Title: Critique of the DPSIR framework
1Critique of the DPSIR framework
- Alice Newton
- IMAR- University of Algarve
2DPSIR vocabulary
- Drivers
- Pressures
- State
- Impacts
- Responses
Advantage ordinary words not
jargon Disadvantage frequently misused or
OECD (1993). OECD core set of indicators for
environmental performance reviews. OECD
Environment Monographs No. 83. OECD. Paris.
3DPSIR eutrophication
BOD DO Nutrients
State variables
O.E.C.D. 1993, 2004
4DPSIR eutrophication
5- Drivers need to update, maybe price of oil will
be a major driver with increased biofuels - Pressures need to consider difficult aspects
such as loss of denitrifying wetlands,
atmospheric deposition
6Examples of New drivers
- Tourism car, plane, golf, demographics of coast
- Lifestyles joining EU!, changing economies
central to market, changing diets, more meat - Agriculture (actually biomass production)
biofuels, aquaculture
7 ImpactsNeed to break
these down and check on all to see if there is
are impacts that are
- Environmental EcologicalEconomic Social
- Health
- environmental e.g. increase turbidity,
- ecological, e.g. loss of biodiversity,
- economic e.g. lower fish catches,
- social e.g. loss of fishing jobs
- health e.g. contaminated shellfish
- Environmental
- Ecological
- Economic
- Social
- Health
- Poor water quality
- Loss of seagrass, ecosystem service nursery
function - Loss of fishing catch and revenues
- Loss of fishing jobs
- Contaminated shellfish
- Biological Quality Elements
- Phytoplankton
- Other plants
- Benthos
- Fish
Annex V of WFD and Intercalibration
- Supporting elements
- Nutrient concentrations
- SiN
- NP
- Transparency
- Bottom water Oxygen
- BQE metrics
- Chlorophyll a
- Cell counts
- Opportunist algae biomass
- Biodiversity of benthos
- Biological Quality Elements
- Phytoplankton
- Other plants
- Benthos
- Fish
Annex V of WFD and Intercalibration
- Phytoplankton
- Increase HABs, NABs
- Other plants
- Loss of seagrass
- Increase opportunistic algae
- Benthos
- Loss of sensitive taxa,
- Increase tolerant taxa
- Fish
- Loss of nurseries for juveniles
- Loss of sensitive taxa
Loss of aquaculture revenue Loss of tourism
revenue Public health concerns ASP, DSP,
NSP Cost of removing algae Mass
mortalities Loss of shellfisheries revenue Fish
kills Loss of fisheries revenue
Annex V of WFD and Intercalibration
- of society,
- e.g. new management criteria, new infrastructure,
- new policy
15- Drivers need to update, maybe price of oil will
be a major driver with increased biofuels - Pressures need to consider difficult aspects
such as loss of denitrifying wetlands,
atmospheric deposition - State need to test the metrics for the
physico-chemical supporting quality elements and
the Biological Quality Elements and move towards
INTEGRATIVE ASSESSMENT - Impact must link economic impact to ecological
impacts, NOT consider them separately. Clearly
shows the value of ecosystem services - Response Should address the drivers! Is building
UWWT plants the only answer? What about CAP and
farming practices?