Title: The Fox and
1The Fox and the Stork
2The Fox and the Stork
The story is a fable.
A fable is short story with a lesson. The
characters in the story are usually animals that
can talk.
This story is retold and illustrated by Gerald Mc
3Author Gerald McDermott
- Gerald McDermott was born on January 31, 1941, in
Detroit, Michigan. He started taking art classes
when he was four years old. - He is a successful artist, writer, and filmmaker.
He has won many awards for his artwork, including
the Caldecott Medal. - Gerald McDermott likes to retell myths and
folktales in his books. - He makes the pictures for his books bold and
4Genre -
The Fox and the Stork
A fable is a story that teaches a lesson.
- Look for
- A lesson that you can use in your own life.
- Animal characters that talk.
The boys were kind to sing to the people.
made - did make
The elves made shoes for the old man and woman.
Door - something used to open or close an
entrance to a room
This door makes me feel happy.
who - which person
Who comes down the chimney?
9 Would
would - past of will
Would you like to ride on this train?
10Vocabulary Review
- Say the words.
- Read the sentence.
- Fill in the blank.
11He ________ yarn out of the cotton ball.
12______ has the alligator?
13The cat is looking out the ______.
14The vet was _______ to the hurt dog.
15______ you like to pet the bearded dragon?
16Match the words to its meaning.
- - something used to open or close an entrance to
a room - - nice to others
- - did make
- - which person
- - past of will
- would ____
- door ___
- who ____
- kind ____
- made _____
17Say the Sight Words
door who would found gave
goes green its made of
18New words in the story The Fox and the Stork
dinner tapped wonderful bowl soup smart
flat slurped hungry complain
best garden served lick dipped drank
moaned groaned reward friend
- popcorn
- lesson
- fable
- forest
- tricks
- rowed
- morning
- around
- boast
19Word Power
- Fox looked out his door.
- Who would like to come in? he called.
- I made popcorn to share.
- How kind of you! said his friend.
20Enjoy your story.
The End
Anne Miller
21Sites You should be able to click on these sites
and go to them by pointing and clicking.
The Fox and the Stork - Characters The Fox and
the Stork - Characters Test Tutor A Trip to Fox
Mountain (No Sound- Students can read this
orally) Phonics Double Consonants 1 Double
Consonants 2 -le Soap Boat Two Vowel TV
Two Vowel Make a Word Game Two Vowel Word Sort