Title: Orthogonal Transforms
1Orthogonal Transforms
- Introduce the concepts of base functions
- For Reed-Muller, FPRM
- For Walsh
- Linearly independent matrix
- Non-Singular matrix
- Examples
- Butterflies, Kronecker Products, Matrices
- Using matrices to calculate the vector of
spectral coefficients from the data vector
Our goal is to discuss the best approximation of
a function using orthogonal functions
3Orthogonal Functions
4Orthogonal Functions
5Note that these are arbitrary functions, we do
not assume sinusoids
6Illustrate it for Walsh and RM
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10Mean Square Error
11Mean Square Error
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14Important result
15- We want to minimize this kinds of errors.
- Other error measures are also used.
16Unitary Transforms
17Unitary Transforms
- Unitary Transformation for 1-Dim. Sequence
- Series representation of
- Basis vectors
- Energy conservation
Here is the proof
18- Unitary Transformation for 2-Dim. Sequence
- Definition
- Basis images
- Orthonormality and completeness properties
- Orthonormality
- Completeness
19- Unitary Transformation for 2-Dim. Sequence
- Separable Unitary Transforms
- separable transform reduces the number of
multiplications and additions from to - Energy conservation
20Properties of Unitary Transform
Covariance matrix
21Example of arbitrary basis functions being
rectangular waves
22This determining first function determines next
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25Small error with just 3 coefficients
26This slide shows four base functions multiplied
by their respective coefficients
27This slide shows that using only four base
functions the approximation is quite good
End of example
28Orthogonality and separability
29Orthogonal and separable Image Transforms
30Extending general transforms to 2-dimensions
31Forward transform
inverse transform
32Fourier Transforms in new notations
- We emphasize generality
- Matrices
33Fourier Transform
34Extension of Fourier Transform to two dimensions
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38Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT)
New notation
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40Fast Algorithms for Fourier Transform
Task for students Draw the butterfly for these
matrices, similarly as we have done it for Walsh
and Reed-Muller Transforms
Pay attention to regularity of kernels and order
of columns corresponding to factorized matrices
41Fast Factorization Algorithms are general and
there is many of them
42- 1-dim. DFT (cont.)
- Calculation of DFT Fast Fourier Transform
Algorithm (FFT) - Decimation-in-time algorithm
Derivation of decimation in time
43Decimation in Time versus Decismation in Frequency
44- 1-dim. DFT (cont.)
- FFT (cont.)
- Decimation-in-time algorithm (cont.)
Butterfly for Derivation of decimation in time
Please note recursion
45- 1-dim. DFT (cont.)
- FFT (cont.)
- Decimation-in-frequency algorithm (cont.)
Derivation of Decimation-in-frequency algorithm
46Decimation in frequency butterfly shows recursion
- 1-dim. DFT (cont.)
- FFT (cont.)
- Decimation-in-frequency algorithm (cont.)
47Conjugate Symmetry of DFT
- For a real sequence, the DFT is conjugate symmetry
48- Use of Fourier Transforms for fast convolution
49Calculations for circular matrix
50By multiplying
51W ? Cw
In matrix form next slide
52w ? Cw
53Here is the formula for linear convolution, we
already discussed for 1D and 2D data, images
54Linear convolution can be presented in matrix
form as follows
55As we see, circular convolution can be also
represented in matrix form
56Important result
57Inverse DFT of convolution
58- Thus we derived a fast algorithm for linear
convolution which we illustrated earlier and
discussed its importance. - This result is very fundamental since it allows
to use DFT with inverse DFT to do all kinds of
image processing based on convolution, such as
edge detection, thinning, filtering, etc.
592-D DFT
602-D DFT
61Circular convolution works for 2D images
62Circular convolution works for 2D images So we
can do all kinds of edge-detection, filtering etc
very efficiently
- 2-Dim. DFT (cont.)
- example
63- 2-Dim. DFT (cont.)
- Properties of 2D DFT
- Separability
64- 2-Dim. DFT (cont.)
- Properties of 2D DFT (cont.)
- Rotation
65- 2-Dim. DFT (cont.)
- Properties of 2D DFT
- Circular convolution and DFT
- Correlation
66- 2-Dim. DFT (cont.)
- Calculation of 2-dim. DFT
- Direct calculation
- Complex multiplications additions
- Using separability
- Complex multiplications additions
- Using 1-dim FFT
- Complex multiplications additions ???
Three ways of calculating 2-D DFT
67Questions to Students
- You do not have to remember derivations but you
have to understand the main concepts. - Much software for all discussed transforms and
their uses is available on internet and also in
Matlab, OpenCV, and similar packages.
- How to create an algorithm for edge detection
based on FFT? - How to create a thinning algorithm based on DCT?
- How to use DST for convolution show example.
- Low pass filter based on Hadamard.
- Texture recognition based on Walsh