Title: Mechanical Bowel Preparation
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2Mechanical Bowel Preparation
Changes in Our Surgical Practice
UK Department of Surgery Grand Rounds J. S.
Hourigan, MD April 2010
449 Patients Undergoing Low Anterior Resection.
Van't Sant HP, Weidema WF, Hop WC, et al. The
influence of mechanical bowel preparation in
elective lower colorectal surgery. Ann Surg. 2010
..MBP Has No Influence on Anastomotic Failure
Van't Sant HP, Weidema WF, Hop WC, et al. The
influence of mechanical bowel preparation in
elective lower colorectal surgery. Ann Surg. 2010
Briefly Review the Recent History of Mechanical
Bowel Preparation Review the Literature
Regarding Mechanical Bowel Preparation Discuss
MBPs Influence on Anastomotic Leak and Septic
Complications Propose an Evidence-Based Change in
Our Surgical Practice
6dogma a point of view or tenet put forth as
authoritative without adequate grounds
Which Way To Go?
7Doesnt It Make Sense To Us?......
Decrease Volume of Intraluminal Content and Fecal
Load Decrease the Bacterial Counts Avoid Major
Improve Healing of Anastomosis Decrease
Infectious Complications Improve Patient Outcomes
8Mechanical Bowel Prep
2009 Cochrane Review Shows No Benefit of MBP
1994-2000s Several Other Trials Follow
1994 One of First RCT Showing No Benefit with
1990s Trauma Literature Accumulates Regarding
1980 Development of PEG-based Solutions
Tolerated Better
1972 Hughes Presents Early Challenge to Dogma
of MBP
1971 Nichols and Condon Describe Favorable
Clinical Experience with Bowl Prep
1970s Practice of Routine MBP Dietary
Restriction, Enemas, and Large Volume Saline
Irrigation via NGT
9Preoperative Preparation of the Colon
Clinical Experience Demonstrated Decreased MM
with Mechanical Removal of Gross Feces
Assumption Was Made That The Benefit Would Come
From Significantly Lowering Nonselective
Bacterial Counts
Controversy Today Concerns Only the Addition of
Antibiotics To Preoperative Mechanical
Nichols R, Condon R. Preoperative preparation of
the colon. Sur Gynecol Obstet 1971132 323-327.
10Mechanical Bowel Prep
2009 Cochrane Review Shows No Benefit of MBP
1994-2000s Several Other Trials Follow
1994 One of First RCT Showing No Benefit with
1990s Trauma Literature Accumulates Regarding
1980 Development of PEG-based Solutions
Tolerated Better
1972 Hughes Presents Early Challenge to Dogma
of MBP
1971 Nichols and Condon Described Favorable
Clinical Experience with Bowel Prep
1970s Practice of Routine MBP Dietary
Restriction, Enemas, and Large Volume Saline
Irrigation via NGT
Asepsis in Large Bowel Surgery
- Mechanical Cleaning Loads the Bowel and Is
Unnecessary - Antibiotics Have Restricted Part in Large-Bowel
This Has Been Considered the Challenge to
Nichols Views
Hughes ESR. Asepsis in large-bowel surgery
Hunterian Lecture. Ann Roy Coll Surg Eng 1972,
v.51 347-356.
12Mechanical Bowel Prep
2009 Cochrane Review Shows No Benefit of MBP
1994-2000s Several Other Trials Follow
1994 One of First RCT Showing No Benefit with
1990s Trauma Literature Accumulates Regarding
1980 Development of PEG-based Solutions
Tolerated Better
1972 Hughes Presents Early Challenge to Dogma
of MBP
1971 Nichols and Condon Described Favorable
Clinical Experience with Bowel Prep
1970s Practice of Routine MBP Dietary
Restriction, Enemas, and Large Volume Saline
Irrigation via NGT
Nichols v. Hughes
14There is Considerable Discordance Between What
We Do and What We Know.
