Approximate Query Processing: Techniques & Applications - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Approximate Query Processing: Techniques & Applications


Approximate Query Processing: Techniques & Applications Presented by- Shraddha Rumade Road Map Introduction Different Data Synopsis Sampling Outlier Indexing ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Approximate Query Processing: Techniques & Applications

Approximate Query ProcessingTechniques
  • Presented by- Shraddha Rumade

Road Map
  • Introduction
  • Different Data Synopsis
  • Sampling
  • Outlier Indexing
  • Exploiting Workload Information (weighted
  • Pre-computed samples
  • Applications of AQP
  • Sensor Networks
  • Streams

  • Decision support applications such as On Line
    Analytical Processing (OLAP) and data mining for
    analyzing large databases have become popular.
  • A common characteristic of these applications is
    that they execute aggregation queries (count,
    sum, avg) on large databases, which can often be
    expensive and resource intensive.
  • Instead of obtaining exact answers to such
    queries, giving approximate answers can greatly
    benefit the scalability of these applications.

Aggregate Query Example
SELECT Department, COUNT () as numStudents FROM
StudentRecords WHERE Degree Masters GROUP
BY Department ORDER BY numStudents DESC
Exact Answer
Approximate Answer
Data Synopsis
  • Pre-computed
  • Online
  • Different Synopsis
  • Histograms - Partition attribute value domain
    into a set of buckets. Become problematic when
    dealing with high-dimensional data sets (storage
    overhead construction cost). Require
    substantial changes to the QP engine
  • Wavelets Provide a mathematical tool for the
    hierarchical decomposition of functions.
    Applications in signal image processing.
  • Samples pre-computed or online samples of the
    data instead of the complete data to answer the
    queries approximately.

  • Uniform Random Sampling
  • Sample size fN Sampling fraction f
  • Each tuple is added to the sample with
    probability f.
  • Problems
  • Data skew - A skewed database is characterized by
    the presence of outlier values that are
    significantly different from the rest in terms of
    their contribution to the aggregate.
  • Low selectivity Very few or no tuples in the
    sample may satisfy the query predicate.
  • Solutions
  • Outlier indexing
  • Exploit workload information

Outlier Indexing
  • Identify the tuples with outlier values and store
    them in a separate sub-relation.
  • Apply the query to the outlier values, determine
    the true result of the query on the part of the
    table which only includes the outlier values
  • Pick a uniform random sample from the table
    excluding the outlier values (non-outliers), and
    estimate an approximation to the true result of
    the query if applied to the non-outlier tuples
  • Combine two results to obtain an overall estimate
    of the querys true result.
  • NOTE the subset that minimizes the standard
    deviation over the remaining set consists of the
    leftmost t' elements (for 0 ? t' ? t ) and the
    rightmost t - t' elements from the multiset R,
    when the elements are arranged in a sorted order.

Outlier Indexing
  • Algorithm Outlier-Index (R, C, t )
  • Read the values in column C of the relation R.
    Let y1, y2,. yN be the sorted order of values
    appearing in C. Each value corresponds to a
  • For i 1 to t 1, compute
  • E(i) S( yi, yi1,. yN )
  • Let i' be the value of i where E(i) takes its
    minimum value.
  • Then the outlier-index is the tuples that
    correspond to the set of values
  • yj 1 ? j ? t' U yj N t'1- t ? j
    ? N where t' i' - 1

Exploit workload information Weighted Sampling
  • Key steps
  • Perform sampling by taking into account weights
    of tuples. Sample more from subsets of data that
    are small in size but are important, i.e., have
    high usage.
  • A tuple ti has weight wi if the tuple ti is
    required to answer wi of the queries in the
  • Weight of the tuple ti in the relation be wi.
  • normalized weight be wi' wi / ?Nj1 wj
  • This tuple is accepted in the sample with
    probability pi n wi'
  • The inverse of this probability is the
    multiplication factor associated with the tuple
    used while answering the query. Each aggregate
    computed over this tuple gets multiplied by this
    multiplication factor.
  • This technique proves better than uniform
    sampling and weighted
  • sampling alone in case of different data skew,
    different sampling fraction
  • and varying selectivity of queries.

