Workaholism: The Pretty Addiction - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Workaholism: The Pretty Addiction


Workaholism: The Pretty Addiction Nancy D. Losinno, EAP Manager Alcoholism vs. Workaholism Trivializing an illness? Alcoholism: an illness as defined by the AMA ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Workaholism: The Pretty Addiction

WorkaholismThe Pretty Addiction
  • Nancy D. Losinno,
  • EAP Manager

Alcoholism vs. WorkaholismTrivializing an
  • Alcoholism an illness as defined by the AMA a
    family disease
  • Key elements of alcoholism tolerance,
    progression, stereotypical withdrawal syndrome
  • Associated with irresponsibility, instability,
    homelessness, etc.
  • Seen as a character defect

WorkaholismIs it an addiction?
  • Is there tolerance, progression, or a withdrawal
  • Workaholism seen positively a strength of
    character, a virtue, elevates status to others,
    corporate/organizational climbers, a person
    doing what they love
  • Has implications for the family/marriage

Creating a climate for Workaholism
  • Financial demands excessive consumption
    overtime, extra jobs, competing for promotions
  • Chaotic home situations family/marital
    conflicts, childrearing, alcoholism/SA
  • Job/Organizational issues

Job/Organizational Issues
  • Perfectionistic boss
  • Downsizing fears
  • New work ethics always being on connected,
    up to the minute
  • Fear of being replaced by younger workers who are
    more savvy with technology
  • The glamour of technology makes work addiction
  • Blurring of lines between home work taking
    work home, telecommuting, home offices
  • The lure of the laptop being plugged in ready
    for action
  • Technology ensnares us can be hard to resist

Causes or Enablers?
  • Enabling a key concept in the addiction field
    defined as someone/something that allows an
    addiction to go unchecked, offers excuses
  • Other Enabler Puritan work ethic values hard
    work productivity extols it as antidote to
    sin evil
  • Idle hands are the devils workshop.
  • Hard work never killed anybody.

WorkaholismOrganizational vs.
  • Work addiction vs. Addiction at work different
  • Work addiction is primarily a psychological
    problem not environmental or organizational one.
  • Is related to issues of low self-esteem, feelings
    of inadequacy, needs for perfectionism in self

Portrait of the work addict
  • Not a team player
  • Has a strong need to control, makes it difficult
    to solve problems participate in give/take
  • Has a one track mindtheir own way is the best
  • Chronic overload creates resentments,
    irritability and impatience
  • Workaholics create their own stress impose it
    on others
  • WA have higher than average rates of alcohol
    abuse, divorce, stress related illnesses

Could you beThe Boss from Hell?
  • Constantly micromanages out of refusal to
  • Pushes/hurries employees to stress burnout
  • Makes unreasonable demands in hours, expectations
  • Overly critical intolerant of mistakes
  • Unpredictable, erratic moods
  • Overschedules and mismanages time
  • Applies/interprets policies inconsistently

The Childhood of the Work Addict
  • Clinical evidence suggests WA as a consequence of
    family dysfunction in childhood that is continued
    into a dysfunctional adulthood
  • ACOA/Family Hero perfectionistic,
    manager/controller/responsible kid, self-esteem
    based on doing rather than relationships, cant

The Workaholic as Parent
  • Often preoccupied with their own thoughts,
    mentally absent
  • Always rushing around, irritable, cranky,
    lacking humor
  • Focused on adult pursuits colleagues,
    intellect, trying to earn a living
  • Involvement with the family is on their own terms
  • Child tries to become like the parent in order to
    win their love and approval
  • Child measures his worth based on what he does,
    not by who he iscan never meet parents

Through the Eyes of a ChildGrowing Up with a
Workaholic Parent
  • Child cant point to a bottle as cause of
    parents abandonment
  • American work ethic prohibits child from finding
    fault with parent for overwork
  • Logical conclusion something must be wrong with
    ME, Im unlovable
  • WA are not physically emotionally available to
    their children do not take an active role in
    their childs development
  • Easier for parent to function as mentor than
    parentthere is more distance as mentor

How am I doing as a Parent?
  • Give your kids The Parent Report Cardkids love
    the opportunity to evaluate their Mom/Dad
    sparks discussion for ways to improve
  • Strive to be a good enough parent, a concept by
    Bruno Bettleheim

Repairing RelationshipsWith Children
  • Really believe that devoting time to
    relationships is a good investment
  • Save reading or work until children are asleep,
    help with homework, play games, be silly
    spontaneous, have meals together, show interest
    in childs activities, hobbies, friends,
  • Avoid bringing the job home via bad moods,
    unloading/displacing anger frustration
  • Practice family rituals which provide anchor
    for children (mealtimes, holidays, special
    occasions, etc.)
  • Avoid making your children old before their time
    by saddling them with responsibilities that are
    beyond their developmental capability
  • Let children know, by example, that it is okay to
    relax and do nothing. It is also okay to
    sometimes fail, and not be perfect.