Is It Possible That We Know Something More Than
What the Literature Can Tell Us?
15FirstWhat Are We Doing?
A Collection of Surveys.
- 352 Board-Certified Colon and Rectal Surgeons
100 Routinely Used Mechanical Bowel
Preparation PEG Solution Used Most Commonly (58)
Solla JA, Rothenberger DA. Preoperative bowel
preparation. A survey of colon and rectal
surgeons. Dis Colon Rectum. 1990 Feb33(2)154-9.
17Current Practices.Among North American
Colorectal Surgeons (1997)
100 Routinely Used Mechanical Bowel
Preparation PEG Solution Used Most Commonly (70)
Nichols RL, Smith JW, et al. Current practices of
preoperative bowel preparation among North
American colorectal surgeons. Clin Infect Dis.
1997 Apr24(4)609-19.
18Trends in Preparation for Colorectal Surgery
- 515 ASCRS Members With on Average 14 Years
Experience Each
.Survey Results Indicated 99 Routinely Used
Mechanical Bowel Preparation 98 Routinely Used
Intravenous Antibiotics 75 Routinely Used Oral
Zmora O, Wexner SD, et al. Trends in preparation
for colorectal surgery survey of the members of
the ASCRS. Am Surg. 2003 Feb69(2)150-4.
Cathartic Bowel Preparation A Thing of the
James McCormick, DO
.Most ASCRS Attendees Polled Admitted to Using
McCormick J. Cathartic bowel preparation a
thing of the past? ASCRS 2007 Meeting.
Technologic and Pharmacologic Advances for
Enhanced Recovery after Colectomy Symposium.
And...ACPGBI Guidelines for Management of
Colorectal Cancer
Bowel Preparation Should Not Be Used Routinely
Before Colorectal Cancer Resection
Guidelines for the Management of Colorectal
Cancer 3rd edition (2007). Issued by The
Association of Coloproctology of Great Britain
and Ireland 30-31.
In Follow-Up..A Survey of Its Members Indicated
the Following
Drummond R, McKenna R, Wright D. Current Practice
in Bowel Preparation for Colorectal Surgery A
Survey of the Members of The Association of
Coloproctology of GB Ireland. Colorectal Dis.
2010 Feb 20.
22Mechanical Bowel Preparation and Antibiotic
Prophylaxis in Colorectal Surgery Use By and
Opinions of Spanish Surgeons (2009)
- 131 Spanish Colon and Rectal Surgeons Surveyed
.Survey Results Indicated 87 Routinely Use
Mechanical Bowel Preparation
(60 for Right Colon90 for Left Colon99 for
Roig JV, GarcÃa-Fadrique A, et al. Mechanical
bowel preparation and antibiotic prophylaxis in
colorectal surgery use by and opinions of
Spanish surgeons. Colorectal Dis. 2009
Recognizes That No Clear Evidence Exists That MBP
Reduces Infectious Complications, Anastomotic
Leak, or Mortality
Data Lacks Statistical Power to Exclude Type II
Otchy D, Hyman N, et al. The Standards Practice
Task Force. Practice Parameters for Colon Cancer.
Dis Colon Rec August 2004 1269-1284
However, Bowel Preparation Is Justified Based
- Ease of Handling Bowel
- Safety of Bowel Preparation
- Low Cost
Otchy D, Hyman N, et al. The Standards Practice
Task Force. Practice Parameters for Colon Cancer.
Dis Colon Rec August 2004 1269-1284
25SecondWhat Do We Know?
The Literature.
26Lets First Assume MBP Is Actually a Good
If MBP Is So Critical to Operative Success,
Why Do We Rarely Talk About the Adequacy of
Bowel Preparation?
Do We Routinely Cancel or Postpone Elective Cases
if A Patient Does Not Finish MBP?
