Title: Instructional Media
1Instructional Media Technology Team Spring
2006 DPI Update
- March 2006
- WEMA Brainstorm Conference
- Wisconsin Dells
2IMT Update Overview
- IMT Staffing Changes
- Program and Initiative Updates
- Kate Bugher
- CSF - School Library Impact Study
TeachingBooks.net - Stuart Ciske
- Information Technology Planning - enGauge
ESTEP - Donna Steffan, Steve Sanders
- NCLB/Ed Tech/Title II D
- Steve Sanders
- Annual Technology Survey - eRate - Internet
Safety Email Lists - Wrap-Up
3IMT Staffing Changes
- New Director
- Steve Sanders appointed team director in December
2005 - Staffing Changes
- Rob Roy resigned in January 2006
4IMT Staffing Changes
5Common School Fund
- Important dates for 2005-06
- 22.32 per census child (up from 19.52 in 04-05)
- May 1, 2006 Payment must be made
- June 30, 2006 MUST be expended
- More Info - http//dpi.wi.gov/sfs/comsch.html
- Noteworthy Items Affecting CSF
- AB 40 signed into law AB 152 at hearing stage
6School Library Impact Study
- Study Objectives
- Examine the leadership and instructional role of
library media specialists in a robust information
and technology literacy program - Measure their impact on and contribution to
student achievement
7School Library Impact Study
- Key Findings from the study
- Schools with full-time certified library media
specialists full-time library aides have higher
performance on WKCE. - Schools where the library media specialist spends
more time on instructionally-related student and
teacher activities have higher WKCE scores. - Teachers who aligned WMAS for Information and
Technology Literacy to their lessons found school
library media programs more helpful to student
8School Library Impact Study
- Key Findings from the study (Continued)
- Schools with greater library media program
resources for collections and technology have
higher performance on WKCE. - Library media specialists help students acquire
unique skills not taught in the classroom and
information and technology skills essential for
students in the 21st century.
- Still free
- Has additional resources including professional
development materials - www.badgerlink.net/training.html
- www.teachingbooks.net/show.cgi?ftraining
- Wisconsin districts can embed a link to
TeachingBooks.net - Logo www.teachingbooks.net/images/tb_logoc.gif
- Link www.teachingbooks.net/enter/
10Information Technology Planning
- No workshops planned for Semester 2
- Will support CESA events via IP Video or
teleconferencing - Yearly updates to materials on web and at
meetings and conferences - Developing an ONLINE SUBMISSION process for
implementation in 2007-08
11Information Technology Plan Expiration Revisions
12enGauge Wisconsin
- Fall Cohort Completed
- 18 OnLine/Onsite 15 Online Only districts
- Spring Cohort Underway
- 4 Online/Onsite 14 Online Only
- DPI will still offer on cost-recovery basis
- Details for 2006-07 to come by end of March
13Evaluating States Educational Technology Programs
- USDoE Research Grant -- Funded 2003-2006
- A Study of the Effectiveness of Two Models of
Implementing Educational Technology - Big6 Information Literacy -- Problem Based
Learning - 61 Trait Writing Model -- Inquiry Approach
- Control Group -- No Interventions
- 34 Districts 96 Teachers 8,000 7/8th Science
and Social Studies
- Results based on data from
- Pre- Post-Training Teacher Surveys
- Teacher Model Fidelity Surveys 4 times a year
- Student Surveys 4 times a year
- Annual Achievement testing
- Terra Nova Gr. 7 assessment
- 8th Grade WKCE (science and social studies)
- Classroom Observations
- Student Work Sample Analysis 5 times a year
- Wisconsin Learning and Teaching Assessment
(WiLATA) - Instrument measuring higher order thinking skills
on student work samples - Compares the teacher cognitive expectations
(assignments) to student's cognitive levels (work
sample) - Used the Revised Bloom's Taxonomy initially,
which really did not get as close to measuring
cognitive and meta-cognitive processes - Developed an alternative (WiLATA) in conjunction
with UW-Milwaukee - WiLATA Rubric examines two dimensions of student
work - Cognition and meta-cognition
16WiLATA Preliminary Findings
- Cognitive Process Expectation in Work Samples
- Analysis of student writing data indicates
- increase in the use of application, analysis and
evaluation (higher level of thinking according to
Bloom) - reduction in the use of recall (remembering) and
understanding (lower levels of thinking
according to Bloom)
17NCLB Title II Part D
- Enhancing Education Through Technology (Ed Tech
or EETT) - March 6, 2006
18EETT Contacts
- Competitive Grants Donna Steffan
- (608)267-1282 -- donna.steffan_at_dpi.state.wi.us
- Formula Grants Stuart Ciske
- (608)267-9289 -- stuart.ciske_at_dpi.state.wi.us
- Online Consolidated Form/Budgets and Competitive
Grants Amy French - (608) 261-6327 -- amy.french_at_dpi.state.wi.us
- II D Program Director Steve Sanders
- (608)266-3856 -- stephen.sanders_at_dpi.state.wi.us
19Title II D Funding Update
20FY 2006 ChangesCompetitive Awards
The dollar amounts are ½ of last year.
21FY 2006 ChangesCompetitive Awards
Note By Advisory Committee recommendation,
Milwaukee Public Schools (or a consortium
including MPS) is eligible to apply for up to 11
of the distributable funds for the competition.
The dollar amounts are ½ of last year.
22FY 2006 ChangesEligibility for Competitive
- LEAs in the state with the highest numbers or
percentages of children from families with
incomes from below the poverty line. - Last year 9 and above (143 districts)
- This year 9 and above (151 districts)
23FY 2006 ChangesEvaluation Requirement
- Projects must have a Project Evaluation Design.
