Title: The Strategic Planning Process
1The Strategic Planning Process
- Small Business Management
- Entrepreneurship
- AAEC 3454
- Dr. Alex White
2Who Cares?
- Common problems
- Losing focus
- Straying from core business
- Getting blind-sided
- Not anticipating change vectors
- Not thinking long-term
- Maurice Clarett syndrome (any former VT players
come to mind?) - Missing out on opportunities
- Not seeing market trends or industry trends
- Strategic Planning helps you
- Think before acting
- Stretch your brain
- Anticipate change
- Be proactive rather than reactive
3Strategic Planning
- Establish a clear direction for management and
employees to follow - Define in measurable terms what is most important
for the business - Allocate resources more efficiently
- Anticipate problems and take steps to avoid
and/or eliminate them - Establish a basis for evaluating performance of
management key employees - Provide a management framework which can be used
to facilitate quick response to changing
conditions, unplanned events, and deviations from
4Strategic Planning ProcessSteps for Remaining
- 1. Define the firms mission
- 2. Establish and prioritize goals objectives
- 3. Assess the firm - strengths and weakness
- 4. Assess the external environment
- - opportunities and threats
- 5. Develop evaluate alternative strategies
- 6. Select strategy
- 7. Implement strategy
- 8. Maintain the vision
5Mission / Vision Statement
- Defines the purposes of the firm and answers the
question - Why are we really in business?
- What business are we really in?
- What are we actually producing/selling?
- What are our social responsibilities?
- How does it fit owners personal mission?
6Three Cornerstones of a Mission Statement
7Establish Objectives / Goals
- Translate the mission into measurable terms.
Objectives are quantifiable statements that
include short, intermediate, and long-term time
frames. - Increase sales by 30 percent in the next year
through value added markets - Adapt technology to reduce labor cost by 25
percent in the next five years - Increase production by 40 percent in the next
- three years
- Implement a retirement program for employees
- within the next year
Long-term goals should be D irectional R
ealistic I nspirational V isible E ncompassing
Short intermediate goals should be S
pecific M easurable A ttainable R ewarding T imed
9SWOT Analysis
- Strength
- Weakness
- Opportunity
- Threat
10SWOT AnalysisInternal
- Things you manage
- Abilities and limitations of management
- Skills of employees and staff
- How modern and efficient is the business
- location
- facilities / equipment
- human resource
- financial
- marketing
- technology
- environmental
- globally competitive
11SWOT AnalysisExternal
- Things you manage around
- What are the major opportunities?
- Easing of regulation
- New or complementary products
- Favorable macro economy
- What are the major threats?
- New or changing competition
- Tightening of regulations
- Change in trends
12Develop and Prioritize Alternative Strategies
- Develop alternative plans which describe the
methods for attaining objectives and gaining
competitive advantage. - Brainstorm
- Marketing
- Production
- Financial and Budgeting
- Evaluate alternative strategies from your
brainstorming - Controls monitoring systems
13Contingency Plans
- The Hewlett-Packard Principle
- What if
- ALWAYS have an escape plan!
- Think how you will get out before you get in!
- Critical part of a business plan!
- Usually required by lenders
- 3 aspects to focus on
- What if my goals are not being met
- What if my business is MORE successful that
expected - What if I just want to get out or make changes
14Select and Implement Strategy
Select and implement the strategies that will
enable the business to achieve the desired
objectives. Take Action! Walk the Walk!