Virtual Memory - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Virtual Memory


Virtual Memory Virtual memory separation of user logical memory from physical memory. Only part of the program needs to be in memory for execution - some can be ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Virtual Memory

Virtual Memory
  • Virtual memory separation of user logical
    memory from physical memory.
  • Only part of the program needs to be in memory
    for execution - some can be on disk
  • Disk address can be stored in place of frame
  • A validinvalid bit is associated with each page
    table entry (1 ? in-memory, 0 ? not-in-memory)
  • During address translation, if validinvalid bit
    in page table entry is 0 ? page fault ? bring in
    to memory

Page Table When Some Pages Are Not in Main Memory
  • Sum logical address space can therefore be much
    larger than physical address space.
  • More processes

Page Faults
  • Bringing a Page into Memory
  • Get empty frame.
  • Swap page into frame.
  • Reset tables, validation bit 1.
  • Restart instruction

Need For Page Replacement
What happens if there is no free frame?
  • Page replacement find some page in memory, but
    not really in use, swap it out.
  • Use modify (dirty) bit to reduce overhead of page
    transfers only modified pages are written to

Basic Page Replacement
  • Find the location of the desired page on disk.
  • Find a free frame
  • If there is a free frame, use it.
  • If there is no free frame, use a page
    replacement algorithm to select a victim frame.
  • If victim is dirty, write it out to disk
  • Read the desired page into the (newly) free
    frame. Update the page and frame tables.
  • Restart the process

Page Replacement Policies
  • Global vs. Local Allocation
  • Global replacement process selects a
    replacement frame from the set of all frames one
    process can take a frame from another - only for
    crucial OS processes
  • Local replacement each process selects from
    only its own set of allocated frames - the normal
  • I/O interlock
  • Pages that are used for copying a file from a
    device must be locked

  • VM works because of locality
  • Process migrates from one locality to another.
  • Localities may overlap
  • What happens if? size of localities gt total
    memory size

  • If a process does not have enough pages for its
    locality, the page-fault rate is very high.
  • Thrashing ? a process is busy swapping pages in
    and out.
  • Thrashing may lead to
  • low CPU utilization.
  • operating system thinks that it needs to increase
    the degree of multiprogramming.
  • another process added to the system
  • It is important to allocate enough frames to each
  • If thats not possible, the process must be
    swapped out

Allocation of Frames
  • Each process needs minimum number of frames
  • Example IBM 370 6 pages to handle SS MOVE
  • instruction is 6 bytes, might span 2 pages.
  • 2 pages to handle from.
  • 2 pages to handle to.
  • Two major allocation schemes.
  • fixed allocation
  • priority allocation

Fixed Allocation
  • Equal allocation e.g., if 100 frames and 5
    processes, give each 20 frames.
  • Proportional allocation Allocate according to
    the size of process.

Priority Allocation
  • Use a proportional allocation scheme using
    priorities rather than size.
  • If process Pi generates a page fault,
  • select for replacement one of its frames.
  • select for replacement a frame from a process
    with lower priority number.

Page-Fault Frequency Scheme
  • Establish acceptable page-fault rate.
  • If actual rate too low, process loses frame.
  • If actual rate too high, process gains frame.

Initial Load
  • Load pages predicted to be needed (compiler
  • or
  • Load no pages
  • Allows for more efficient process creation

Performance of Demand Paging
  • Page Fault Rate 0 ? p ? 1.0 (hopefully low, e.g.
  • if p 0 no page faults
  • if p 1, every reference is a fault
  • Effective Access Time (EAT)
  • EAT (1 p) x memory access
  • p (page fault overhead
  • swap page out
  • swap page in
  • restart overhead)
  • Values
  • Assume memory access roughly 1 (with TLB hits)
  • Page fault overhead is small
  • Swap is about 10000
  • Restart is small

Page Replacement Algorithms
  • Want lowest page-fault rate (disk is slow)
  • Evaluate algorithm by running it on a particular
    string of page references (reference string) and
    computing the number of page faults on that
  • A page fault means a disk access (or two), and
    thats where the time goes.
  • Assume no initial load, local replacement, no I/O
    (no interlock issues)

Optimal Algorithm
  • Replace page that will not be used for longest
    period of time in future.
  • 3 frames example 7 0 1 2 0 3 0 4 2 3 0 3 2 1 2 0
    1 7 0 1 (9)
  • 4 frames example 1 2 3 4 1 2 5 1 2 3 4 5 (6)
  • But the future is unknown (like SJF scheduling)

First-In-First-Out (FIFO) Algorithm
  • 3 frames example 7 0 1 2 0 3 0 4 2 3 0 3 2 1 2 0
    1 7 0 1 (15)

