Title: Dealing with Asbestos during the Remodeling Process
1 Dealing with Asbestos during the Remodeling
2Asbestos Mineral
- Natural occurring mineral
- Mined in open pits or underground
- Three largest asbestos producers are Canada,
China and Brazil
3What is Asbestos?
- Asbestos is the name applied to six naturally
occurring minerals that are mined from the earth.
The different types of asbestos are - Amosite
- Chrysotile
- Tremolite
- Actinolite
- Anthophyllite
- Crocidolite
4What is Asbestos?
- Chrysotile (white) is the most common
- Amosite (brown / off-white), or
- Crocidolite (blue) as well.
5Common Types of Asbestos
- Chrysotile
- Amosite
- Crocidolite
6Chrysotile Asbestos
7Amosite Asbestos
8Crocidolite Asbestos
9Tremolite Asbestos
10Asbestos Properties
- Heat, cold and sound insulator
- Tensile strength
- Resistant to chemicals
11Asbestos Properties
Asbestos fibers are also virtually
indestructible They are resistant to chemicals
and heat, and they are very stable in the
environment They do not evaporate into air or
dissolve in water, and they are not broken down
over time Asbestos is probably the best insulator
known to man
12Asbestos Products
13Aerodynamic Properties
- Because asbestos fibers are so small, once
released into the air, they may stay suspended
there for hours or even days (i.e. 72 hours)
14When is Asbestos Dangerous?
- The most common way for asbestos fibers to enter
the body is through breathing.
15When is Asbestos Dangerous?
Asbestos containing material is not generally
considered to be harmful unless it is releasing
dust or fibers into the air where they can be
inhaled or ingested Many of the fibers will
become trapped in the mucous membranes of the
nose and throat where they can then be removed,
but some may pass deep into the lungs, or, if
swallowed, into the digestive tract Once they are
trapped in the body, the fibers can cause health
16When is Asbestos Dangerous?
Damage and deterioration will increase the
friability of asbestos-containing materials.
Water damage, continual vibration, aging, and
physical impact such as drilling, grinding,
buffing, cutting, sawing, or striking can break
the materials down making fiber release more
17Problems with Asbestos
- Breaks into fibers versus dust
- Aerodynamic
- Unable to detect visually or by smell
18Health Effects
- Because it is so hard to destroy asbestos fibers,
the body cannot break them down or remove them
once they are lodged in lung or body tissues.
They remain in place where they can cause disease
- There are three primary diseases associated with
asbestos exposure - Asbestosis
- Lung Cancer
- Mesothelioma
19Health Effects of Asbestos
- Healthy Lungs
- Asbestosis
- Mesothelioma
20Defense Mechanisms
- Nose and Mouth
- Mucous Lined Breathing Passages
- Cilia in Trachea
21Smoking Impact
- Impairs Bodys Defense Mechanism
- Increased Risk of Lung Cancer
22Relationship Between Smoking and Asbestos
- Risk of Lung Cancer
- 2 - Non smoker with no asbestos exposure
- 5 - Non smoker with asbestos exposure
- 10 - Smoker with no asbestos exposure
- 50 - Smoker with asbestos exposure
- Asbestosis is a serious, chronic, non-cancerous
respiratory disease. Inhaled asbestos fibers
aggravate lung tissues, which cause them to scar.
- Symptoms of asbestosis include shortness of
breath and a dry crackling sound in the lungs
while inhaling. In its advanced stages, the
disease may cause cardiac failure. - Why?
