Saturday you take
Module Two Exam. Sunday you rest
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
31The Eight (8)Week Study Plan
- Weeks Seven Eight-- Module Three (3)
- Monday Week Seven (7) Competency One (1),
ONLY - Read straight through every page of this
competency - Take your time and answer each question of the
Knowledge Check - Go Back and Read, extensively, all the
information in the SQUARE boxes, ONLY! - Read straight through every page of this
competency, again - Take your time and answer each question of the
Knowledge Check, again
- Tuesday Wednesday Competencies Two Three,
respectively. Thursday Friday Fiscal Law
Competency Repeat the five (5) steps listed
above for each day and each competency
- Repeat the process above for week Eight (8)
with the exception of Saturday Saturday you take
Module Three Exam. Sunday you rest
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
- M Motivation-
- You have to develop a motive or a purpose as to
why you want to become a CDFM. - Is it because you want a promotion?
- Is it because you want the designation behind
your name? - Is it for respect?
- Is it for shear educational reasons or purposes?
- Regardless of the reason or motive, you must
discover that purpose. Once you discover that
motive, you can then begin to act on that motive.
Motive plus action equals Motivation!
Motivation is a motive acted upon. You must
develop a motive and then act on that motive and
display and stay motivated. - All successful individuals share this attribute
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
- O Opportunity-
- You must take advantage of every single
opportunity that presents itself for you to learn
and to study. - For example research and find out where the
Enhance Defense Financial Management Training
Course (EDFMTC) is being offered and sign up and
take it it is centrally funded that is, it is
free!!! - Take advantage of mentors, advice, articles, and
the like, which will help you study and obtain
your CDFM. - It is absolutely essential that you seek out
every single opportunity that is possible.
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
Slide 33
- N Network-
- Seek out those that already have the CDFM and
network with them. - Trade business cards with them.
- Seek advice and recommendations from them.
- Network each and every opportunity that you get
with someone that you know that has successfully
passed the CDFM exam. - You will find this to be tremendously helpful.
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
Slide 34
- E Education-
- Set a goal to become more educated every day.
- Take 30 minutes or an hour each day to study a
segment of one of the modules of the CDFM. - It will make you smarter whether you are about to
take the exam or not. - The CDFM, in of itself, is quality education
alone. - It will help you with your everyday work
environment regardless of the branch - of service that you work for - as the
CDFM is DOD specific.
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
Slide 35
- Y You-
- Finally, it is all about Y-O-U!
- Will you develop a motive and/or a reason or a
purpose to take the CDFM exam? - Will you put that motive into action and
demonstrate and develop motivation to study and
pass the CDFM exam? - Will you take advantage of every opportunity to
take classes including the EDFMTC? - Will you take the opportunity to become an
expert in DOD FM? - Will you take the opportunity to standout and
separate yourself from the average FM and your
peers? - Will you educate yourself daily?
- Will you use this eight week study plan? Will
you become a CDFM in eight weeks?
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
Slide 36
Y You
Will you take this M.O.N.EY ?????
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,
Slide 37
EMAIL anthony.williams_at_navy.mil Phone (901)
874-4336 PRIMARY REFERENCE http//www.asmconline.
Toney Williams, CDFM, CFE ASMC PDI 2010 Orlando,