Title: Communications Law
1Communications Law
- Prof. Karl Manheim
- Spring, 2006
- 6. Station Ownership Rules
2Media Ownership
- Regulated media
- Broadcast TV (incl. DTV, LPTV)
- Broadcast Radio (inc. LPFM)
- Cable systems
- Satellite systems (DBS digital radio)
- Unregulated media
- Newspapers (and other print media)
- Cable/Satellite channels networks
- Internet
3Media Ownership
- Regulated media
- Broadcast TV (incl. DTV, LPTV)
- Broadcast Radio (inc. LPFM)
- Cable systems
- Satellite systems (DBS digital radio)
- Unregulated media
- Newspapers (and other print media)
- Cable/Satellite channels networks
- Internet
by regulating these
the FCC can also indirectly regulate these
4Evolution of Ownership Rules
- 1934/1941 Duopoly rules
- By Market
- No common ownership of TV stations
- No dual network affiliation
- No common ownership of radio in same service
- National caps 7 AM 7 FM 7 TV
- 1970 Cross-Ownership rules
- Radio/TV and Broadcast/Newspaper (by market)
- All rules survived judicial scrutiny
5Evolution of Ownership Rules
- 1980s De-regulatory trend
- National caps
- of broadcast stations 12 per service (AM, FM,
TV) - 25 national audience potential (50 UHF
discount) - Local caps (by market)
- Common ownership allowed based on market size
- 1996 TCA
- Repealed or eased ownership rules
- No. of TV stations national audience cap
(25-35) - Local and national radio ownership
- Dual Network Rule
6Evolution of Ownership Rules
- 1996 TCA
- Repealed or eased cross-ownership rules
- Telephone/Cable Cable/Broadcast Cable/Network
- Mandates deregulatory biennial review ( 202(h))
- 2000 Biennial Report (started in 1998)
- Retains NTSO and CBCO
- Invalidated Fox TV v. FCC Sinclair v. FCC
(2002) - 2003 Report Order
- Relaxed local and national ownership rules
- Rebuked by Congress
- Upheld in part in Prometheus Radio v. FCC (2004)
7Multiple Ownership Rules
- Background Goals
- Competition
- Diversity of information sources
- Efficient use of spectrum
- New Facts Policies
- Convergence / media competition
- Deregulation
- 202 of 96 Telecom Act repeals/amends some caps
- Mandates that FCC reconsider others (biennially)
- 47 CFR 73.3555
- Inapplicable to NCE TV and FM stations
8Radio Multiple Ownership
- No multiple ownership of AM or FM stations within
same principal community contour - AM predicted or measured 5 mV groundwave contour
- FM predicted 3.16 mV contour
- Exceptions based on market size TCA 202(b)
- National audience caps repealed 202(a)
9Initial TV Mult. Ownership Rule
- No overlap of Grade B contours
- what is a grade B contour
- measurement of signal strength
- specified in 47 CFR 73.683 as
- 47-64 dB above 1 mV/m
- at least half the househeholds get tolerable
reception using a conventional roof-top antenna
half the time - longley-rice model
- also applied to satellite non-duplication
10Grade B Contour for WUSA
click for national grade b map
11Grades AB KJEO Fresno
The contours are derived by mathematical
calculation using the Longley Rice method which
accounts for geography and other propagation
12Amended TV Duopoly Rule
- Maximum 2 stations in same DMA
- Neilsen Media Research Designated TV Market Area.
more info still more - Particular TV markets by county
- measured by preponderance of viewership
- LA 5,354,150 household (5.2 national) stations
- But only under these conditions
- no grade b overlap
- failed stations (no out-of-market buyers)
- 1 of the stations is ranked lower than 4th in DMA
and 8 independent stations remain in DMA - within grade b
- Other media (e.g. newspapers) dont count
See FCC Opinion Order (1/19/2001) - Duopoly
13TV/Radio Cross-Ownership sub (c)
- Previous cap
- No X-ownership in same geographic area
- Grade A contour overlaps w/ 1 mV/m (2 for AM)
- New cap
- 1 (or 2 where duopoly allowed) TV stations plus 1
radio station in same market - 1 TV station (or 2), plus y radio stations, where
- y 6 (or 7) if 20 media voices remain
- y 4 if 10 media voices remain
- voices include cable eng. lang. newspapers
gt5 share - certain stations grandfathered
14Bcast/Newspaper X-Ownership (d)
- No TV license to owner of daily newspaper
- Grade A contour overlap (TV) w/ entire community
- Any 1st Amd concerns?