27Inadequate Bowel Preparation and Spillage
- MBP Causes Significantly Higher Incidence of
Liquid Contents - Spillage with Bowel Prep (17) v. NO Bowel Prep
Liquid (31) SemiSolid (10) Solid (3)
MBP Loads the Bowel (Hughes)
Mahajna A, Krausz M, et al. Bowel preparation is
associated with spillage of bowel contents in
colorectal surgery. Dis Colon Rectum 2005
28Tendency Toward More Infectious Complications
Anastomotic Leak (6.2 v. 3.8) Wound Infection
(12.5 v. 6.7)
Mahajna A, Krausz M, et al. Bowel preparation is
associated with spillage of bowel contents in
colorectal surgery. Dis Colon Rectum 2005
29Lets Then Assume MBP is Not Such A Good Thing
Does the Literature Support Not Using
MBP Routinely in Elective Colorectal Surgery?
Two Large Meta-Analyses.
Mechanical Bowel Preparation for Elective
Colorectal Surgery
31Mechanical Bowel Preparation for Elective
Colorectal Surgery
- Second Update (v.3) with Five Additional New
Trials Included - 14 RCTs with 4776 Participants
- Anastomotic Leakage was Primary Outcome Measure
- Secondary Outcome Measures Included Wound
Infection - Prophylactic Antibiotics Used In Both Treatment
Guenega KKFG, Matos D, Wille-Jorgensen P.
Mechanical bowel preparation for elective
colorectal surgery. Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews 2009, Issue 1. Art. No.
CD01544. Pub1-3.
32Anastomotic Leak
4.2 v 3.4
Guenega KKFG, Matos D, Wille-Jorgensen P.
Mechanical bowel preparation for elective
colorectal surgery. Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews 2009, Issue 1. Art. No.
CD01544. Pub1-3.
33Wound Infection
9.6 v. 8.3
Guenega KKFG, Matos D, Wille-Jorgensen P.
Mechanical bowel preparation for elective
colorectal surgery. Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews 2009, Issue 1. Art. No.
CD01544. Pub1-3.
34No Statistically Significant Difference Between
MBP and No-MBP
.This Represented a Change From 2005
2005 Statistically Significant Increase in
Anastomotic Leak with MBP
2003 No Difference
2009 No Difference
Guenega KKFG, Matos D, Wille-Jorgensen P.
Mechanical bowel preparation for elective
colorectal surgery. Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews 2009, Issue 1. Art. No.
CD01544. Pub1-3.
35The Lack of Proven Benefit for MBP Allowed
Authors To Suggest the Abandonment of MBP.
.Except When Needed To Identify Pathology or
Perform Intra-Op Colonoscopy
Guenega KKFG, Matos D, Wille-Jorgensen P.
Mechanical bowel preparation for elective
colorectal surgery. Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews 2009, Issue 1. Art. No.
CD01544. Pub1-3.
36Guenega KKFG, Matos D, Wille-Jorgensen P.
Mechanical bowel preparation for elective
colorectal surgery. Cochrane Database of
Systematic Reviews 2009, Issue 1. Art. No.
CD01544. Pub1-3.
Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of
Randomized Clinical Trials on the Role of
Mechanical Bowel Preparation Before Colorectal
Updated Systematic Review and Meta-Analysis of
Randomized Clinical Trials on the Role of
Mechanical Bowel Preparation Before Colorectal
(2003 Significant Increase in Anastomotic Leak
with PEG MBP 5.3 v. 3.2)
14 Randomized Clinical Trials with 4859
Slim K, Vciaut E, et al. Meta-analysis of
randomized clinical trials of colorectal surgery
with or without mechanical bowel preparation. Br
J Surg Feb 2004 911125-30.
Slim K, Vciaut E, et al. Updated systematic
review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical
trials on the role of mechanical bowel
preparation before colorectal surgery. Ann Surg
Feb 2009 2492 203-09.
