Title: CCM presentation The forgotten area in ICU
1CCM presentationThe forgotten area in
- Dr. HK Tsang
- TMH ICU Resident
2Case presentation
- 55/F
- Housewife
- Exsmoker and non drinker
- Lives with family, ADLI
3Past medical history
- Migraine 1982 on aspirin OTC
- GIB with partial gastrectomy 97 in private
- Hx of pancreatitis 2001 with Ix in private
- Stagnant Loop syndrome 2007
4Past medical history
- Stagnant loop syndrome 2007
- Presented with diarrhoea x 3/12
- BO 3-5x/day
- No Mucus/PR bleeding/tenesmus
- Subjective weight loss for few lbs
- Abd distension
- Ankle edema
5Past medical history
- Initial Ix
- Albumin 17, ALP 200, ALT 53, normal bilirubin
- 24hr urine TP 0.3g/d
- Stool
- WCC/RBC/Ova and cyst/C/ST/fat globulin/FOB neg
- Blood
- Hepatitis serology, CMV pp65 neg
- Autoimmune markers/Ig pattern/AnitSM/AMA neg
- Tumour markers normal
- TSH normal
6Past medical history
- Colonoscopy 11/07 colitis from transverse colon
downward - Histology lymphocytic infiltrate, no
cryptitis/crypt abscess/viral inclusion/malignancy
- CT abd gross ascites and thickened colonic wall
suggestive of colitis - OGD Food residuePrevious BII with clear base GU
- Bx active chronic inflammation, no villus
atrophy - Duodenal aspiration AFB smear neg, heavy growth
of GB/GN bacilli (Aeromonas caviae, E.Coli,
Enterococcus, Bacteroides) - Imp
- Bacterial overgrowth
- Aspirin induced lymphocytic colitis
- dLFT secondary to poor nutrition and starvation
or PSC secondary to IBD - Given ciproxin and flagyl? symptoms improved
7Past medical history
- Progressive dLFT with TB 39, ALP 400, ALT 80
- ERCP 01/08 Previous B II with small gastric
remnant. Tight stricture over afferent loop and
unable to pass through it
8Past medical history
- Private MRCP 20/01/08 Small GS, IHD not dilated
- Liver bx 31/1/08 bile duct proliferation ?bile
duct obstruction?PSC variant - Colonoscopy 2/08 NAD
- Bx from terminal ileum villous atrophy, colonic
bx non specific inflammation - Push enteroscopy 02/08 Moderate villous atrophy
and giardia neg
9Past medical history
- Xylose absorption test borderline normal
- 5 days stool x Alpha antitrypsin clearance study
in QMH 18 (NR lt13) - Suggestive of Protein losing enteropathy
- Albumin scan and small bowel enema scheduled
10History of present illness
- Admitted 4/4/08 for decreased GC x 1/52
- Irrelevant speechbizarre behaviour in recent 2-3
days - Confused on admission
- Cough with sputumSOB
- No fever all along
- Cachexic
- WCC 26 (Neutrophil predominent)
- CXR RUZ pneumonic changes
- Mx as CAP with Rocephin zithromax
- Resp failure and intubated
11History of present illness
- Tracheal aspirate
- C/ST, TB PCR, AFB smear, Influenza/parainfluenza
neg - Urine x Legionella Ag neg
- Mycoplasma lt10
- Blood x C/ST neg
- 5/4/08 Clinomel NT 1000
- Clinically improved with good ventilation
oxygenation - Sedation off 07/4/08
- Remained comatosegt48hrs ?Reason
12?Reasons of coma
- C-CO2 narcosis
- O-Overdose of medications/Sedations
- M-Metabolic Hypoglycaemia, DKA, hypothyroidism,
hypercalcaemia, adrenal failure, uraemia, hepatic
coma - A-Apoplexy HI, CVA, ICH, CNS infection, epilepsy
13Whats the next Ix?