Pre-computing Samples
Use of pre-computed samples of the data instead
of the complete data to answer queries.
Pre-computing Samples for Fixed Workload
  • Fundamental Regions

For a given relation R and workload W, consider
partitioning the records in R into a minimum
number of regions R1, R2, , Rr such that for any
region Rj, each query in W selects either all
records in Rj or none.
Fixed Workload
  • Identify Fundamental Regions r
  • Case 1 r lt k (k- sample size)
  • 2. Pick exactly one record from each fundamental
  • 3. Additional column RegionCount, AggSum) in the
    sample records to store the aggregate value of
    records in that fundamental region.
  • Case 2 r gt k
  • 2. Sort all r regions by their importance and
    then select the top k. The importance of region
    Rj is defined as fjnj2, where fj is the sum of
    the weights of all queries in W that select the
    region, and nj is the number of records in the
  • 3. optimization problem- We have 2k unknowns
    RC1,,RCk and AS1, .ASk. MSE(W) can be
    expressed as a quadratic function of these 2k
  • minimize this function to give 2k simultaneous
    (sparse) linear
  • equations, solve using an iterative technique.

Applications of AQP
  • Sensor Networks
  • Streams

AQP in Sensor Networks
  • A Sensor Network is a cluster of sensor motes,
    devices with measurement, communication and
    computation capabilities, powered by a small
  • In a typical sensor network, each sensor produces
    a stream of sensory observations across one or
    more sensing modalities.
  • Need for data aggregation
  • unnecessary for each sensor to report its entire
    data stream in full fidelity.
  • in a resource constrained sensor network
    environment, each message transmission is a
    significant, energy-expending operation.
  • individual readings may be noisy or unavailable.
  • In sensor networks we need a scalable and fault
    tolerant querying technique
  • to extract useful information from the data the
    sensors collect.

Sensor Database Systems - TinyDB
  • Distributed query processor for smart sensor
  • Implements acquisitional techniques that can
    provide significant reductions in power
    consumption on our sensor devices.
  • Query dissemination - routing tree that allows a
    basestation at the root of the network to
    disseminate a query and collect query results.
  • Event-Based queries
  • Lifetime-Based queries

AQP in Sensor NetworksTAG A Tiny AGgregation
Service for Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks
  • Users connect to the sensor network using a
    workstation or base station directly connected to
    a sensor (sink).
  • Aggregate queries- SQL-like language, then
    distributed across the network.
  • Aggregate results are sent back to the
    workstation over a spanning tree, with each
    sensor combining its own data with results
    received from its children.
  • Effective and energy-efficient in case of no
    failures, for distributive and algebraic
    aggregates such as MIN, MAX, COUNT and AVG.
  • A single failure results in an entire sub-tree of
    values being lost.
  • Multi-path routing
  • Works for monotonic and exemplary aggregates like
    MIN and MAX.
  • Incorrect results for duplicate sensitive
    aggregates (COUNT, AVG)

Duplicate Insensitive sketches combined with
multi-path routing
  • Counting Sketches introduced by Flajolet
    Martin (FM)
  • For quickly estimating the number of distinct
    items in a database (or stream) in one pass while
    using only a small amount of space.
  • Distinct counting problem From a multi-set of
    items M x1, x2, x3, . . . , compute n
    distinct (M) .
  • FM sketch
  • Given a multi-set M, the FM sketch of M, denoted
    S(M), is a bitmap of length k. The entries of
    S(M), denoted S(M)0, . . . , k -1, are
    initialized to zero and are set to one using a
    random binary hash function h applied to the
    elements of M. Formally,
  • S(M) i 1 iff ?x ? M s.t. min j h (x,
    j) 1 i.

