Title: Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction: The Next Challenge in Geriatric Anesthesia
1Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction The Next
Challenge in Geriatric Anesthesia
Terri G. Monk, M.D. Professor Department of
Anesthesiology University of Florida Gainesville,
Emery A. Rovenstine Memorial Lecture October 13,
2Geriatrics 1946 vol. 1, no. 1.
E.A. Rovenstine, M.D. New York City
3Table of Contents - Geriatrics 19461(1)
AGEDWilliam B. Kountz, M.D., and Louis H.
Jorstad, M.D. - MENTAL DISORDERS OF OLD AGEHarold D. Palmer, M.D.
- Importance of Geriatric Anesthesia
- Definition of Postoperative Cognitive
Dysfunction (POCD) - Historical evidence for POCD
- Potential Mechanisms for POCD
- Current evidence for POCD following
- Coronary Artery Bypass Surgery
- Non-Cardiac Surgery
- Long-Term Implications of POCD and Anesthetic
5Projection of the U.S. Population by
Age 1995-2050
6Orthopedic Surgery in the Elderly
- In past, hesitancy to perform hip and knee
replacement in elderly ? 80 years - Prospective study comparing pain, functional
outcome and quality of life outcomes in young
(55-79 yrs) and elderly (? 80 yrs) - No difference in outcomes between groups at 6
months after surgery - Age should not be a limiting factor for this type
of surgery
Jones et al. Arch Intern Med 2001 161454
7Realities for the Practicing Anesthesiologist
- Half of all individuals ? 65 years will have at
least 1 surgery in the remainder of their
lifetime - Over 7,000,000 inpatient surgeries per year in
people over 65 years - Most anesthesiologists will become geriatric
8Adverse Cerebral Effects of Anesthesia on Old
- Review of records of 1193 patients
- Age 50 years or older
- Operation under GA
- Mental deterioration in 120 (10) patients
- Conclusions
- Cognitive decline related to anesthetic agents
and hypotension - Operations on elderly people should be confined
to unequivocally necessary cases
Bedford. The Lancet 1955 2259
9Postoperative Cognitive Disorders
- Delirium
- 10-15 of elderly patients after GA
- Mild neurocognitive disorder - POCD
- Dementia (rare)
- Multiple cognitive deficits
- Impairment in occupational and social function
10Postoperative Cognitive Dysfunction
- Deterioration of intellectual function presenting
as impaired memory or concentration. - Not detected until days or weeks after anesthesia
- Duration of several weeks to permanent
- Diagnosis is only warranted if
- corroborated with neuropsychological testing
- evidence of greater memory loss than one would
expect due to normal aging
11(No Transcript)
12Implications of Postoperative Neurocognitive
- Abrupt decline in cognitive function heralds
- Loss of independence
- Withdrawal from society
- Death
Seattle Longitudinal Study of Aging Berlin Aging
13Potential Mechanisms for POCD
- High-risk patients
- High-risk surgical procedures
- High-risk anesthetic techniques
14Threshold Theory for Cognitive Decline
A Protective factor (greater brain reserve
capacity), lower test sensitivity, no
impairment B Vulnerability factor (less brain
reserve capacity), higher test sensitivity,
Satz Neuropsychology 1993(7)273.
15Continuum from Normal Aging through Mild
Cognitive Impairment to Dementia
Normal Aging
Mild cognitive impairment
16Potential Mechanisms for POCD
- High-risk patients - Functional Cliff
- High-risk surgical procedures
- Cardiac Surgery
- Orthopedic Surgery
- High-risk anesthetic techniques
17(No Transcript)
18Anesthetic Risk Factors for POCD
- Cholinergic neurons in the basal forebrain
regulate normal memory - Choline reserves ? with aging
- Anesthetic agents affect release of CNS
neurotransmitter - acetylcholine, dopamine, norepinephrine
- Difficult to postulate effects of anesthesia on
memory, since mechanisms of general anesthesia
are poorly understood.
19POCD Attention in Lay Media
20POCD after CAB Longitudinal Assessment
21International Study of Postoperative Cognitive
Long-term postoperative cognitive dysfunction in
the elderly ISPOCD1 study
JT Moller P Cluitmans LS Rasmussen P Houx H
Rasmussen J Canet P Rabbitt J Jolles K Larsen
CD Hanning O Langeron T Johnson PM Lauven PA
Kristensen A Biedler H van Beem O Fraidakis,
JH Silverstein JEW Beneken JS Gravenstein for
the ISPOCD investigators
- Collaborative research effort
- Members from 8 European countries and USA
- 13 hospitals
- Research conducted from 1994 - 1996
THE LANCET Saturday 21 March 1998 Vol. 351 No.
9106 Pages 857-861
22Long-Term POCD in the ElderlyHypotheses
- Anesthesia and surgery in elderly patients cause
prolonged cognitive dysfunction - The incidence of prolonged POCD increases with
age - Potential mechanisms of POCD
- Hypoxemia is a major cause of POCD
- Hypotension is a major cause of POCD
23Long-Term POCD in the ElderlyPhysiologic
- O2 saturation by continuous pulse oximetry
- One night preop
- Operating room
- 24 hrs postop
- Nights of POD 2-3
- Noninvasive blood pressure
- Every 3 min in OR
- Every 15 min in PACU
- Every 30 min for 24 hrs after PACU discharge
24Incidence of POCD in Patients and Controls
p lt 0.004
Lancet 1998 351857
25Long-Term POCD in the ElderlyConclusions and
- Anesthesia and surgery cause long-term POCD
- Hypotension and/or hypoxemia not related to
occurrence of POCD - Variable incidence of early POCD at different
centers - Differences in anesthetics, procedures, patients?