- CT brain mild cerebral atrophy
- EEG episodic frontal prominent sharp and slow
waves, non specific encephalopathy - LP unremarkable
14Reasons of coma
- A blood test was performed
15Reasons of coma
16Reasons of coma
- Coagulation profile normal
- USG abd No evidence of cirrhosis
- Stopped and given patient some Px
- Extubated 11/04/08
- Sitting out, watching TV
- ?Happy ending
- Sudden ?SOB 12/04/08
- TnI 9
- Cardiac arrest and failed CPR
19The forgotten area in ICUFertility?Hyperammonem
ia in the ICU
20Ammonia and fertility
21Ammonia Production
- Mostly from gut
- Byproduct of digestion of nitrogenous components
of the diet - Deamination of glutamine by glutaminase
- Breakdown of urea by urease present in colonic
flora - Kidney
- Synthesized from glutamine in the proximal tubule
concentrated in the medullary interstitium - Release into systemic circulation
- Facilitate the excretion of protons
- Increased in GIB
- Muscle
- In seizures or intense exercise
(CHEST 2007 13213681378)
22Ammonia Degradation
- Liver
- Metabolized to urea through the urea cycle
- If liver fails or inadequate
- Kidney
- Decreased NH3 production
- Muscle Brain
- Metabolise NH3 to glutamine
23The urea cycle
243 mechanisms of hyperammonemia
- Capacity of the normal liver to metabolize
ammonia is overcome - Ammonia production gt Metabolic capacity of the
liver - Ammonia bypassing the liver
- Congenital AVM in liver, portal hypertension in
cirrhosis - Liver is unable to metabolize ammonia
- Acute liver failure, cirrhosis
25Causes of hyperammonemia
- Hepatic causes
- Acute fulminant hepatic failure/ chronic liver
disease - Precipitating factors
- GIB, constipation, electrolyte abnormalities,
high protein diet - Non-hepatic causes
- Drug-associated (e.g. Valproate, 5FU,
cyclophosphamide salicylates) - Inborn errors of metabolism (Urea cycle or fatty
acid oxidation) - Porto-systemic shunts (Weber Rendu Osler disease)
- Urinary tract infection with urease-producing
bacteria (e.g. Proteus mirabilis)
26Causes of hyperammonemia
27Causes of hyperammonemia
- Fulminant liver failure
- Drugs
- Infection
- Idiopathic
28Causes of hyperammonemia
- Fulminant hepatic failure is the most common
cause of acute hyperammonemia in adult ICUs - Most common causes
- Acetaminophen toxicity
- Drug reactions
- Viral hepatitis (A or B)
- Idiopathic
- Other causes
- Infections (eg, the hepatitides, varicella,
Epstein-Barr virus CMV) - Autoimmune diseases
- Vascular diseases (eg, Budd-Chiari
venoocclusive disease) - Pregnancy-related (eg, acute fatty liver of
pregnancy, eclampsia) - Toxins (eg, mushrooms and herbs)
29Causes of hyperammonemia
- Fulminant liver failure
- Drugs
- Infection
- Idiopathic
30Causes of hyperammonemia
Hepatotoxic drugs
31Causes of hyperammonemia
- Several drugs cause hyperammonemia by disrupting
the urea cycle - Glycine stimulates ammonia production
- Salicylates can reduce mitochondrial function in
the liver e.g. Reye syndrome - Carbamazepine, ribavirin, sulfadiazine with
pyrimethamine Mechanisms not known
32Causes of hyperammonemia
- Valproate may rarely cause hyperammonemic coma
- In chronic dosing
- Asymptomatic hyperammonemia occurs in 50 of
patients - Chronic use leads to carnitine deficiency,
impairs urea cycle - In healthy patients
- Overdose increases propionic acid levels, which
inhibit mitochrondrial CPS - In heterozygote females with asymptomatic OTC
deficiency, therapeutic doses of valproate may
also cause acute hyperammonemia
33Causes of hyperammonemia
- Fulminant liver failure
- Drugs
- Infection
- Idiopathic
34Causes of hyperammonemia
35Causes of hyperammonemia