FIFO Illustrating Beladys Anamoly
  • 4 frames example 1 2 3 4 1 2 5 1 2 3 4 5 (10)
  • 3 frames example 1 2 3 4 1 2 5 1 2 3 4 5 (9)
  • Beladys Anomaly - more frames does not imply
    less page faults

Counting Algorithms
  • Keep a counter of the number of references that
    have been made to each page.
  • Count is reset each time a page is brought in
  • LFU Algorithm replaces page with smallest
  • May delay start of counting to avoid bias from an
    initial rush
  • MFU Algorithm based on the argument that the
    page with the smallest count was probably just
    brought in and has yet to be used.
  • See example in Geoffs notes

LRU Page Replacement
  • 3 frames example 7 0 1 2 0 3 0 4 2 3 0 3 2 1 2 0
    1 7 0 1 (11)
  • 4 frames example 1 2 3 4 1 2 5 1 2 3 4 5 (?)

Least Recently Used (LRU) Algorithm
  • Counter implementation
  • Every page entry has a counter every time page
    is referenced through this entry, copy the clock
    into the counter.
  • When a page needs to be changed, look at the
    counters to determine which are to change.
  • Stack implementation keep a stack of page
    numbers in a double link form
  • Page referenced
  • move it to the top
  • requires 6 pointers to be changed
  • No search for replacement
  • Both need HW support, as they are done very very

Use Of A Stack to Record The Most Recent Page
LRU Approximation Algorithms
  • Usually not enough HW support for full LRU, so
  • Reference bit in the page table
  • With each page associate a bit, in HW initially
  • When page is referenced bit set to 1.
  • Replace the one which is 0 (if one exists). We
    do not know the order, however.
  • Clear when all 1
  • Reference bytes in the page table
  • Make top bit the reference bit
  • Shift right reference byte at regular intervals
  • Victim is page with smallest value byte
  • Second chance bit associated with each frame
  • Looks through frames in order, with wrap-around,
    starting at frame after last loaded
  • If frame has bit 1 then
  • set bit 0.
  • leave page in memory.
  • replace next page, subject to same rules.

Second-Chance (clock) Page-Replacement Algorithm
Enhanced Second Chance
  • Keep a reference bit and a modified bit with each
  • 0,0 gt not recently used or modified gt best to
  • 0,1 gt not recently used but modified gt must be
    written out
  • 1,0 gt recently used but not modified gt may be
    used again soon
  • 1,1 gt Recently used and modified gt best keep
    this one in RAM
  • Victim selection
  • After each load, the current position is set to
    the frame after the loaded one.
  • Scan from current position round for a 0,0 frame
  • If not found, scan round for a 0,1 frame,
    reseting the use bit (ala 2nd chance)
  • If not found, start again (a victim must be
  • Used by Mac OS

Page Buffering
  • Keep some frames free -a frame pool
  • Immediately swap in on page fault
  • Write out while first process uses CPU
  • Remember what pages are in the frame pool, in
    case they are requested again - used by VMS with
    FIFO to recover from preemptive removal
  • Write out modified pages whenever the swap disk
    is idle

Other Techniques
  • Pre-paging - predicting page needs
  • Windows NT clustering
  • Copy-on-Write
  • Copy-on-Write (COW) allows both parent and child
    processes to initially share the same pages in
  • If either process modifies a shared page, only
    then is the page copied.
  • COW allows more efficient process creation as
    only modified pages are copied.

Other Considerations
  • Program structure
  • int A new int10241024
  • Each row is stored in one page
  • Program 1 for (j 0 j lt A.length j) for
    (i 0 i lt A.length i) Ai,j 01024 x
    1024 page faults
  • Program 2 for (i 0 i lt A.length i) for
    (j 0 j lt A.length j) Ai,j 0
  • 1024 page faults

Windows NT
  • Uses demand paging with clustering. Clustering
    brings in pages surrounding the faulting page.
  • Processes are assigned working set minimum and
    working set maximum.
  • Working set minimum is the minimum number of
    pages the process is guaranteed to have in
  • A process may be assigned as many pages up to its
    working set maximum.
  • When the amount of free memory in the system
    falls below a threshold, automatic working set
    trimming is performed to restore the amount of
    free memory.
  • Working set trimming removes pages from processes
    that have pages in excess of their working set
  • On single x86 CPUS, uses a second chance style
    algorithm to select victims
  • On Alpha and SMP, uses a modified FIFO

Solaris 2
  • Maintains a list of free pages to assign faulting
  • Lotsfree threshold parameter to begin pageout.
  • Pageout is called more frequently depending upon
    the amount of free memory available.
  • Pageout scans pages using variation on the second
    chance algorithm (2 handed clock algorithm)
  • Scanrate is the rate at which pages are scanned.
    This ranged from slowscan to fastscan. This
    increases as free memory decreases
  • Handspread affects time process has to reuse a
    page before the big-hand send the page out
  • Pages from shared libraries are kept in memory
    (recent variation)
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