- There is no effective treatment for asbestosis
the disease is usually disabling or fatal. The
risk of asbestosis is minimal for those who do
not work with asbestos the disease is rarely
caused by neighborhood or family exposure - Those who renovate or demolish buildings that
contain asbestos may be at significant risk,
depending on the nature of the exposure and
precautions taken
25Lung Cancer
- Lung cancer causes the largest number of deaths
related to asbestos exposure. The incidence of
lung cancer in people who are directly involved
in the mining, milling, manufacturing and use of
asbestos and its products is much higher than in
the general population - The most common symptoms of lung cancer are
coughing and a change in breathing. Other
symptoms include shortness of breath, persistent
chest pains, hoarseness, and anemia
- Mesothelioma is a rare form of cancer that most
often occurs in the thin membrane lining of the
lungs, chest, abdomen, and (rarely) heart. About
200 cases are diagnosed each year in the United
States. Virtually all cases of mesothelioma are
linked with asbestos exposure. - Approximately 2 percent of all miners and textile
workers who work with asbestos, and 10 percent of
all workers who were involved in the manufacture
of asbestos-containing gas masks, contract
- People who work in asbestos mines, asbestos mills
and factories, and shipyards that use asbestos,
as well as people who manufacture and install
asbestos insulation, have an increased risk of
mesothelioma - So do people who live with asbestos workers, near
asbestos mining areas, near asbestos product
factories or near shipyards where use of asbestos
has produced large quantities of airborne
asbestos fibers
28Other Cancers
- Evidence suggests that cancers in the esophagus,
larynx, oral cavity, stomach, colon and kidney
may be caused by ingesting asbestos
29Famous Persons Mesothelioma
- Steve McQueen
- Warren Zevon
- Bruce Vento
- Paul Gleason
- Bob Miner
- Terrence McCann
- Merlin Olsen
30What Is An Asbestos Containing Material (ACM)?
- Any material that is gt1 asbestos
- Thermal System Insulation (TSI) pipe, boiler,
duct furnace insulation - Surfacing Materials plaster textured ceilings
- Miscellaneous Materials siding floor tile
- Over 3,000 products may contain asbestos
31MDH Definition of Friable Material
- "Friable asbestos material" means any material
containing more than one percent asbestos by
microscopic visual estimation by area, that hand
pressure can crumble, pulverize, or reduce to
powder when dry.
32MDH Definition ofFriable Material
- Friable asbestos material includes previously
non-friable asbestos material which becomes
damaged to the extent that when dry all or a
portion of the material may be crumbled,
pulverized, or reduced to powder by hand pressure.
33Common Asbestos-Containing Materials
- Insulation around heating,
- air and water systems
34Common Asbestos-Containing Materials
- Wall and ceiling insulation (vermiculite)
- Has been used in approximately 2.5 - 16 million
homes. - Recently identified as being contaminated with
asbestos. - May not be regulated, but has shown to create a
health hazard in the form of high airborne fiber
concentrations in materials with low asbestos
36Common Asbestos-Containing Materials
- Fireproofed Ceiling Space
37Common Asbestos-Containing Materials
- Textured ceilings and ceiling tiles
38Common Asbestos-Containing Material
- Floor tiles and linoleum backing
39Common Asbestos-Containing Materials
- Transite roofing, siding, panels, and flue pipes
40Common Asbestos-Containing Materials
- Plasters and
- joint compounds
41Example of Category I Nonfriable Vinyl Floor
42Example of Category I Friable Vinyl Floor Tile
43Linoleum/Vinyl Sheet Flooring Backing Generally
44Linoleum/Vinyl Sheet Flooring Backing Generally
45Example of Category II Not Regulated Unless
Transite board (Johns Mansville)
46Textured Ceiling Spray Friable
47Milboard (Black Paper Layer) Friable
48Insulation on Pipes Friable
49Preformed Pipe Wrap Friable
50Heating-system Insulation Friable
51High-temp Insulation Friable
52Mud-pack on Elbow Friable
53Transite Pipe Regulated When Broken
54Insulation Friable (tape and wrap may be
55Roofing (Category I) Usually Not Friable
56Asbestos Building Surveys
- MPCA and MNOSHA require surveys
- When there is no survey
- When the survey does not include the material
that will be disturbed - Surveys must be completed by a MN certified
asbestos inspector - MDH rules define sampling and reporting protocols
57Building Survey Report
- Must contain exact locations of all
asbestos-containing materials (ACM) - Must be signed and dated by the MN certified
inspector - Must include a copy of the MN certified
inspectors certification
58Asbestos Bulk Sampling
59Regulated Asbestos Work
- Material is greater than 1 asbestos by
microscopic determination - Material is Friable
- Material amounts are greater than 160 square
feet, 260 linear feet, 35 cubic feet in a
commercial setting or greater than 6 square feet,
10 linear feet, 1 cubic foot in a residential
60Regulation of ACM in Minnesota?