- Inborn errors of metabolism (IEM)
- Most common UCDs in adults
- OTC deficiency (X-linked), ASS deficiency(AR),
and carbamyl phosphate deficiency(AR) - Hyperammonemia is most severe when the enzyme
defect occurs in the early steps of the urea
cycle (eg OTC deficiency) - Clinical presentations of different IEM are quite
similar - In the fulminant form, coma and encephalopathy
- In the milder forms, intermittent periods of
confusion or bizarre behavior, presumably from
hyperammonemia - May present in adulthood when unmasked by
36Causes of hyperammonemia
- Inborn errors of metabolism (IEM)
- Physiologic stressors that provoke hyperammonemia
- Infection urease-splitting organisms, URI or
pneumonia - Dietary changes
- Fever
- Pregnancy
- GI bleeding
- Insults to the liver, eg alcohol or acetaminophen
- Provides more protein than consumes enterally
- Provoked hyperammonemia in many patients with
UCDs, most often OTC - The presence of hyperammonemia following TPN
should prompt an investigation of a UCD
37Causes of hyperammonemia
- Inborn errors of metabolism
- Other presentations
- Seizure disorders, including complex partial
seizures - A history of repetitive or cyclical vomiting
- Intellectual limitations
- Prolonged clinical course with a seemingly
routine illness - Family history of early infant mortality
- Voluntarily limit their protein intake (called
auto-vegetarianism) to avoid postprandial
headaches or somnolence - Patients with citrullinemia (ie, ASS deficiency)
often have a history of preferring beans, provide
arginine which is an essential amino acid in
these patients
38Causes of hyperammonemia
- Fulminant liver failure
- Drugs
- Infection
- Idiopathic
39Causes of hyperammonemia
- Urea splitting urinary tract infection
- Urea splitting organism e.g. Proteus mirabilis,
Pseudomonas aeruginosa, Klebsiella - Cause rise in urine ammonia conc
- Prerequisite of hyperammonaemia
- Distended bladder with large surface area for NH3
diffusion e.g.bladder or pouch retention - Diffusion facilitated by alkaline urine
40Causes of hyperammonemia
- Fulminant liver failure
- Drugs
- Infection
- Idiopathic
41Causes of hyperammonemia
- Idiopathic hyperammonemia (IHA)
- Elevated ammonia levels are disproportionate to
liver dysfunction in the absence of an inherited
metabolic disorder - A complication of intensive chemotherapy in
leukemia - Also found in patients
- Undergoing bone marrow transplantation
- Solid tumors treated with continuous infusions of
5-fluorouracil - After lung transplantation
- Mortality rate gt 75
- The incidence is unknown ? 0.5 to 2.4
- The etiology of IHA is not known
- ?Transient abnormalities in urea synthesis
- Increased production of ammonia from tissue
breakdown, mucositis, and GI bleeding
42Pathophysiology of hyperammonemic encephalopathy
Astrocytes support adjacent neurons with ATP,
glutamine, cholesterol
43Pathophysiology of hyperammonemic encephalopathy
- The neuron metabolizes glutamine to glutamate
- a neurotransmitter that activate NMDA receptors
- After release into the synapse, glutamate is
recycled by the astrocyte to glutamine
GLN Glutamine GLU Glutamate
44Pathophysiology of hyperammonemic encephalopathy
- When ammonia levels?
- acutely within the brain,
- astrocytes rapidly metabolize
- ammonia to glutamine
- ??in intracellular osmolarity
- ? astrocyte swelling loss
- ? TNF, IL-1, IL-6 interferon are released
45Pathophysiology of hyperammonemic encephalopathy
Decreased expression of glutamate receptors in
astrocytes cause ? concentrations of glutamate
End result 1. Cerebral blood flow ? 2. Cerebral
autoregulation lost 3. Cerebral edema 4. ?ICP 5.