The Workholic as Spouse/Partner
  • Non-workaholic spouse complains of being alone
    in the marriage, feels abandoned, unappreciated
    plays second fiddle to needs of job
  • WA is physically emotionally remote, sexually
  • Marital relationship is serious, lacking fun
  • Family time dictated by work schedules vacations
    may be postponed/avoided around job needs
  • Is unaware of the unreasonable adjustments they
    are asking family members to make around their
    needs and the needs of job
  • Lets the other parent do most of the parenting

The Workaholicin Love
  • WA usually demand a great deal of their marital
    partner (understanding, patience, deferral of
    needs, adjusting)
  • WA tend to avoid confrontation engage in
    silent treatment
  • WA may engage in extramarital affairs,
    particularly with an office-mate
  • WA may develop alcoholism or substance abuse out
    of unresolved emotional issues as a coping
    mechanism to relax, discharge emotional tension

Repairing RelationshipsWith Your Spouse/Partner
  • Stop the blame game, get professional help, be
    willing to address family-of-origin issues as
    well as possible depression, alcoholism or
    substance abuse. Cultivate the language of
  • Cultivate joint activities that are enjoyed by
    both, and do not have anything to do with work
  • Set boundaries on cell phone intrusions,
    Blackberries, resist temptation to net-surf or
    check email do not take laptop on vacation
  • Remove cell phone and/or computer from bedroom
  • Create tech-free days tech-free zones in the
  • Create a day of rest when enjoyable,
    non-competitive activities can take place
  • Be willing to address destructive communication
    patterns (door slamming, shouting, name-calling,
    sarcasm, threats, gunnysacking, walking out/not
    returning, etc.
  • Be teachable, therapy may take many visits hard
    work to bring the marriage up to acceptable

Checks and BalancesTo Overcome Workaholism
  • Schedule a checkup with your doctor. Maybe you
    need physical evidence that overwork stress is
    unhealthy. Follow his/her advice.
  • Consider some talking therapy to identify your
    feelings trace patterns of perfectionism, issues
    of inadequacy, inability to relax, needing to be
    a hero, etc.
  • Are you addicted to the adrenaline rush? Do
    you substitute addictions?
  • Let yourself have a dream. Many workaholics
    create self-punishing regimens because of
    childhood patterns of emotional and/or physical
    abuse. Learn to re-parent yourself and stop the
    vicious cycle.

Balancing Work HomeSome ideas to remember
  • No matter how hard you try, you cannot be all
    things to all people. Despite your grand
    efforts, some people will still push your not
    enough button.
  • You are still a good person, even if you leave
    your office with work unfinished. Remember that
    your other responsibilities (family, health,
    etc.) are just as important and you need to tend
    to other parts of your life too.
  • Pick someone who will hold you accountable for
    the changes you are trying to make in your life.
    Be willing to share your struggles with this
    person, and be willing to take their advice.
  • If family or marital conflicts make you want to
    avoid going home, make a plan to find resolution.
    Use your EAP, find a therapist, just do
    something to start a positive forward motion.
  • If you cannot sleep well or must use alcohol or
    other substances to fall asleep, you may have a
    sleep disorder. Call EAP to get a sleep
    screening and/or a referral to special sleep
    centers for diagnostics.

  • Your BNL EAP Manager Nancy Losinno, X4567 is
    available Mon-Fri 830-500. Walk-ins accepted
    but appointments are preferable.
  • 24/7 crisis coverage is provided by external EAP
    vendor Magellan Behavioral Health 1-800-327-2182
    or visit their website at
  • You are covered for five free counseling visits
    with a community-based EAP clinician utilizing
    the services of Magellan. Call EAP Manager Nancy
    Losinno for a referral to providers who are
    accepting new clients.
  • This service is available to employees, and their
    household members for five visits per person/per
    identified problem/per year.
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