Introduction to Radiation Protection - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Introduction to Radiation Protection


Introduction to Radiation Protection Effective Radiation Protection Radiation protection can be defined as effective measures employed by radiation workers to ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Introduction to Radiation Protection

Introduction to Radiation Protection
Effective Radiation Protection
  • Radiation protection can be defined as effective
    measures employed by radiation workers to
    safeguard patients, personnel, and the general
    public from unnecessary exposure of ionizing
  • That is why facilities should establish a
    radiation safety program.
  • It is important to ensure radiation safety during
    all medical radiation procedure.

Biologic Effects
  • The need for safety against significant and
    continuing radiation exposure is based on
    evidence of harmful biologic effects.
  • This can be applied to the radiation worker,
    patient, or to the general public.
  • This biological effects depend on the radiation
    exposure or dose. Generally, exposure to these
    kinds of radiation would be very harmful to human
    beings. The effects could be either short-term or

Benefits Vs. Risk
  • Radiation exposure should always be kept as low
    as possible.
  • But, when illness and injury occurs or when a
    specific imaging procedure for health screening
    purposes is important, the patient can choose to
    assume the risk of the exposure to radiation to
    obtain an essential medical information.

Diagnostic Efficacy
  • Diagnostic efficacy is the degree to which the
    diagnostic study accurately reveals the presence
    or absence of a disease in the patient.
  • Efficacy is a vital part of radiation protection
    in the healing arts.
  • It provides the foundation for determining
    whether an imaging procedure or practice is

Achievement of Diagnostic Efficacy
  • It is important for the referring physician to
    carry the responsibilities for determining the
    medical necessity for the patient.
  • After ordering an x-ray examination or procedure,
    the physician must accept basic responsibility to
    protect the patient from non-useful radiation
  • Its is also the radiographers responsibility for
    the patients well-being by providing quality
    imaging services.

  • Both the radiographer and the radiologist share
    in keeping the patient medical radiation exposure
    at the lowest level possible.
  • This way imaging professionals help ensure that
    both occupational and nonoccupational dose
    limits, that result in a negligible risk of
    bodily injury or genetic damage, will remain in
    well below maximum allowable.

  • ALARA is an acronym for As Low As Reasonably
  • The reason for this concept in radiologic
    practice is to keep radiation exposure and
    consequent dose to the lowest possible level.
  • For the radiographer and the radiologist the
    ALARA concept should serve as a guide for the
    selection of technical radiographic and
    fluoroscopic exposure factors for all patient
    imaging procedure.

Responsibility for Maintaining ALARA
  • It is the responsibility of the employer to
    provide the necessary resources and appropriate
    environment in which to execute an ALARA program.
  • To determine that proper lowered radiation
    exposure are being applied, management should
    perform periodic exposure audits.
  • Radiation workers with appropriate education and
    work experience must function with awareness of
    rules governing the work situations.

Patient Protection and Patient Education
  • Patients should always be aware of what type of
    procedures are being done, and what kind of
    cooperation is needed, but also they need to be
    informed from the radiologist of what is being
  • Through appropriate and effective communication,
    patients can be made to feel that they are active
    participants in their own health care.

Background Equivalent Radiation Time (BERT)
  • This method compares the amount of radiation
  • Radiographers can use this method to understand
    and reduce the fear and anxiety of the patient.

Types of Radiation
  • Radiation is defined as energy in transit from
    one location to another.
  • Radio waves, ,microwaves, visible light, and
    x-rays represent electromagnetic waves.
  • Electromagnetic waves are characterized by their

Types of Radiation
  • The full range of frequencies and wavelengths of
    electromagnetic waves is known as Electromagnetic
  • Each frequency and within the spectrum has a
    characteristic wavelength and energy.
  • Electromagnetic spectrum can be divided into two
    parts ionizing and nonionizing

Ionizing and Nonionizing
  • Only X-ray and gamma radiation are known as
    ionizing radiation.
  • Ultraviolet, visible light, infrared rays,
    microwaves, and radio waves are considered to be
    nonionizing radiation, because they do not have
    sufficient kinetic energy to eject electrons from
    the atom.

Ionizing and Nonionizing
  • Ionization is the foundation of the interactions
    of x-rays with human tissue.
  • The amount of energy transferred to the electrons
    by ionizing radiation is the basis of the concept
    of radiation dose.

Particulate Radiation
  • This radiation includes alpha particles, beta
    particles, neutrons, and protons.
  • These subatomic particles are ejected from atoms
    at very high speeds.
  • Particulate radiations vary in their ability to
    penetrate matter.