Duplicate Insensitive sketches combined with
multi-path routing
  • Summation Sketches
  • Given a multi-set of items M x1, x2, x3, . . .
    where xi (ki , ci) and ci is a non-negative
    integer, the distinct summation problem is to
  • n ? ci
  • distinct(( ki ,ci ) ? M )
  • Algorithm SUMINSERT( S,x,c)
  • 1 d pick_threshold (c)
  • 2 for i 0, . . . , d - 1 do
  • 3 Si 1
  • 4 end for
  • 5 a pick_binomial (seed(x, c), c, 1/2d)
  • 6 for i 1, . . . , a do
  • 7 j d
  • 8 while hash(x,c,i,j) 0 do
  • 9 j j 1
  • 10 end while
  • 11 Sj 1
  • 12end for

Duplicate Insensitive sketches combined with
multi-path routing
  • Approximate estimation of Duplicate Sensitive
  • Wireless communication
  • ability to broadcast a single message to multiple
    neighbors simultaneously.
  • duplicate-insensitive sketches allow a sensor to
    combine all of its received sketches into a
    single message to be sent.
  • Algorithm
  • The query is distributed across the sensor
    network, using some form of flooding. Each node
    also computes its level (i.e. its hop distance
    from the root), and notes the level values of its
    immediate neighbors.
  • divided into a series of epochs specified by the
  • aggregate computed once for each epoch.
  • At the beginning of each epoch, each node
    constructs a sketch of its local values for the

Duplicate Insensitive sketches combined with
multi-path routing
  • Phase 2 (cont.)
  • 3. The epoch is then sub-divided into a series of
    rounds, one for each level, starting with the
    highest (farthest) level.
  • 4. In each round, the nodes at the corresponding
    level broadcast their sketches, and the nodes at
    the next level receive these sketches and combine
    them with their sketches in progress.
  • 5. In the last round, the sink receives the
    sketches of its neighbors, and combines them to
    produce the final aggregate.

Duplicate Insensitive sketches combined with
multi-path routing
  • Analysis
  • Main advantage of synchronization and rounds-
    better scheduling and reduced power consumption.
  • Loosening the synchronization increases the
    robustness of the final aggregate as paths taking
    more hops are used to route around failures.
  • Increased robustness comes at the cost of power
    consumption, since nodes broadcast and receive
    more often (due to values arriving later than
    expected) and increased time (and variability) to
    compute the final aggregate.

Simple gossip-based protocols(AQP in Sensor
Networks cont.)
  • We have seen that distributed systems prove
    efficient over centralized ones, but with
    distributed systems we have instability arising
    due to node and link failures.
  • Sensor networks often involve the deployment in
    inhospitable or inaccessible areas that are
    naturally under high stress (for example in
    battlefields or inside larger devices).
  • Individual sensors may fail at any time, and the
    wireless network that connects them is highly
  • Decentralized gossip-based protocols provide a
    simple and scalable solution for such highly
    volatile systems along with fault-tolerant
    information dissemination.
  • Due to the large scale of the system, the values
    of aggregate functions over the data in the whole
    network (or a large part of it) are often more
    important than individual data at nodes.

Analysis of simple gossip-based protocols(AQP in
Sensor Networks cont.)
  • In a network of n nodes, each node i holds a
    value xi (or a set Mi of values).
  • The idea is to compute some aggregate function of
    these values (such as sums, averages,etc.) in a
    decentralized and fault-tolerant fashion, while
    using small messages only.
  • In gossip-based protocols, each node contacts one
    or a few nodes in each round (usually chosen at
    random), and exchanges information with these
  • Information spread resembles the spread of an