39No-MBP Was Favored for All SSI with
Statistical Significance
Slim K, Vciaut E, et al. Updated systematic
review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical
trials on the role of mechanical bowel
preparation before colorectal surgery. Ann Surg
Feb 2009 2492 203-09.
40Two Interesting Side Notes With
Conflicting Preference for MBP Were Recognized in
This MA.
Slim K, Vciaut E, et al. Updated systematic
review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical
trials on the role of mechanical bowel
preparation before colorectal surgery. Ann Surg
Feb 2009 2492 203-09.
Bucher et al Demonstrated the Negative Effects
of MBP
Bucher P, Gervaz P, Soravia C, et al. Randomized
clinical trial of mechanical bowel preparation v.
no preparation before elective left-sided
colorectal surgery. Br J Surg 200592 409-414.
Slim K, Vciaut E, et al. Updated systematic
review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical
trials on the role of mechanical bowel
preparation before colorectal surgery. Ann Surg
Feb 2009 2492 203-09.
42Bucher et al (MBP n 78/No-MBP n 75) for Left
Therefore, Reduced Post-Operative Morbidity with
Bucher P, Gervaz P, Soravia C, et al. Randomized
clinical trial of mechanical bowel preparation v.
no preparation before elective left-sided
colorectal surgery. Br J Surg 200592 409-414.
.A Statistically Significant Difference Was
Demonstrated In Favor of Mechanical Bowel
Therefore, Reduced Post-Operative Morbidity with
Slim K, Vciaut E, et al. Updated systematic
review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical
trials on the role of mechanical bowel
preparation before colorectal surgery. Ann Surg
Feb 2009 2492 203-09.
Overall, The Authors Made the Following
- Higher Risk of Anastomotic Leakage is NOT
Suggested - Harmful Effect of MBP Was Not Evident (As
Suggested by Bucher) - MBP Does Not Reduce Infectious Morbidity of
Colon Surgery
Slim K, Vciaut E, et al. Updated systematic
review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical
trials on the role of mechanical bowel
preparation before colorectal surgery. Ann Surg
Feb 2009 2492 203-09.
.And Suggested MBP Should Be Abandoned At
Least From the Patients Perspective
- Quality of Life and Patient Preference
- Unwillingness To Have the Same Procedure Again?
- Dehydration and Electrolyte Disturbance
- Bacterial Translocation
Slim K, Vciaut E, et al. Updated systematic
review and meta-analysis of randomized clinical
trials on the role of mechanical bowel
preparation before colorectal surgery. Ann Surg
Feb 2009 2492 203-09.
46Within Both Large Meta-Analyses Two Large
Trials are Important to Note. Contant et
al And Jung et al
.Abscesses Not Considered to Be of Major
Clinical Importance
Contant ME, Hop W. Mechanical bowel preparation
for elective colorectal surgery a multicentre
randomised trial. Lancet 2007 3702112-17.
48The Authors Made the Following Conclusions.
- No Difference Exists Between MBP and No-MBP
- MBP Does Not Decrease/Prevent Infectious
Complications - Negative Side-Effects Without Evidence of
Contant ME, Hop W. Mechanical bowel preparation
for elective colorectal surgery a multicentre
randomised trial. Lancet 2007 3702112-17.
- Randomized to MBP (n686) and No-MBP (n657)
- 324 Patients (24) Overall Had At Least One
Complication - No Significant Difference Between Groups in
Complication Rates - No Benefit in Anastomotic Healing or Infection
Rates with MBP - No Improvement in Overall Post-Op Course or
Patient Outcome
Jung B, Pahlman L, et al. Multicentre randomized
clinical trial of mechanical bowel preparation in
elective colon resection. Br J Surgery 2007
50Authors Concluded
Once Again, The Practice of MBP Should Be
Jung B, Pahlman L, et al. Multicentre randomized
clinical trial of mechanical bowel preparation in
elective colon resection. Br J Surgery 2007
51Other Things We Know from the Literature
52Side Does Not Matter (Right v. Left, Colon v.