  • Equivalent Dose (EqD) A quantity that attempts
    to take into account the variation in biologic
    harm that is produced by different types of
  • Equivalent Dose (Eqd) enables the calculation of
    the Effective Dose (EfD)
  • Effective Dose (EfD) A quantity that attempts
    to summarize the overall potential for biologic
    damage to a human due to exposure to ionizing
  • Effective dose takes into account organ
    weighting factors and represents the whole body
    dose that would give an equivalent biologic
  • EfD and EqD are both expressed in sieverts (Sv),
    used by the International System of Units (SI),
    or rem, which adopts the traditional measuring

  • Human beings are continuously exposed to sources
    of ionizing radiation
  • Ionizing radiation from environmental sources is
    called natural background radiation.
  • There are three types of natural background
  • Terrestrial Radiation
  • Cosmic Radiation
  • Internal Radiation

  • Long-lived radioactive elements such as
    uranium-238, radium-226, and thorium-232 that
    emit ionizing radiations are present in variable
    quantities in the earths crust.
  • These elements are found in rocks, soil, the
    water we drink, the food we eat, and building
  • Approximately 55 of the gross common exposure of
    human beings to natural background radiation
    comes from radon, contributing approximately
    198mrem per year to the average American.

  • Cosmic Radiation
  • Cosmic rays are of extraterrestrial origin and
    result from nuclear interactions that have taken
    place in the sun and other stars.
  • Cosmic radiations consist predominantly of
    high-energy protons
  • The greatest intensity occurs at high altitudes,
    and the lowest intensity occurs at sea level.
  • The average U.S. inhabitant receives an average
    of 30mrem per year of extraterrestrial radiation.

  • The tissue of the body contain many naturally
    existing radionuclides that have been ingested in
    minute quantities from various foods or inhaled
    as particles in the air.
  • A radionuclide is an unstable nucleus that emits
    one or more forms of ionizing radiation to
    achieve greater stability.
  • Examples of internal radionuclides are
    Potassium- 40, Carbon-14, Hydrogen-3 (Tritium),
    and Strontium-90
  • An average individual receives
  • approximately 67mrem per year from
  • combined exposure to radiations
  • from the earths surface and radiation
  • within the human body.

  • Ionizing Radiation created by humans for various
    uses is classified as manmade, or artificial,
  • Sources of artificial ionizing radiation include
  • Consumer products containing radioactive material
    (ie. airport surveillance systems)
  • Air Travel (brings humans in closer contact to
    extraterrestrial radiation and sunspot activity)
  • Nuclear fuel for generation of power (does not
    contribute much to annual equivalent dose of the
    U.S. Population)
  • Atmospheric fallout from nuclear weapons (also
    has a negligible impact on the U.S. population
  • Nuclear power plant accidents (ie. Three Mile
    Island and Chernobyl)
  • Medical Radiation (ie. Diagnostic medical x-ray
    and nuclear medicine procedures)
  • Manmade radiation contributes about 65mrem to the
    average annual radiation exposure of the U.S.

(No Transcript)
Dose Limits for Exposure to Ionizing Radiation
Basis of Effective Dose Limiting System
  • The concept of radiation exposure and associated
    risk of radiation-induced malignancy, is the
    basis of the effective dose limiting system.

Radiation Protection Standards
  • Future radiation protection standards are
    expected to continue to be based on risk.

Radiation Protection Guidelines
  • Because medical imaging professionals share the
    responsibility for patient safety from radiation
    exposure in the performance of their duties, they
    must be familiar with previous, existing and new

Major Organizations Involved in Regulating
Radiation Exposure
  • The UNSCEAR and the NAS/NRC-BEIR supply
    information to the ICRP.
  • The International Commission on Radiological
    Protection (ICRP) makes recommendations on
    occupational and public dose limits.

National Council on Radiation Protection and
  • The NCRP reviews ICRP recommendations and
    implements them into U.S. radiation protection

The Nuclear Regulatory Commission
  • The NRC is the watchdog of the nuclear energy
    industry it controls the manufacture and use of
    radioactive substances.

Environmental Protection Agency
  • The EPA develops and enforces regulations
    pertaining to the control of environmental

Food and Drug Administration
  • The FDA regulates the design and manufacture of
    products used in the radiation industry.

Occupational Safety and Health Administration
  • The U.S. Occupational Safety and Health
    Administration (OSHA) functions as a monitoring
    agency in places of employment, predominantly in
  • OSHA regulates occupational exposure to radiation
    through Title 29 of Part 10 of the U.S. Code of
    Federal Regulations (29 CFR 1910).

Radiation Safety Committee and Radiation Safety
  • Radiation Safety Committee (RSC)
  • They established the facility to assist in the
    development of radiation safety program
  • The radiation safety program ensure adequate
    safety of patient and radiation workers.

  • Radiation Safety Officer (RSO)
  • Normally a medical physicist, radiologist, or
    other individual qualified training and
  • The RSO is responsible for developing a radiation
    safety program for the facility to ensure that
    all persons are protected from radiation.

The Effective Dose Limiting System (EfD)
  • EfD limiting system is the current method for
    assessing radiation exposure and associated risk
    of biologic damage to radiation workers and the
    general public.
  • EfD concerns the upper boundary dose of ionizing
    radiation that results in a risk of body injury
    or genetic damage.
  • Expressed of whole body exposure, partial body
    exposure, and exposure of individual organs.