Analysis of simple gossip-based protocols(AQP in
Sensor Networks cont.)
  • The Push-Sum protocol
  • For computing sums or averages of values at the
    nodes of a network.
  • At all times t, each node i maintains a sum st,i,
    initialized to s0,i xi, and a weight wt,i,
    initialized to w0,i 1. At time 0, it sends the
    pair (s0,i,w0,i) to itself, and in each
    subsequent time step t, each node i follows the
    protocol given below-
  • Algorithm
  • 1 Let (sr , wr) be all pairs sent to i in
    round t-1
  • 2 Let st,i Sr sr , wt,i Sr wr
  • 3 Choose a target ft(i) uniformly at random
  • 4 Send the pair ( ½ st,i , ½ wt,i ) to ft(i) and
    i (yourself)
  • 5 st,i / wt,i is the estimate of the average in
    step t
  • The algorithm uses the basic property of mass
    conservation the average of all sums st,i is
    always the correct average, and the sum of all
    weights wt,i is always n.

Analysis of simple gossip-based protocols(AQP in
Sensor Networks cont.)
  • Diffusion Speeds
  • The diffusion speed characterizes how fast a
    value originating with any one node diffuses
    evenly through the network.
  • Local n-dimensional contribution vector vt,i at
    each node. Initially a node sends a vector ei
    (the vector with 1 in the i-coordinate, and 0 in
    all others) to itself. In subsequent rounds, the
    protocol is
  • Algorithm Protocol Push-Vector
  • 1 Let ?r be all vectors sent to i in round
    t -1
  • 2 Let vt,i Sr ?r
  • 3 Choose shares at,i,j for all nodes j
  • 4 Send at,i,j vt,i to each j

Analysis of simple gossip-based protocols(AQP in
Sensor Networks cont.)
  • Correspondence (Push-sum) st,I vt,i x Sj
    vt,i,j xj wt,i vt,i 1 Sj
  • Diffusion speed of the communication mechanism is
    characterized by the speed with which the
    contribution vectors converge to multiples of
    the1 vector.
  • T T(d, n, e) is (an upper bound on) the
    diffusion speed of the mechanism defined by the
    distribution on shares at,i,j if maxi ?i,t lt e
    with probability at least 1- d at all times t gt
    T(d, n, e).
  • For uniform gossip it is O( log n log 1/ e log
    1/ d)

Analysis of simple gossip-based protocols(AQP in
Sensor Networks cont.)
  • Importance
  • Simplicity Gossip-based protocols usually do not
    require error recovery mechanisms.
  • The guarantees obtained from gossip are usually
    probabilistic in nature they achieve high
    stability under stress and disruptions.
  • Scale gracefully to a huge number of nodes.
  • Practical considerations
  • The protocols Push-Sum, Push-Random, etc. are
    defined in terms of synchronous rounds, and with
    a synchronized starting point. The latter is
  • Nodes will usually want to stop processing a
    query after some time, when the approximation
    guarantee is good enough.

Approximate Query processing in Streams
  • Applications for high-speed streams
  • Networking- IP network management, network packet
  • Online monitoring real-time data over streams
    such as call records, sensor readings, web usage
    logs, etc.
  • Telecommunications
  • Issues to consider
  • Queries over these streams need to be processed
    in an online fashion to
  • enable real-time responses.
  • traditional DBMS paradigm of set-oriented
    processing of disk-resident tuples does not
  • data streams produced at physically distributed
  • Adaptive, self-regulating systems for processing
    continuous monitoring queries over data streams-
    bursty data streams and variable data

Adaptivity via Load Shedding Approximate Query
processing in Streams (cont.)
  • Gracefully degrade performance when the demands
    placed on the system cannot be met given
    available resources, in the context of continuous
    monitoring queries over data streams.
  • Load shedding dropping unprocessed tuples to
    reduce system load.
  • Optimization problem
  • objective function minimizing inaccuracy in
    query answers
  • constraint system throughput must match or
    exceed the data input rate.
  • General idea
  • load shedding operators, or load shedders, at
    various points in the query plan.
  • Each load shedder is parameterized by a sampling
    rate p. The load shedder flips a coin for each
    tuple that passes through it. With probability p,
    the tuple is passed on to the next operator, and
    with probability 1-p, the tuple is discarded.
  • lost tuples are compensated by scaling the
    aggregate values calculated by the system to
    produce unbiased approximate query answers.

