Title: Anticoncentration measures St. Petersburg
December 2004
Regulating Media Concentration The experience
of Germany
Bernd Malzanini Kommission zur Ermittlung der
Konzentration im Medienbereich (KEK) Potsdam,
2The German Broadcasting System
- Public Service Broadcasting
- Obliged to provide the public with basic services
- Financed mainly by licence fees
- Independent of national and regional governments
- Internal regulation (Broadcasting Council)
- Private Broadcasting
- May not be subject to the same strict programming
standards as public service broadcasters - Financed by advertising
- Meets the interests of its advertising customers
- External regulation (State Authorities for the
3Supervision of Public Service Broadcasting
- Broadcasting Council
- Monitors independence and diversity in
programming - Pluristically composed of representatives of the
state and relevant social groups - Delegates elected in parliament or sent from
relevant groups - Administrative Council
- Ensures that administration and financial
management comply with the regulations - Composed and elected like above
4Supervision of Private Broadcasting
- State Authorities for the Media (LMAs)
- Independent (state- free) legal entities
- Financed by about two per cent of the licence fee
- Licencing and monitoring duties
- Commission on Concentration in the Media (KEK)
- Joint institution of the states (Länder)
- Serves as a special agency to all LMAs
- Independent, financed by the LMAs
- Promotes a uniform standard of national media
concentration control
5Layers of Concentration Control
- General Competition Law
- EU Merger Control
- Act Against Restraints of Competition
- Enforced by EU Commission / Federal Cartel Office
- Purpose To ensure a free and effective
competition to prevent abuse of
dominant economic positions - Sector-Specific Control
- Interstate Treaty On Broadcasting Nation-Wide
Television - Enforced by the KEK
- Purpose To safeguard plurality of opinion by
preventing any company or entity from dominating
public opinion
- Until 1997
- Only 2 TV licences and 2 radio licences allowed
per company of those not more than 1 could be
for a range of full programming and for 1 news
channel - Further restrictions on ownership of broadcasters
of full programmes and news channels - Since 1997
- No limitations on the number of licences per
company - 100 ownership is allowed
- Audience share threshold as new policy instrument
7K E K
- Founded in 1997
- 6 permanent and 2 substitute members
- Experts on broadcasting and commercial law
- Appointed for 5-year terms by the heads of the
German states - Not subject to instructions
- Receive adequate remuneration for their work
- Office located in Potsdam
- To ensure a plurality of opinion in
nationally-transmitted private television - Involved in procedures concerning
- applications for TV broadcasting licences
- changes in broadcasters ownership structures
- the allocation of airtime for independent third
parties - KEK decisions are binding, but subject to
reviewby the KDLM
9Regulatory Concept
- Determination of Audience Shares
- Legal Presumptions
- 30 audience share or
- 25 audience share a dominant position in a
related, media-relevant market or - Overall assessment of a companys media
activities 30 audience share
10Determination of Audience Share
- Audience (Market)
- Public service broadcasting and
nationally-transmitted private programmes (only
those in German language) - Audience Share
- Average viewer ratings of the last 12 months
- Representative sample of TV users of at least 3
years - Provided and published by a private service
provider - Same base as used by broadcasters for calculating
the costs of commercial spots
11Attributing Audience Share
- Direct Participation
- Ownership of at least 25 in a broadcaster
- Indirect Participation
- In case of affiliates in the meaning of the
Companies Act - Comparable Influence
- Regular supply of substantial parts of
programming - Position which confers decisive influence on
essential programming-related decisions
12Audience of TV Broadcasters
Average Ratings 2003
13TV Broadcasting Group Share
Pro7SAT.1 Group
Public Service
RTL Group
Other Privates
Ratings Oktober 2004
- National Level (Interstate Treaty)
- No specific regulations
- But KEK considers related, media-relevant
markets when determining a companys influence
on opinion-formation - State Level
- Limitations on broadcast ownership by the press
- Different models are used to prevent dominant
opinion-forming positions
- Give Up Attributable Shareholdings
- Reduce Influence in Related Markets
- Take Action to Safeguard Pluralism
- Grant airtime to independent third parties
- Establish a programming advisory council
- Worst Case Withdrawal of Licence
- Report on Media Concentration and Measures to
Secure Plurality of Opinion - List of Licensed Programmes and their Owners
- Annual Reports
- http//www.kek-online.de/
- Press Releases
- Published Decisions
- Diagrams of Ownership Structures
- Audience Shares
17Diagram of Ownership Structures
RTL Group.ppt