Space-time Diversity Codes for Fading Channels - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Space-time Diversity Codes for Fading Channels


Space-time Diversity Codes for Fading Channels by Professor R. A. Carrasco School of Electrical, Electronic and Computing Engineering University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Space-time Diversity Codes for Fading Channels

Space-time Diversity Codes for Fading Channels
  • by Professor R. A. Carrasco
  • School of Electrical, Electronic and Computing
  • University of Newcastle-upon-Tyne

  • Introduction
  • Diversity frequency, time and space
  • Space diversity and MIMO channels
  • Maximum likelihood sequence detection for ST
  • Space-time block coding
  • Capacity of MIMO systems on fading channels
  • Space-time trellis codes
  • Code design
  • System block diagram
  • Example
  • BER performance
  • Conclusions

1. Introduction
  • Migration to 3G standards
  • high data rate communications required
  • high quality transmission and bandwidth efficient
  • low decoding complexity
  • Major obstacles to be solved
  • Multipath fading signal is scattered among
    several paths, each path has a different time
  • Interference ISI in case of channels with
  • multi-user interference

2 Mbps indoors
144 kbps outdoors
2. Diversity
  • Solution of the multipath fading problem, by
    transmission of several redundant replicas that
    undergo different multipath profiles
  • Types
  • Frequency diversity same information is
    transmitted on different frequency carriers,
    which will face different multipath fading.
  • Time diversity replicas of the signal are
    provided in the form of redundancy in the time
    domain by the use of an error control code
    together with a proper interleaver
  • s1 s2 s3 s1 time

redundant of
2. Diversity
  • Types (cont.)
  • Space diversity redundancy is provided by
    employing an array of antennas, with a minimum
    separation of ?/2 between neighbouring antennas.
    Differently polarized antennas can also be used.

3. Space Diversity and MIMO channels
  • where
  • ci(l) is the modulation symbol transmitted by
    antenna i at the time instant l. It is generated
    by a space-time encoder.
  • gij is the path gain from Tx antenna i to Rx
    antenna j.
  • ?j(t) is an independent Gaussian random variable
    (AWGN channel)

3. Space diversity and MIMO channels
  • Taking the equation
    the signals at the receiving
    antennas can be expressed in matrix form
  • Therefore we can create the MIMO channel matrix

4. Maximum likelihood sequence detection for ST
  • The probability of receiving a sequence
    if the code matrix
  • Taking the likelihood function as the logarithm

has been transmitted is
4. Maximum likelihood sequence detection for ST
  • When maximising the log-likelihood we eliminate
    the constant term. After this,
  • the problem is equivalent to minimising the
    following expression
  • This can be easily done with the Viterbi
    algorithm, using the above expression
  • as a metric and computing the maximum likelihood
    path through the trellis.

5. Space-time block coding
At time t, the signal , received at antenna j
is given by
5. Space-time block coding
  • where the noise samples ?jt are independent
    samples of a zero-mean complex Gaussian random
    variable with variance n/(2SNR) per sample
  • The average energy of symbols transmitted from
    each antenna is normalised to be one.
  • Assuming perfect channel state information is
    available, the receiver computes the decision
  • over all codewords
  • and decides in favour of the codeword that
    minimizes the sum.

5. Space-time block coding
  • Encoding algorithm
  • A space-time block code is defined by a p x n
    transmission matrix H. The entries of the matrix
    H are linear combinations of the variable x1, x2,
    , xk and their conjugates. The number of
    Transmission antennas is n.
  • We assume that transmission at the baseband
    employs a signal constellation A, with 2b
    elements. At time slot 1, Kb bits arrive at the
    encoder and select constellation signals
    s1,,sK, setting xi si for i 1,2,.,K in H,
    we arrive at a matrix C with entries linear
    combinations of s1,s2,..,sK and their
    conjugates. So, while H contains indeterminates
    x1,x2,.,xK C contains specific constellation

5. Space-time block coding
  • Encoding algorithm
  •  Examples H2 represents a code that utilizes two
    antennas, H3 represents a code that utilizes
    three antennas and H4 represents a code that
    utilizes four antennas.

5. Space-time block coding
  • Decoding algorithm
  • Maximum likelihood decoding of any space-time
    block code can be achieved using linear
    processing at the receiver. Then maximum
    likelihood detection amounts to minimizing the
    decision metric
  • over all possible values of s1 and s2.
  • We expand the above metric and delete the terms
    that are independent of the code words and
    observe that the above minimization is equivalent
    to minimizing
  • The above metric decomposes in two parts, one
    of which

5. Space-time block coding
  • is only a function of s1, and the other one
  • is only a function of s2. Thus the minimization
    of (1) is equivalent to minimizing these two
    parts separately. This in turn is equivalent to
    minimizing the decision metric
  • for detecting s1, and the decision metric
  • for detecting s2.
  • Similarly, the decoders for H3 and H4 can be

5. Space-time block coding
  • The decoder for H3 minimizes the decision
  • for decoding s1. The decision metric
  • for decoding s2. The decision metric
  • for decoding s3, and the decision metric
  • for decoding s4.