- Minnesota Department of Health (MDH)
- Protects Public Health
- Minnesota Statues, sections 326.70 326.81
- Minnesota Rules, parts 4620.3000 4620.3724
- Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA)
- Protects the Environment
- Environmental Protection Agency Title 40 CFR
Part 61, Subpart - Minnesota Department of Labor Industry (MNOSHA)
- Protects Workers
- US Dept of Labor Industry Title 29 CFR Part
61Regulated Asbestos Work
- Requires the following
- Notification of the Project
- Use of Appropriate Work Practices
- Use of Licensed Asbestos Contractors
- Use of Certified Asbestos Disciplines
62Asbestos Abatement Activities
- Encapsulation
- Enclosure
- Removal
63Asbestos Abatement Activities
- Survey to identify ACM?
- Specifications/project design
- Notification
- Work Area Containment
- Posting of Work Areas
- Engineering Controls/PPE
- Air Monitoring I/O
- Disposal of ACM Waste
- Clearance Testing
64Who Can Remove Asbestos-Containing Materials?
- MDH and MPCA requires MN licensed asbestos
abatement contractors to - Submit a notification
- Employ and use certified workers and supervisors
- Comply with MDH work practices
- MDH allows homeowners to do own removal in the
residence they live in and own - MNOSHA requires a competent person at a minimum
65Suspect Material ACM?
- Before starting a project make sure that
asbestos-containing material will not be
disturbed - Assume all suspect material contains asbestos if
no data - If you encounter suspect material when performing
work STOP immediately
66What To Do?
- If you see something that strikes you as wrong or
suspicious, do not enter the area - Instruct other workers, contractors and building
occupants to stay out of the area - Contact MDH, MPCA or MNOSHA
67Agency Assistance
- Provide clarification/interpretation of
regulations - Assist property owners or contracting entities in
understanding their responsibilities - Assist licensed asbestos contractors and other
contractors in maintaining compliance with the
regulations - Provide lists of
- licensed asbestos contractors
- environmental consulting firms
- analytical laboratories
- Hazardous waste landfills
- Provide compliance history
68Why does MDH conduct compliance inspections?
- To determine compliance with the Minnesota
Asbestos Abatement Act and Rules - To protect Public Health and the Environment
69Agency Inspections
- Three Primary Types
- Pre-Project (variance)
- Scheduled (based on notifications)
- Complaint (workers, contractor, homeowner)
70How are violations determined?
- Violations are identified
- On-site observation
- Through project documentation review
71(No Transcript)
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77What are the Types of Violations?
- Administrative Violations
- Work Practice Violations
78Common Administrative Violations
- Certification (Hard Card) Issues
- Expired
- Not On Site
- License, Permit, Notification Issues
- Project Plan Issues
- Incomplete
- Manometer Record Issues
- Not Recorded
- Missing Records
79Common Work Practice Violations
- Installation of Critical Barriers
- Containment
- Decontamination Units
- Removal of ACM
- Completion of Abatement
- Glove Bag Procedures
- Facility Component Removal (Wrap and Cut)
- Air Monitoring
80What Causes Violations?
- Multiple Distractions
- Working Too Fast
- Working Carelessly
- Relying On The Hygienist
- MDH 651-201-4620
- www.health.state.mn.us/divs/eh/asbestos
- MPCA 651-296-6300
- http//www.pca.state.mn.us
- MNOSHA 651-284-5050
- http//www.doli.state.mn.us