Bretagnol et al Produced Similar Results in
Their Assessment of No-MBP and Rectal Cancer
- No Difference in Symptomatic Anastomotic Leak
(8 v. 10) - Trend Towards Higher Rate of Infectious
Complications with MBP - Significantly Higher Rate of Extra-Abdominal
Inf Complications with MBP - Significantly Higher Overall Morbidity with MBP
Bretagnol F, Alves A, et al. Rectal cancer
surgery without mechanical bowel preparation. Br
J Surg 200794 1266-1271.
Zmora O, Mahajna A, et al. Is mechanical bowel
preparation mandatory for left-sided colonic
anastomosis? Results of a prospective randomized
trial. Tech Coloproctol 200610 131-35.
Bucher P, Gervaz P, Soravia C, et al. Randomized
clinical trial of mechanical bowel preparation v.
no preparation before elective left-sided
colorectal surgery. Br J Surg 200592 409-414.
Memon MA, Devine J, et al. Is mechanical bowel
preparation really necessary for elective left
sided colon and rectal surgery. Int J Colorect
Dis 199712 298-302.
53No-MBP and Laparoscopy is Feasible and Safe
Zmora et al Reviewed 200 Laparoscopic
Colectomies n 68 (MBP) and n 132 (No-MBP)
- 16 Patients (8) with Intraoperative
Colonoscopy for Localization - Overall Conversion Rate of 9 (MBP) an 14
1 Conversion in No-MBP for Localization
Zmora O, Lebedyev A, Hoffman A, et al.
Laparoscopic colectomy without mechanical bowel
preparation. Int J Colorectal Dis 200621
54No-MBP and Laparoscopy is Feasible and Safe
Adequate Patient Selection Should Focus On..
- Small Lesions (lt 3cm) Not Properly Marked
- Possibility for Intraoperative Colonoscopy
Zmora O, Lebedyev A, Hoffman A, et al.
Laparoscopic colectomy without mechanical bowel
preparation. Int J Colorectal Dis 200621
Ram E, Sherman Y, Weil R. Is mechanical bowel
preparation mandatory for elective colon surgery?
Arch Surg March 2005140 285-288.
55What About the U.S. Literature?
Two Recent Papers.
56Thomas Jefferson University Reported Their
Clinical Experience at Southeastern Surgical in
Review of 153 Patients without MBP
- No Benefit Associated with the Use of MBP
- Elective Colorectal Resections Can Safely Omit
Harris LJ, Moudgill N, Hager E, Abdollahi H,
Goldstein S. Incidence of anastomotic leak in
patients undergoing elective colon resection
without mechanical bowel preparation our updated
experience and two-year review. Am Surg. 2009
57University of South Alabama
Retrospective Review of 136 Patients /- MBP
- Overall, SSI Occurred in 23 of Patients
MBP 46.7 v. MBP 19.8
Thus, Supporting the Safe Omission of MBP
Howard DD, White CQ, Harden TR, Ellis CN.
Incidence of surgical site infections
postcolorectal resections without preoperative
mechanical or antibiotic bowel preparation. Am
Surg. 2009 Aug75(8)659-63 discussion 663-4.
58So, Who Should Prep?
- Inadequate Localization or Possibility of
Intra-Op Colonoscopy - Low-Level Rectal Resections or IPAAs?
- Defunctionalized Anastomoses?
And, Who Not Should Prep?
- Elective Colon Resections
59In Conclusion
- There is Sufficient Evidence to Abandon MBP
- Rare Evidence Demonstrates the Benefit of MBP
- MBP Has Been Shown to be Harmful in Few Studies
- No-MBP Will Eventually Become the Standard for
CR Surgery - Parenteral Antibiotics Continue to Have a
Defined Role - Routine Use of Oral Antibiotic Preparation
Should be Revisited