Herniation 6. Death
GLN Glutamine GLU Glutamate
46Clinical feature
- Acute hyperammonemia
- Cerebral edema, herniation seizures
- Usually occur only when arterial NH3 are gt
200umol/L - Elevations of glutamine osmolarity
- Excitatory effect of glutamine
- Chronic effect of hyperammonemia on the brain
- Osmolarity does not rise acutely
- Down-regulation of NMDA receptors results in less
neuroexcitation from glutamate - NH3 has more of an effect on neuroinhibitory GABA
47Dx Ammonia level in blood
- Experimentally, at least 85 of liver function
must be impaired before ammonia starts to
accumulate - Specimen
- Heparin (Reduce RBC ammonia production)/EDTA
- Placed on ice (stable lt1hr in 4C) and plasma
separated within 15mins (NH3 concentrations
increases spontaneously in standing blood and
plasma) - Arterial NH3 do not correlate with venous NH3
levels - Venous ammonia levels vary locally, e.g. muscle
contraction - Liver is adept at the metabolism of ammonia
- Acute hyperammonemia may be an exception
- In fulminant hepatic failure, venous ammonia
levels correlate with arterial ammonia levels - Arterial ammonia levels
- More accurate assessment of the amount of ammonia
at the blood brain barrier - Correlate with glutamine levels
- Correlate with the development of Intracranial
hypertension - Hepatology 1999 29648653
48Diagnosis of the cause of hyperammonemia
- Initially focus on fulminant hepatic failure
- LFT coagulation tests, acetaminophen levels,
alcohol/drug toxicology, viral serologies for the
hepatitides - Medication social history to rule out
drug-induced acute liver failure - Ultrasound to rule out portal vein thrombosis and
fatty infiltration - Abdominal CT scanning may be helpful
- The presence of infection, increased protein
catabolism, or drug administration should be
evaluated - For comatose patients
- CT brain
- continuous generalized slowing, predominance of
theta delta activity - occasional bursts of frontal intermittent
rhythmic delta activity - triphasic wave
49Diagnosis of the cause of hyperammonemia
- Workup for IEM if hyperammonemia cannot be
explained - Elevations of transaminase levels indirect
bilirubin levels, coagulopathy, respiratory
alkalosis, metabolic acidosis (High AG) - Quantitative plasma and urine amino acids
(citrulline, argininosuccinic acid, and
glutamine) - Urine organic acid analysis, urine orotic acid,
carnitine - Liver biopsy should be considered
- Mutation analysis utilizing DNA derived from
blood lymphocytes - High frequency of genetic polymorphisms in large
genes, genetic confirmation of the disease may
not be possible until the expression of the
presumed mutations is undertaken
50Diagnosis of the cause of hyperammonemia
51Management of Hyperammonemia
- Initial treatment must focus on the management of
intracranial hypertension - Cerebral edema
- Decreased cerebral metabolism
- 1. Hypothermia
- The least controversial of treatments
- Decrease free radical production, astrocyte
swelling, inflammation - Improve cerebral blood flow and autoregulation
- Slows protein catabolism production of ammonia
by bacteria kidney - J Clin Gastroenterol 2005 39S147S157
52Management of Hyperammonemia
- 2. N-acetylcysteine
- May reduce cerebral edema cerebral metabolism
- Beneficial even in the absence of acetaminophen
toxicity - Semin Liver Dis 2003 23271282
- 3. Mannitol
- Reduce cerebral edema improve mortality
- 4. Dilantin or phenobarbital should be considered
- 40 of patients have subclinical seizures
- 5. Indomethacin
- Reduce inflammation decrease cerebral blood
flow but may cause renal failure - 6. Propofol
- Seation decrease CBF but harmful in those with
inadequate CPP
53(No Transcript)
54Management of Hyperammonemia
- Other supportive managements
- Lactulose
- Osmotic cathartic action