Adaptivity via Load Shedding Approximate Query
processing in Streams (cont.)
  • For each query qi, there is a corresponding path
    in the data flow diagram from some data stream Sj
    through a set of query operatorsOi1,Oi2, . . . ,
    Oip to node qi. This path represents the
    processing necessary to compute the answer to
    query qi, and it is called the query path for
    query qi.
  • Set of trees. The root node - data stream Sj ,
    and the leaf nodes- queries that monitor stream
    Sj. Let T (Sj) denote the tree of operators
    rooted at stream source Sj.

Adaptivity via Load Shedding Approximate Query
processing in Streams (cont.)
  • Parameters-
  • Operator Oi (two parameters) selectivity si and
    processing time per tuple ti.
  • SUM aggregate operator Oi two additional
    parameters, the mean µi and standard
    deviation si of values in input tuples
  • data stream Sj rate parameters ri
  • Preliminaries
  • Ui - set of operators upstream (Sj to Oi) of
    OiIf some of the operators upstream of Oi are
    selective, the data input rate seen by operator
    Oi will be less than the data stream rate rj at
    the stream source.
  • If load shedders are introduced upstream of Oi,
    they will also reduce the effective input rate
    seen by Oi.
  • pi- sampling rate of the load shedder introduced
    immediately before operator Oi and let pi 1when
    no such load shedder exists.

Adaptivity via Load Shedding Approximate Query
processing in Streams (cont.)
  • Load Shedding Algorithm
  • Load Equation Any load shedding policy must
    select sampling rates pi to ensure
  • ? (tirsrc(i)pi p
    sxpx) 1
  • 1 i k
    Ox ? Ui
  • L.H.S- total time required for the system to
    process the tuples that arrive during
  • one time unit (assumption- overhead introduced by
    load shedding is negligible)
  • Problem statement-
  • Given a data flow diagram, the parameters si, ti,
    µ i, s i for each operator O i, and the rate
  • parameters rj for each data stream Sj ,
  • select load shedding sampling rates pi to
    minimize the max relative error ?max max1in
  • subject to the constraint that the load equation,
    must be satisfied.

Adaptivity via Load Shedding Approximate Query
processing in Streams (cont.)
  • Algorithm
  • Determine the effective sampling rates for each
    query that will distribute error evenly among all
  • Determine where in the data flow diagram load
    shedding should be performed to achieve the
    appropriate rates and satisfy the load equation.
  • Upper bound on probability that the relative
    error exceeds a threshold ?i
  • Let X1,X2, . . .,XN be N random variables,
  • Xj vj /P with probability P 0 otherwise.
  • Âi -sum of random variables and let Ai
    ?Nj1 vj .SSi the sum ?Nj1 v2j , then
  • Pr Âi - Ai ? Ai 2 exp(-2 Pi 2 ?2
  • Thus, for a query qj, to ensure that the
    probability that the relative error exceeds ?i is
    at most d, we must guarantee 2 exp(-2P2 ?2
    Ai2/SSi) d, which occurs when Pi?i Ci, where
    Ci SQRT(SSi/2Ai2 log 2/d)
  • Thus we must guarantee that Pi Ci /?i

Adaptivity via Load Shedding Approximate Query
processing in Streams (cont.)
  • Placement of Load Shedders
  • no sharing of operators among queries- introduce
    a load shedder with sampling rate pi Pi before
    the first operator in the query path for each qi.
  • Shared query path- Shared segment (Suppose we
    label each operator with the set of all queries
    that contain the operator in their query paths.
    Then the set of all operators having the same
    label is a shared segment) Load shedding is only
    performed at the start of shared segments.

