Title: Community Services and Support for Individuals with
1Community Services and Support for Individuals
with Disabilities in Texas
- Medicaid Waivers
- April 2006
2Home and Community Based Services 1915 (c)
- Medicaid home and community-based service waivers
afford States the flexibility to develop and
implement creative alternatives to placing
Medicaid-eligible individuals in hospitals,
nursing facilities, or intermediate care
facilities for persons with mental retardation or
related conditions.
3Home and Community Based Services 1915 (c) Waivers
- Flexible
- Wide range of services and supports possible
- Family and consumer driven
- States may decide number of people to serve,
ages, disabilities, etc. - Waiver eligibility is based on the persons
income and not the familys.
4Texas HCBS 1915 (c) Waivers
- MDCP Medically Dependent Children Program
- CLASS Community Living Assistance and Support
Services - DB-MD Deaf/Blind and Multiple Disabilities
- CBA Community Based Alternatives
- CWP Consolidated Waiver Program
- HCS Home and Community Services
- TxHmL Texas Home Living Waiver
- Alternative to nursing facility
- Serves children under age 21 who require licensed
nursing services - Cost cap is dependent on the childs level of
support needs, but is no higher than about
25,000 per year.
6MDCP Services
- Respite
- Home Modifications
- Adaptive Aids
- Additional financial support to help keep your
child in day care, also known as Adjunct
Supports. - Transition Assistance Services
7MDCP 1,022 served8,604 waiting
(11/30/04)1,347 new children (9/05 8/07)
- Important Facts and Issues
- Children who receive services from MDCP
automatically transition into the CBA waiver once
they turn 21 - Money Follows the Person from Nursing Facility
- Consumer Directed Services is coming soon
- Alternative to ICF/RC institutionalization
- Children and adults with developmental
disabilities that occurred before the age of 22
and have a Level of Care 8 - Primary disability must be a related condition
(other than mental retardation) - Demonstrated need for habilitation and case
9CLASS Services
- Habilitation
- Supported Employment
- Home/Vehicle Modifications
- Adaptive Aids/Supplies
- Therapy ST, OT, PT
- Specialized Therapies
- Consumer Directed Services
- Nursing
- Psychological/Behavioral
- Respite including camps
- Case Management
- Prevocational Services
- Habilitative transportation
- Support Family Services
- Transition Assistance Services
10CLASS 1,81213,453 waiting (3/4 children)1,645
new individuals (9/05 8/07)
- Important Facts and Issues
- Available in 175 counties, but expanding to
statewide coverage in future. - Money Follows the Person from Nursing Facility
- Small provider base
- Support Family Services limited to children under
18 years and low reimbursement rate.
11CLASS Coverage Areas and Counties April 2006
- Houston Harris, Brazoria, Fort Bend, Galveston,
Montgomery, Matagorda, Waller, Walker, Wharton,
Austin, Colorado - Beaumont Jefferson, Orange, Chambers, Hardin,
Liberty, Orange, Newton, Polk, Tyler - Lubbock Lubbock, Crosby, Floyd, Hale, Hockley,
Lamb, Terry, Lynn, Garza, Motley, Swisher, Castro
12CLASS Coverage Areas and Counties April 2006
- Corpus Christi Nueces, Jim Wells, Kleberg, San
Patricio, Bee, Refugio, Live Oak, Aransas,
Calhoun, Victoria, Calhoun - Longview Smith, Gregg, Rusk, Upshur, Wood, Van
Zandt, Henderson, Harrison, Anderson, Cherokee,
Morris, Bowie, Cass, Marion, Angelina, Trinity,
Delta, Hopkins, Houston, Lamar, Nacogdoches,
Panola, Rains, Shelby - Dallas Collin, Cooke, Dallas, Denton, Ellis,
Fannin, Grayson, Hunt, Kaufman, Rockwall, Navarro
13CLASS Coverage Areas and Counties April 2006
- Amarillo Armstrong, Carson, Potter, Randall,
Deaf Smith, Gray, Hutchinson, Moore, Donley,
Dallam, Hansford - San Angelo Coke, Nolan, Taylor, Tom Green,
Runnels, Scurry, Mitchell, Sterling, Callahan,
Jones, Coleman, Eastland, Brown, Stephens,
Schleicher, Sutton, Val Verde - Fort Worth Tarrant, Hood, Johnson, Parker,
Wise, Jack, Clay, Wichita
14CLASS Coverage Areas and Counties April 2006
- Valley Brooks, Cameron, Duval, Hidalgo, Jim