- Lower colonic pH (bacterial fermentation)
- promote the growth of non-urease-producing
lactobacilli - No mortality benefit in patients with acute
hyperammonemia - Cochrane review 2004 found non absorbable
disaccharides seem to reduce the risk of no
improvement of hepatic encephalopathy but are
inferior to antibiotics - Unlikely to be harmful
55Management of Hyperammonemia
- Antibiotics
- Treat underlying infection prevent
superinfection - Poorly absorbed antibiotics (neomycin)
- Still absorbed with sufficient amount to cause
serious adverse (deafness, renal toxicity,
malabsorption) - May enhance clinical response if combined with
lactulose - Alter gut flora, reduce the disaccharide
metabolizing intestinal bacteria the effect of
lactulose - Consider to stop antibiotics if stool pH
56Management of Hyperammonemia
- Other supportive managements
- Nutritional support
- Enough calorie by dextrose and lipids minimal
daily protein (0.8-1.0g/kg) must be provided to
prevent protein catabolism - May restrict protein temporarily and feed
enterally - Long term protein restriction should be avoided
57Management of Hyperammonemia
- Ammonia reducing therapy
- Renal replacement therapy
- Peritoneal dialysis, hemodialysis, CVVH, CVVHDF
CAVHDF - effective to remove ammonia
- helpful in treating hyperammonemia associated
with urea cycle disorders in children and adults - serve as a potential bridge for adults with
fulminant hepatic failure who are awaiting
transplantation - Sodium phenylacetate and sodium benzoate
- Promote the degradation of ammonia through
alternate metabolic pathways - Side effects nausea, vomiting, and hypokalemia
- FDA for hyperammonemic crisis in patients with
IEMs - May prevent the need for dialysis
58Management of Hyperammonemia
59Management of Hyperammonemia
- IV or oral L-ornithine L-asparate (LOLA)
- Decreased protein breakdown and stimulate protein
synthesis in muscle - RCCT confirmed efficacy in patients with HE
- S/E nausea, vomiting
60Management of Hyperammonemia
- Ammonia reducing therapy
- L-carnitine
- Facilitates lipid metabolism
- Reduce cerebral lactate levels by indirectly
stimulating pyruvate dehydrogenase - Facilitate transport of valporate into
mitochondria maintaining the ratio of acyl-CoA
to free CoA in the mitochondria - Use in Valproic acid induced hyperammonemic
encephalopathy - Zinc
- Cofactor for enzymes of urea cycle
- Deficiency common esp in alcoholic cirrhosis due
to poor dietary intake, impaired absorption,
excessive urinary loss - Zinc supplement 600mg daily speeds up the
kinetics of urea formation from amino acids
ammonia - No study performed in ICU setting
61Management of Hyperammonemia
- Ammonia reducing therapy
- Artificial liver support
- Use extracorporeal blood purification to dialyse
albumin bound hydrophobic substances - Clinical benefit unclear
- Improve encephalopathy as bridge to transplant
- Liver transplantation
- Successful for cirrhosis fulminant hepatic
62(No Transcript)
63Our case
- TPN feeding stopped
- Given some Px Neomycin and lactulose
- Extubated 11/04/08
- Died of AMI 12/04/08
64Our case
65Our case
66Our case
67Our case Cause of coma
- Hyperammonaemic encephalopathy secondary to
- TPN (High protein content)
- Bacteria overgrowth
- Hx of BII gastrectomy stagnant bowel loop
syndrome - ?Aspirin intake for migraine (Drugs)
- ?IEM/UCD (Underlying liver disease)
68Our case Cause of coma
69Take home message
- C-CO2 narcosis
- O-Overdose of medications/Sedations
- M-Metabolic Hypoglycaemia, DKA, hypothyroidism,
hypercalcaemia, adrenal failure, uraemia, hepatic
coma - A-Apoplexy HI, CVA, ICH, CNS infection, epilepsy
70Take home message
- Comatose patient with normal LFT
- Consider hyperammonaemic encephalopathy
- Common causes in ICU TPN, drugs
- Ix and Novel management
71The END