5. Space-time block coding
  • For decoding H4, the decoder minimizes the
    decision metric
  • for decoding s1. The decision metric
  • for decoding s2. The decision metric
  • for decoding s3, and the decision metric
  • for decoding s4.

5. Space-time block coding
  • There are two attractions in providing transmit
    diversity via orthogonal designs.
  • There is no loss in bandwidth, in the sense that
    orthogonal designs provide the maximum possible
    transmission rate at full diversity.
  • There is an extremely simple maximum-likelihood
    decoding algorithm which only uses linear
    combining at the receiver. The simplicity of the
    algorithm comes from the orthogonality of the
    columns of the orthogonal design.

6. Capacity of MIMO systems on fading channels
  • For the single Tx/Rx channel the capacity is
    given by Shannons classical formula
  • where B is the bandwidth
  • g is the fading gain (the realization of a
    complex Gaussian random variable)
  • For a MIMO channel of n inputs and m outputs, the
    capacity is now given by
  • where Im is the identity matrix of order m
  • snr is the signal-to-noise ratio per receive
  • G is the MIMO channel matrix
  • denotes the transpose conjugate

6. Capacity of MIMO systems on fading channels
  • A particular case is when m n and G In
    (completely uncorrelated parallel sub-channels),
  • Conclusion
  • Capacity can scale linearly with increasing snr
  • Capacity can increase in almost n more bits/cycle
    for every 3 dB increase in the snr.

6. Capacity of MIMO systems on fading channels
  • Average capacity of a MIMO Rayleigh fading channel

6. Capacity of MIMO systems on fading channels
  • Channel correlation influence in the MIMO channel
  • Assume that all the received powers are equal.
    In this case we define
  • where R is the normalized channel correlation
    matrix ( )
  • whose components are
  • Therefore
  • , Where r correlation

6. Capacity of MIMO systems on fading channels
  • In the case of n gtgt 1 and r lt 1, we finally
  • When n ? 8
  • When r 0 (H I)
  • and

Channel Capacity for 3dB 7dB
Channel Capacity for 5dB 9dB
Channel Capacity for 11dB 30dB
7. Space-time trellis codes
  • The matrix C is called the code matrix, whose
    element ci(l) is the symbol transmitted by
    antenna i at the instant l. and l 1, , L
  • The system model is

Ant 1
Ant 2
Ant n
, where Es is the average symbol energy
?j(t) is an independent sample of a complex
Gaussian random variable with variance No/2 per
gij(t) is a complex Gaussian random variable with
variance 0.5 per dimension.
Signal to noise ratio per receive antenna
7. Space-time trellis codes
  • The probability of decoding erroneously the code
    matrix C and choosing instead another code matrix
    E, assuming ideal channel state information, is
    given by
  • where
  • and the distance between codewords C and E is
    given by
  • where ci element of
    matrix C
  • and ei element of
    matrix E
  • after some manipulation we rewrite the distance

7. Space-time trellis codes
  • A(l) is an Hermitian matrix, therefore there
    exists a unitary matrix U and a diagonal matrix D
    such that
  • where ?i(l) eigenvalues of
    matrix A(l)
  • Let , so
  • Considering the Chernoff bound of the error
  • Now we must distinguish between two cases.

7. Space-time trellis codes
  • Quasi-static fading
  • gij(l) is constant within a frame of length L and
    changes randomly from one frame to another.
  • where r(A) is the rank of matrix A.
  • Time-varying fading
  • where ?(C,E) is the set of indexes of the all
    zero columns of the difference matrix C-E.
  • where D C-E is the difference matrix
  • r(D) is its rank
  • O(D) is the set of column indexes that differ
    from zero.

  • Error Probability for fading channels.
  • Single Input/Single Output (SISO)
  • Multi-antenna (MIMO), from the Chernoff bound of
    the error probability.

(coherent binary PSK, Rayleigh fading)
(coherent orthogonal, Rayleigh fading)
(orthogonal, noncoherent, Rayleigh fading)
  • The output noise power of the branch K can be
    written as
  • Assume that the total energy of a block is
    limited to Etot K.E0
  • (E0 is the transmitting energy for each source

Signal-to-Noise (SNR)
  • The total energy can also be expressed as
  • Assume the constellation at the receiver
    satisfies ER ?.dR2 , where dR is the minimum
    distance of the constellation, and ? is a
    constant depending on the different
  • Using minimum distance sphere bound, the instant
    symbol error rate bound is

  • We assume ?i,j are independent samples of zero
    mean complex Gaussian random variables having a
    variance of 0.5 per dimension. Thus
    are independent Rayleigh distributed with a PDF
  • Thus, the average symbol error rate bound is
    given by