- No radio license if
- 2 mV contour overlap (AM) w/ entire community
- 1 mV contour overlap (FM) w/ entire community
- Replaced by Cross-Media limits (2003)
15National TV Station Ownership sub (e)
- Previous NTSO rule
- 12 station cap nationally (earlier 3, 7)
- to maximize diversification of program and
service viewpoints - to prevent undue concentration of economic power
- New NTSO rule
- stations cannot reach gt 35 natl audience
- no couble counting for satellite stations in DMA
- satellite station must be permitted under duopoly
rules - expanded to 39 in 2004 (congl compromise)
16Cable X-Ownership Rules 76.501
- Cable television system cannot own a TV broadcast
station in same market - predicted Grade B contour overlaps the cable
service area - Cannot offer Satellite Master Antenna TV
- SMATV is common satellite reception that doesnt
use any public right of way - e.g., hotel, apartment building
- Exception if effective competition in market
17Promethus Radio v. FCC (3rd Cir. 2004)
- Jdx for Review of FCC Report Order
- 28 USC 2342(1) 47 USC 402(a)
- Since not a licensing decision, not limited to DC
Cir. - Standard of Review
- APA 7 USC 706(2)(a)
- arbitrary, capricious, an abuse of discretion,
or other-wise not in accordance with law (eg,
unconst, ultra vires) - Procedural
- agency must adequately consider all facts
positions - Substantive
- rational basis review
18Promethus Radio v. FCC (3rd Cir. 2004)
- Are the rules necessary in the public interest
- FCC interpretation useful, convenient,
appropriate - Based on 1996 TCA leg. history (no longer
necessary) - Compare necessary proper clause in Art. I,
8 - indespensible, absolutely necessary
- Court upholds FCCs interpretation ( discretion)
- Same public interest standard in deregulation as
elsewhere - FCC must affirmatively justify retained own.
rules - No justification needed pre 96 TCA
- Any justification reviewed under deferential
A/C/A standard
19Promethus Radio v. FCC (3rd Cir. 2004)
- Cross-Ownership Rules
- Repealed replaced by Cross-Media Rules
- Rationales
- diversity of voices exists
- independent of ownership
- also due to new media (cable, Internet)
- XO rules undermined localism
- co-owned outlets produced higher quality local
20Promethus Radio v. FCC (3rd Cir. 2004)
- Cross-Ownership Rules
- Repeal of XO rules upheld
- Enough evidence in record to avoid A/C/A standard
- Cross-Media Limits
- A/C/A standard
- Also record evidence to support some XO limits
- 5th Amendment Equal Protection
- Newspapers not singled out
- 1st Amendment
- Scarcity rationale (Red Lion v. FCC (1969))
211st Amendment Scarcity
- XO rules content-based or content-neutral?
- If aimed at non-speech, apply mid-level scrutiny
- Promote an important govt interest, that is
- Unrelated to the suppression of speech, and
- Burdens speech no more than necessary
- (cf. Red Lion licensing of broadcast vs print)
- Content based (diversity and localism) rules
- only when the restriction is narrowly tailored
to further a substantial government interest - Do diversity localism, in face of scarcity,
survive? - Turner v. FCC (1994) (assuring the public has
access to a multiplicity of informatn sources is
a govt purpose of the highest order it promotes
values central to the 1st Amd)
still valid rationale?
22Promethus Radio v. FCC (3rd Cir. 2004)
- Specific Cross-Media Limits
- Court upholds limits in principle, but rejects
FCC methodology in selecting them - DoJ/FTC Diversity Index geared toward economic
competition, not diversity of viewpoints - FCC calculations of market share were flawed
- Why assign different values to different media,
but then same value to all outlets of particular
type (eg, all radio same share) - Ex. Dutchess Com. College and ABC both assigned
4.3 share - Inclusion of Inet not justified (based on
exclusion of cable) - No citation/support of Internet as ind. local
source of news - Internet not as available as cable
- Why are these FCC rules A/C/A?
23Promethus Radio v. FCC (3rd Cir. 2004)
- Local Ownership Rules
- TV
- Triopolies if gt17 TV stations Duopolies
elsewhere - No co-ownership of top 4 outlets in any market
- Court upholds this rule as welfare enhancing
(ample record) - Specific limits suffer from same inadequate
record as XO rules