- Are results generalizable to single institutions?
Lancet 1998 351857
26A Prospective Study Evaluating The Relationship
Between Age and POCD
- Single site - University of Florida 1999 - 2002
- 1200 patients undergoing elective surgery
- Young - 18 to 39 years of age
- Middle-aged - 40 to 59 years of age
- Elderly - 60 years and older
- Controls - primary family members
- Study design identical to ISPOCD study
- Same psychometric test battery
- Outcome Endpoints
- POCD (primary) and mortality (secondary)
27The Relationship Between Age and
POCDInclusion/Exclusion Criteria
- Inclusion criteria
- Aged 18 years or older
- General anesthesia gt 2 hrs
- Major abdominal/thoracic or orthopedic surgery
- Mini-Mental State Exam (MMSE) 24
- Exclusion criteria
- Cardiac or neurosurgical procedures
- CNS disease
- Alcoholism or drug dependence
- Major depression
- Patients not expected to live 3 months or longer
28Evaluation of Factors Affecting Outcome
- Effect of patient, procedure and anesthetic
variables on outcome was evaluated using
multivariate modeling - Co-morbidity Scores, Demographics, Patient
History - Medications, Anesthetic Agents / Duration,
Surgery Type - Cumulative Deep Anesthesia Time (BIS lt 45)
- Intraoperative Hemodynamics
29POCD After Major SurgeryBaseline Characteristics
Baseline Characteristics of the Patients
Elderly (? 60 yrs)
Young (18-39 yrs)
Middle Aged (40-59 yrs)
Number of Patients Age (yrs) Gender (M/F) Years
of Education Baseline MMSE Baseline Charlson
Comorbidity Index
331 (31) 30.7 (6.0) 30/70 13.4 (2.2) 29.3
(1.1) 1.0 (1.5)
379 (36) 49.9 (5.6) 35/65 13.7 (2.8) 29.2
(1.2) 1.4 (1.8)
354 (33) 69.5 (6.5) 43/57 13.5 (2.8) 28.8
(1.4) 1.9 (2.1)
Numbers are expressed as Mean (standard
deviation) Elderly group significantly
different from younger groups
30Incidence of POCD in Adult Patients Z Score
of Patients
p lt 0.05
Monk et al. Anesthesiology 2001 95 A-50
31Predictors of POCD 3 Months After Surgery
Multivariate c-statistic 0.671 (p 0.003)
Monk et al. Anesthesiology 2001 95 A-50
32One-Year Mortality Rate by Cognitive Status
P 0.027 vs. No Decline P 0.014 vs. No
33Independent Multivariate Predictors of One-Year
Multivariate c-statistic 0.806 (p lt 0.001)
- Beta blocker use was not protective
- intraoperative beta-blockers hemodynamic
stability - chronic beta-blockers higher comorbidity
Weldon et al. Anesthesiology 2002 97 A-1097
34Outcomes Following Major Surgery Conclusions
- Common in all age groups at hospital discharge
- 3 months after surgery, POCD is more common in
adults age 60 years or older, with lower
educational achievement - Associated with increased one-year mortality
- Mortality
- Increased by comorbidity
- Anesthetic management has a significant effect
- volatile agent use
- cumulative deep anesthesia time
- systolic hypotension
35Is Anesthesia Associated with One-Year Mortality?
- Multi-center Prospective Trial (Sweden)
- 5,057 General Anesthetics, Non-cardiac Surgery
- 1 Year Mortality Rate 5.6
- vs. 5.4 in our POCD/Mortality Study
- Deep Anesthesia Time Significant Independent
Predictor Of Mortality - Increased Relative Risk 19.7 / Hr
- vs. 34.1 in our POCD/Mortality Study
Lennmarken et al, Anesthesiology 2003 99A-303
36Additional Investigation
- Medicare Data Analysis
- 2001 MEDPAR Inpatient File (1.6 Million
Surgeries) - Prediction of Risk-Adjusted Post-Surgical
Mortality Rate - Cox Proportional Hazards Model c-statistic0.848
(p lt 0.001) - Rank-ordered decrease in risk-adjusted mortality
with increasing use of intraoperative BIS
P lt 0.001 for Trend Monk,
et al. Anesthesiology 2003 99A-1361
- Anesthetic management, directly or indirectly,
may contribute to the biology of remote adverse
events - Practicing anesthesiologists may be able to
influence long-term outcomes by adjusting
anesthetic and adjuvant regimens - Reducing one-year mortality in the elderly by
just 5 would translate to 40,000 - 50,000 lives
saved each year
Meiler, Monk et al. APSF Newsletter 2003
38Research Support
- Anesthesia Patient Safety Foundation (APSF)
- I Heermann Anesthesia Foundation
- NIA K01 award
- Aspect Medical Systems
39The POCO GroupPost-Operative Cognitive Outcomes
40Mentors Make the Difference
Paul White, MD Washington University 1988 - 1992
Joachim S. Gravenstein, MD University of
Florida 1998-2003
41Superman in his later years
42Society for the Advancement of Geriatric