  • The RSO is also is responsible for maintaining
    radiation monitoring records for all personnel
  • Providing counseling for individuals who receive
    monitor reading in excess of allowable limits.
  • The RSO also have to authority to stop exam that
    he or she considers unsafe to personnel or

  • The effective dose limits are established to
    minimize the risk to human in terms of
    non-stochastic and stochastic effects.

Non-Stochastic Effects
  • Are biologic somatic effects of ionizing
    radiation that can be directly related to the
    dose received.
  • The effect exhibits a threshold dose below which
    the effects does not normally occur
  • Which the biologic damage increases as the dose

Early and Late Non-Stochastic Effects
  • Early Non-Stochastic
  • Few hours or days after a very high level
    radiation exposure to the body
  • Redness on the skin (erythema)
  • Decrease in white blood cell count.
  • Loss of hair (epilation)
  • Late Non-Stochastic
  • Occurs in months or years after high level
    radiation exposure .
  • Cataracts
  • Organ atrophy
  • Reduced fertility
  • Sterility caused by a decease in reproductive

The ALARA Concept
  • In 1954 the National Committee on Radiation
    Protection put the principle that radiation
    exposure should be kept
  • As Low As Reasonably Achievable ALARA
  • The medical radiographers and radiologist share
    the responsibility to keep occupational and
    non-occupational dose limits as low as possible.

  • The ALARA concepts presents an extremely
    conservative model with the respect to
    relationship between ionizing radiation and
    potential risk.

Radiation Protection
  • Prevention any nonstochastic (deterministic)
    effects by keeping dose limits below threshold
  • Limiting risk of stochastic response to
    conservative levels according to environment

  • Risk- probability of injury, ailment, or death
    resulting from an activity
  • Risk in medical imaging industry is possibility
    of inducing a radiogenic cancer or genetic defect
    after irradiation
  • Occupational risk associated with radiation
    exposure may be equated with risk in other
    industries that are generally considered
    reasonably safe
  • Risk of embryo-fetus to radiation exposure due to
    there high sensitivity to radiation can cause
    major defects

Effective Dose Limiting System
  • EfD is an attempt to equate the various risk of
    cancer and genetic effects to tissues or organs
    that are exposed to radiation
  • Equivalent dose- determination dose for all
    radiation-vulnerable human organs that contribute
    to potential risk
  • Tissue weighting factor indicates the ratio of
    risk of stochastic effects attributable to
    irradiation of given organ or tissue to total
    risk when the whole body is uniformly irradiated

NCRP Recommendations
  • Annual occupational effective dose limits should
    not exceed 50mSv (5 rem) for whole body dose
  • Cumulative effective dose limits refers to
    lifetime effective dose age in years multiplied
    by 10mSv for whole body dose
  • Collective effective dose in description with
    population or group exposure using an averaging
    the effective dose

NCRP Recommendations (cont)
  • Limits of nonoccupationally exposed individuals
    are set at 1mSv annually for medical exposure and
    5mSv for natural exposure
  • Limits for pregnant female radiation workers are
    0.5mSv per month and entire pregnancy dose limit
    of 5mSv
  • Limits for education and training purpose for
    individuals under 18years of age is 1mSv annually
  • Negligible individual dose is 0.01mSv
  • Limits for tissue and organs are set differently
    depending on sensitivity of the organ or tissue.
  • Lens of the eye 150mSv(15rem)
  • Localized skin 500mSv(50rem)

Occupational Dose Limits
  • Action limits are set by health care facilities
    to ensure radiographers do not reach a dose limit
    that can be harmful
  • Effective dose limits for radiation workers are
    50mSv (5 rem) annually
  • Special limits are set for highly sensitive areas
    of the body such as the lens of the eye and
    localized areas of the skin, hands, and feet to
    prevent nonstochastic effects

  • T or F/ Radiation exposure should be kept as low
    as possible.
  • True
  • It is important for the referring physician to
    carry the responsibilities for determining the
    medical necessity for the patient.
  • True

  • True or False. EfD enables the calculation of
  • False (EqD enables the calculation of EfD)
  • The quantity of _______________ radiation
    present in any area depends on the composition of
    the soil or rocks in that geographic area.

  • True or False. To reduce exposure for pregnant
    female radiation workers and to control exposure
    of the unborn during potentially sensitive
    periods of gestation, the NCRP now recommends a
    monthly EqD limit to the embryo-fetus not to
    exceed 0.5mSv (0.05rem) and a limit during the
    entire pregnancy not to exceed 5.0mSv (0.50rem)
    after declaration of pregnancy.
  • TRUE
  • Radiation hormesis is the hypotheses that a
    positive effect exists for certain populations
    that are continuously exposed to moderate levels
    of radiation.
  • TRUE

  • The radiation safety program ensure adequate
    safety of patient and radiation workers.
  • True
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