Adaptivity via Load Shedding Approximate Query
processing in Streams (cont.)
Data flow diagram with 3 operators. Query nodes
q1 and q2 have effective sampling rates equal to
0.5 and 0.8. Imagine a solution that places load
shedders before all three operators A,B, and C
with sampling rates p1, p2, and p3 respectively.
Since p1p2 0.5 and p1p3 0.8, we know that the
ratio p2/p3 0.5/0.8 0.625 in any solution.
  • Modification eliminate the load shedder before
    operator C and change the sampling
  • rates for the other two load shedders to be p'1
    p1p3 0.8 and p'2 p2/p3 0.625.
  • Thus p'1 p'2 p1p2 0.5 and p'1 p1p3 0.8,
    but the resulting plan has lower processing
  • time per tuple. Effectively, we have pushed down
    the savings from load shedder p3 to
  • before operator A, thereby reducing the effective
    input rate to operator A while leaving all
  • other effective input rates unchanged.

Adaptivity via Load Shedding Approximate Query
processing in Streams (cont.)
  • Observations
  • Optimal solution - the child segment of B that
    lies on the query path for qmax will not contain
    a load shedder. All other child segments of B
    will contain a load shedder with sampling rate
    Pchild/P max
  • Let qmax be the query that has the highest
    effective sampling rate among all queries sharing
    an initial segment S. In the optimal solution, S
    will contain a load shedder with sampling rate

Adaptivity via Load Shedding Approximate Query
processing in Streams (cont.)
  • Algorithm SetSamplingRate (x,Rx)
  • if x is a leaf node then
  • return
  • end if
  • Let x1, x2, . . .xk be the children of x
  • for i 1 to k do
  • if Pxi lt Rx then
  • Shed load with p Pxi /Rx on edge (x, xi)
  • end if
  • SetSamplingRate(xi, Pxi)
  • end for
  • Except for the first load shedder that is
    introduced just after the root node, the sampling
    rates for all others depend only on the ratios
    between effective sampling rates
  • Effective sampling rate Pi Ci? where ? 1/
    ?max is an unknown multiplier. On each query
    path, there is at most one load shedder whose
    sampling rate depends on ? load equation becomes
    a linear function of ?.

Adaptivity via Load Shedding Approximate Query
processing in Streams (cont.)
Accuracy at various levels of load
Adjusting to variable stream rates
  • Advantages of the algorithm
  • Reduced error in the approximation of the query
  • adapts to changes in system load over time, in
    case of varied input stream rates

  • Surajit Chaudhuri, Gautam Das, Mayur Datar,
    Rajeev Motwani, Vivek Narasayya Overcoming
    Limitations of Sampling for Aggregation Queries.
    ICDE 2001.
  • Surajit Chaudhuri, Gautam Das, Vivek Narasayya A
    Robust, Optimization-Based Approach for
    Approximate Answering of Aggregate Queries.
    SIGMOD Conference 2001.
  • The design of an acquisitional query processor
    for sensor networks Samuel Madden, Michael J.
    Franklin, Joseph M. Hellerstein, Wei Hong June
    2003  Proceedings of the 2003 ACM SIGMOD
    international conference on Management of data.
  • Approximate aggregation techniques for sensor
    Data Engineering, 2004. Proceedings. 20th
    International Conference on , 30 March-2 April
  • Gossip-based computation of aggregate
    Foundations of Computer Science, 2003.
    Proceedings. 44th Annual IEEE Symposium on
    , 11-14 Oct. 2003
  • Load shedding for aggregation queries over data
    streamsBabcock,B.Datar,M.Motwani,R. Data
    Engineering, 2004. Proceedings. 20th
    International Conference on , 30 March-2 April
  • Samuel R. Madden, Michael J. Franklin, Joseph M.
    Hellerstein, and Wei Hong. TAG a Tiny
    AGgregation Service for Ad-Hoc Sensor Networks.
    OSDI, December, 2002.
  • Gautam Das Survey of Approximate Query
    Processing Techniques. (Invited Tutorial) SSDBM
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