Hogg, Kenedy, Starr, Webb, Willacy, Zapata - Austin Travis, Hays, Bastrop, Williamson,
Blanco, Caldwell, Burnet, Llano, San Saba,
Washington, Brazos, Burleson, Fayette, Grimes - San Antonio Atascosa, Bandera, Bexar, Comal,
Frio, Guadalupe, Kendall, Kerr, Medina, Wilson,
Gillespie, Gonzales, Kinney, Zavala, Maverick
15CLASS Coverage Areas and Counties April 2006
- Midland/Odessa Ector, Midland, Martin, Andrews,
Winkler, Gaines, Dawson, Howard, Regan, Upton,
Ward, Reeves - Waco/Temple Bell, Bosque, McLennan, Coryell,
Hill, Milam, Robertson - El Paso El Paso
- Alternative to nursing homes
- Adults age 21 or over
- Cost cap based on level of support services
needed. The state refers to this as Texas Index
of Level of Effort (TILE)
17CBA Services
- Adaptive Aids/Supplies
- Adult Foster Care
- Assisted Living
- Nursing
- Home Modifications
- Therapies OT, PT, ST
- Consumer Directed Services
- Personal Assistance Services
- Respite Care
- Emergency Response Services
- Home delivered meals
- Transition Services
18CBA 27,664 served66,787 waiting3,068 new
individuals (9/05 8/07)
- Important Facts and Issues
- Money Follows the Person from Nursing Home.
- Automatic admission for children aging out of
MDCP waiver or Medicaid Private Duty Nursing - Limited financial cap
- No case management
19Deaf-Blind with Multiple Disabilities DADS
- Alternative to ICF-MR/RC
- Adults over the age of 18 who are deaf/blind and
have a third disability
20Deaf-Blind with Multiple Disabilities - Services
- Case Management
- Assisted Living
- Habilitation
- Nursing
- Respite
- Orientation and Mobility
- Therapies OT, PT, ST
- Adaptive Aids/Supplies
- Environmental Accessibility
- Intervenor
- Behavior Communication Services
- Chore Provider
- Transition Services
21DB-MD 143 served18 waiting18 new individuals
(9/05 8/07)
- Important Facts and Issues
- Currently children are not eligible for the
waiver. There have been discussions about
broadening the eligibility to include children - Small eligible population
- Money Follows the Person from Nursing Facility
- Consumer Directed Services
- Alternative to ICF/MR
- Children and Adults with primary diagnosis of
mental retardation or another disability with an
IQ below 75 - Cost Cap based on Level of Need
23HCS - Services
- Residential Assistance (Foster/Companion Care,
Residential Support, Supervised Home Living) - Day Habilitation
- Counseling and Therapies
- Audiology
- Dietician
- Adaptive Aids
- Home Modifications
- Nursing
- Respite
- Supported Employment
- Case Management
- Dental
24HCS 8,860 served26,698 waiting2,815 new
individuals (9/05 8/07)
- Important Facts and Issues
- Statewide
- Foster/Companion Care
- Rich service array and high dollar cap
- Provider is case manager, no independent case
management - No Consumer Directed Services
25Texas Home Living - DADS
- Alternative to ICF/MR
- Adults and children with mental retardation who
are already Medicaid eligible - Service coordination by MRA
26TxHmL - Services
- Adaptive Aids
- Home Modifications
- Community Supports
- Dental
- Supported Employment
- Employment Assistance
- Nursing
- Pathology, Audiology and Dietician
- Therapy OT, PT, ST
- Respite
- Day Habilitation
- Behavioral Support
- Important Facts and Issues
- 10,000 Cap - 8,000 for Community Supports and
2,000 for Professional and Technical Supports - New admissions to the waiver get taken from the
HCS waiting list. - If you accept the waiver, your name still remains
on the HCS list until that waiver is available.
28Other Important Information
- Make sure to put your name on the waiting lists
for all of the waivers that you think you might
be eligible for. - Ask for the person who is taking your name to
send you a letter showing the date that you asked
to be put on the list. - The waiting lists all move at different paces.
The CLASS and HCS waiver waiting lists seem to
take the longest time.
29Waiting List Phone Numbers
- MDCP 1-877-438-5658
- CLASS 1-877-438-5658
- DB/MD 1-877-438-5658
- HCS local MHMRA
- www.dads.state.tx.us/contract/mra/index.cfm
- CBA local DADS office
- TxHome Living local MHMRA