Probability of error for different numbers of Tx
Rx antennas
Probability of error for large number of Tx
antennas (n??)
8. Code design
  • Diversity advantage (DA) is the exponent in the
    error probability bound.
  • In order to improve the performance of ST codes,
    the diversity advantage must be
  • maximised by maximising the rank of the
    difference matrix.
  • 1st Design criteria the minimum of the ranks of
    all possible matrices D C-E must
  • be maximised. To achieve the full rank n all
    matrices D must have full rank.
  • Coding gain (CG) is the term independent of SNR
    in the upper error bound.
  • It is the product of eigenvalues of the
    difference matrix or of euclidean distances.
  • 2nd Design criteria in order to maximise the
    coding gain, the minimum of the
  • products of euclidean distance (or equivalently
    the eigenvalues) taken over all pairs of
  • codes C and E must be maximised.

for quasi-static fading
for time-varying fading
9. System block diagram
I. Encoder
9. System block diagram
II. Decoder
10. Example
  • Delay diversity code
  • QPSK modulation
  • code rate ½
  • 2 Tx antennas
  • Encoder structure
  • Example
  • x 1 3 2 0 1
  • c1 1 3 2 0 1
  • c2 0 1 3 2 0

1 symbol delay
10. Example
  • The space-time decoding branch metric
    calculation is performed using the following
  • For QPSK, received signal consists of I and Q
    components which are produced separately by the
    demodulator, so the magnitude of this signal must
    be taken. Making the above equation

10. Example
  • For two transmit antennas (n2), the equation
  • For two receive antennas (m2), the equation

10. Example
  • The trellis structure for the Modulo 4, 4-state
    21/3 ST-Ring TCM code is

10. Example
  • From a computer simulation, with 3dB S/N and a
    Rayleigh fading variance set to 0.5 per
    dimension, the following metric is calculated
  • r1I 0.998 g11 1.983 c1 0.707 g21 0.554c2
  • r1Q -2.027 g11 1.983 c1 0.707 g21 0.554
    c2 0.707
  • r2I -0.734 g12 0.552 c1 0.707 g22 1.412
    c2 -0.707
  • r2Q -1.586 g12 0.552 c1 0.707 g22 1.412
    c2 0.707
  • 0
  • 14.597
  • 0.016
  • 8.848
  • 0 14.579 0.016 8.848 23.461

10. Example
  • This value (23.461) is then used as a branch
    metric value (BMV) and assigned to the following
    trellis branch
  • All other branch metric values are calculated in
    the same way (16 values per codespace pair for a
  • code). This procedure is then repeated for each
    received symbol pair through the trellis (from
    left to right)
  • until the whole frame has been calculated.

10. Example
  • The path metric values (one value per code
    state) are then calculated in the following
  • At the start of the trellis, the PMV values are
    the same as the BMV values leading into that
  • For the repetitive trellis sections, there are
    four (in the case of a Modulo-4 code) paths
    leading into each node, three competitor paths
    and one survivor path.

10. Example
  • The second and further sets (deeper into the
    trellis) are calculated by adding the BMV value
    of a path entering a node to the PMV value from
    the previous node connected to that path to form
    a competitor path, this procedure is then
    repeated for all four paths and the smallest of
    these four calculated values is used to form the
    new node PMV value, if there is more than one
    value that is the smallest of the four, then one
    is chosen arbitrarily.
  • Competitor 1 28.6 2.9 31.5
  • Competitor 2 0.1 16.0 16.1 Survivor
  • Competitor 3 11.7 21.4 33.1
  • Competitor 4 18.4 8.3 26.7
  • This procedure is then repeated for each node
    throughout the trellis, working from left to

10. Example
  • Once these values have been calculated, the
    traceback operation is performed which consists
    of identifying the most likely path through the
    trellis based on low PMV values. This operation
    is performed from the end of the trellis to the
    start (i.e. right to left) and so can only be
    performed when an entire frame has been received.
    The operation begins with the selection of the
    smallest PMV for the end (deepest) set. The path
    backwards (the overall survivor path) to the
    start of the trellis is calculated based on the
    selection of the smallest of the four PMVs
    joining the current node, if there exist more
    than one PMV with the smallest value then one is
    chosen arbitrarily.
  • This path is then stored as the modulo-4 value
    of the systematic MCE output corresponding to the
    selected path. The survivor path can be seen in
    the trellis diagram above (in red). This stored
    encoder output sequence is then reversed in order
    (symbol by symbol) and becomes the decoded data.

11. BER performance on time-varying Rayleigh
fading channels
, (Tx2), QPSK, ideal CSI
12. Conclusions
  • The use of space-time diversity techniques for
    transmission over fading channels offers a
    promising increase in the capacity. The capacity
    of MIMO channels can even increase linearly with
    the number of transmit antennas.
  • In particular, space-time codes provide a
    significantly better performance than single
    antenna systems.
  • The design criteria for space-time codes has been
    presented. These takes into account two factors
    the diversity advantage and the coding gain.
  • Maximum-likelihood detection techniques can be
    applied in the decoding process without an
    increase on the decoder complexity.
  • Computer simulations avail these statements by
    showing a smaller BER at a fixed SNR.

Thank you
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