Title: Healing the Healer Web Tool AMSA EDCAM Project Developing
1Healing the Healer Web ToolAMSA EDCAM Project
- Developing Your Own Health Plan
2It is no use walking anywhere to preach unless
our walking is preaching.
3Goal for Medical Students.
- Start the day without caffeine,
- Be cheerful, ignoring aches and pains,
- Resist complaining and boring people with your
troubles, - Understand when loved ones are too busy to give
you time, - Overlook when people take things out on you,
- Take criticism and blame without resentment,
- Face the world without lies and deceit,
- Conquer tension without medical help,
- Relax without liquor,
- Sleep soundly every night,
4You are the Family Dog!!
5Ring the bells that can still ring Forget your
Perfect OfferingThere is a crack in everything
Thats how the light gets in!
6Hits to Heal the Healer Website
- Aug-05 318 Sep-05 455 Oct-05
376 Nov-05 685 Dec-05 652 Jan-06
766 Feb-06 806 Mar-06 1137 Apr-06
892 May-06 1430 Jun-06
903 Jul-06 1244 Aug-06
1019 TOTAL 10,683
8Total responses 500
9Will this tool enhance pt care?
Total responses 500
10Improve students health?
Total responses 500
11Will it change your behavior?
Total responses 500
12Reference tool for health?
Total responses 500
13Total responses 500
14What was the most helpful?
- Balance is constantly changing and needs
redefining to find its true nature - How much I miss nature...and that my partner,
who should provide me with joy does not
consistently...which I need to figure out what to
do about. - Actually writing things down, forcing myself to
think about my life, and having something to take
away to remember my goals.
15Student Feedback Cont.
- Most helpful was the section on forgiveness plus
I learned that sometimes watching a sitcom
actually does contribute to my health! - The health hints
- Broadened my health goals based on my spiritual
needs not just physical - It helped enforce the notion that you can't help
others if you can't help yourself!
16Student Feedback Contd.
- Thinking about spirituality as an aspect of
health. - I need to develop a sense of humor.
- Putting all these things together
- Importance of relationships to my happiness
- Learning that life exists outside of this year
- I have a great life!