Title: Prof. Dr. Orhan Hacihasanoglu
1- MIM 482 E 2005-2006 SPRING TERM
- Prof. Dr. Orhan Hacihasanoglu
- Prof. Dr. Isil Hacihasanoglu
- 5
2- Utopian and Dystopian Movies
utopia ou eu
topos dystopia dys
Definitions Utopia is an imaginary society or
place of ideal perfection Dystopia is an
imaginary society or place which comments on our
society and majority of us would fear to live in.
3Utopian and Dystopian Movies
Characteristics of dystopian movies Settings
dystopian stories are always imaginary and take
place in the future in most cases. Themes the
leitmotif of dystopias is always oppression and
rebellion. The oppressors are more powerful than
the rebels. Dystopian citizens live in fear,
experience the feeling of being
shadoved,chased,betrayed. Aesthetics the
environment has an active role in dystopian
stories. They take place in landscapes which
diminish people. They use mastodontic
architecture or vast wastelands devastated by war
and pollution.
4Utopian and Dystopian Movies
Categories Totalitarian dystopias Bureaucratic
dystopias Cyberpunk dystopias Tech-noir
dystopias Off-world dystopias Crime
dystopias Overpopulation dystopias Leisure
dystopias Apocalyptic dystopias Post-apocalyptic
5Utopian and Dystopian movies
Totalitarian dystopias societies utilise total
control over and demand total commitment from the
citizens, hiding behind a political ideology.They
are ruled by party bureaucracies backed up by
secret police or army forces.Citizens are
monitored and rebellion is punished. (nineteen
eighty-four, alphaville) Bureaucratic dystopias
(technocratic) They are regulated and
hierarchical societies.Totalitarian regimes tend
to found their own laws, bureaucratic regimes
tend to defend old laws but the laws are in
conflict with rational thinking and human
behaviour. (brazil, metropolis) Cyberpunk
dystopias societies described are exaggerated
version of our society where the technological
evolution has accelerated, environment collapse
is imminent. Cybernetics, artificial
enhancements of body and mind Cyberspace, global
computer network and digital illusion. (blade
runner, matrix)
6Utopian and Dystopian movies
Tech-noir dystopias are hybrid between high-tech
sci-fi and film noir. They have psychological
depth. The atmosphere is mesmering, gloomy and
melancholic.Urbanisation and environment is more
complex. (brazil, blade runner) Off-world
dystopias All dystopias localated to outer
space. Colonisation of other planets, heavy
industrialisation and interstellar wars between
distant civilisations.They have cyberpunk
features. (alien, outland, 2001 a space
odyssey) Crime dystopias The society is
infested with grave criminality and authorities
lost control. Criminality spans from street
crime to organized crime. (the last will of
dr.mabuse, the escape from new york)
7Utopian and Dystopian movies
Overpopulation dystopias The population of the
world has grown dramatically and the limited
resources are exhausted. Enourmous wealth gap
between the rich and the poor. Environment
similar to cyberpunk dystopias. (soylent
green) Leisure dystopias are best described as
utopias failed paradise projects.In these
societies all problems are solved, all citizens
are living in wealth and happiness, but often
achieved by suppressing individuality,
intellectualism, feelings,etc. (brave new world,
demolition man, the joy makers)
8Utopian and Dystopian Movies
Apocalyptic dystopias mankind or anation or an
ethnic group is facing a nuclear war or gigantic
meteorites or nature disasters. The victims
areegoistic, short-sighted, opportunistic. (the
day after tomorrow) Post-apocalyptic dystopias
The cause is nuclear war, environmental collapse
or deadly epidemics. The effect is anarchy and
survival of the fittest. A small community tries
to reestablish a civilisation. (waterworld)
9Utopian and Dystopian Movies
- Common traits of dystopian movies
- Hierarchical society classes are definitive
- Nation state ruled by upper class
- Strict conformity among citizens
- A fictional state figurehead that people worship
fanatically - Fear of the world outside the state
- Constant surveillance by state police
- Banishment of natural world from daily life
- More advanced technology
- Mastodontic architecture
- Destroyed environments, wastelands
- Dim rooms,rain wet asphalt,symbolic shadows,etc.
(film-noir - features)
10Utopian and Dystopian Movies
- GATTACA Andrew Niccol 1997
- THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW Roland Emmerich 2004
- THE FIFTH ELEMENT Luc Besson 1997
- 2001 A SPACE ODYSSEY Stanley Kubrick 1968
- METROPOLIS Fritz Lang 1927
11Utopian and Dystopian Movies
GATTACA Andrew Niccol 1997
12Utopian and Dystopian Movies
THE DAY AFTER TOMORROW Roland Emmerich 2004
13Utopian and Dystopian Movies
14Utopian and Dystopian Movies
2001 A SPACE ODYSSEY Stanley Kubrick 1968
15Utopian and Dystopian Movies
METROPOLIS Fritz Lang 1927