- Follow the FY2006 Application Guidelines
- Evaluation plan should be facilitated by a
qualified project evaluator identified in the
application. - Allocate sufficient resources to insure quality
- Take out the requirement that their be an
external evaluator - Replace the requirement that 5 - 10 of the
funds be spent on evaluation with applications
must include sufficient resources for the
evaluation plan
24FY 2006 ChangesDissemination
- Remove the requirement of 5 to 10 of the budget
to be spent on dissemination - Replace above requirement with
- Projects must have a Dissemination Plan and
sufficient resources need to be budgeted for
dissemination - Budget includes participation, upon request, in
WDPI dissemination and sharing of the projects to
interested educators throughout Wisconsin - Expenses for 3 people to present to a group
within Wisconsin
25FY 2006 ChangesLibrary Media Programs
- DPI encourages inclusion in EETT grants of
Library Media Specialists along with classroom
teachers - Example
- Project includes professional development for
school-based collaborative instructional teams
that include classroom teachers and school
library media specialists as effective users of
information and technology learning tools/
strategies and as professional mentors/coaches
within their local school learning community.
26FY 2006 ChangesCompetitive Application Timeline
- Application posted March 3
- Applications due April 7
- Applications reviewed by May 1
- Awards announced by May 7
- May slide back a week
- Is their any reason not to release the scoring
27FY 2006 ChangesReporting Changes
- Demonstrate improved student achievement in LEAs
which receive a substantial amount of Title II D
Funds - LEAs will implement a comprehensive curricula
that integrate technology in all schools - Work with schools and other state agencies to
ensure infrastructure and access by schools to
the Internet
28FY 2006 ChangesFormula Funding
- Range of Formula 583,837 - 0
- Average Formula 3,158
- Median Formula 908
29FY 2006 ChangesGrade 8 Technology Literacy
- State Educational Technology Directors
Association (SETDA) Definition of Literacy - DPI believes the SETDA definition covers all 4
WMAS for Information and Technology Literacy
areas - A. Media Technology
- B. Information and Inquiry
- C. Independent Learning
- D. Learning Community
30FY 2006 ChangesGrade 8 Technology Literacy
- Reporting your information in 3 PLACES
- In your LEA Information and Technology Plan as
part of your needs assessment analysis - On ESEA Consolidated Application
- An added assurance that your district has a plan
in place to determine your students literacy
starting June 2006 - As part of the monitoring process in 2006 2007
districts will need to provide evidence of the
process when monitored for Title IID
31FY 2006 Changes8th Grade Assessment
- Monitoring Handbook Item The district has a
plan for the evaluation of students in order to
demonstrate technological literacy by the end of
eighth grade - Possible evidence includes
- Curriculum maps -- Curriculum benchmarks --
Assessment tools -- Evidence of student
achievement -- Records of student literacy --
Details of the process to evaluate students - Monitoring for 06-07 Districts/Consortia in
CESAs 1, 6, 8 11, Milwaukee Public Schools
32FY 2007 and Beyond
- Advocacy at federal level
- Amount not likely to increase beyond 272 million
until reauthorization in 2 years - Focus for 2007
- Study other states
- Focus on particular area or problem
- Statewide efforts supplying everyone with ???
33District Technology Survey
- Collect information required by
- EDEN, EETT and State
- Primarily aimed at district
- level information, but contains
- 1 school-level questions
- Due April 7
- www5.dpi.state.wi.us/imtt/techsurvey/dist2006.htm
Please Help!!
34Internet Safety
- iSafe - www.isafe.org
- Leader in internet safety education
- iSafe Goal
- to educate students on how to avoid dangerous,
inappropriate, or unlawful online behavior - Uses dynamic K-12 curriculum and community
outreach programs through i-LEARN and i-Mentor
Network - Contact your CESA for training details
- Application window for 2006-07 year closed
- For 2007-08
- Will need Technology Plans expiring after June
30, 2008 - Plan written by Fall 2006
- Plan approved by July 1, 2007
- DPI Workshop in Sept/Oct 2007
- Monitor WIERATE Listserv
36Technology Media Email Lists
- WIPK-12 - general PK-12 education discussion list
- wema-l - WEMA members/others interested in
educational media issues - wetech - Persons interested in PK-12 educational
technology - WIERATE - E-rate issues and activities
- ChannelWeekly - issues and activities for school
and public libraries - http//dpi.wi.gov/imt/listserv.html
37IMT Contact Information
- Steve Sanders (Director) 608-266-3856 stephen.san
ders_at_dpi.state.wi.us - Distance Education - E-Rate - Instructional
Technology Certification - Kate Bugher 608-267-9287 kathryn.bugher_at_dpi.state.
wi.us - School Library Issues - Reading First - Library
Media Specialist Certification - Stuart Ciske 608-267-9289 stuart.ciske_at_dpi.state.w
i.us - enGauge - EETT (Ed Tech/Title II D) Formula -
Tech Plans - Barry Golden 608-267-2373 barry.golden_at_dpi.state.w
i.us - ESETP BCN - Network Subcommittee
- Donna Steffan 608-267-1282 donna.steffan_at_dpi.state
.wi.us - EETT (Ed Tech/Title II D) Competitive - Tech
Plans - Library Automation - Arun Marathe 608-266-1924 arun.marathe_at_dpi.state.
wi.us - Surveys, data entry, application development
- Cathy Debevec 608-267-9221 cathy.debevec_at_dpi.state
.wi.us - Amy French 608- 261-6327 amy.french_at_dpi.state.wi
38Have a Great Afternoon!
- Other IMT Presentations
- Preparing Students for Learning and Working in
the 21st Century - Session 61 - Monday 315 pm - Empress
- Wisconsin School Library Media Impact Study
Results - Session 78 - Monday - 315 pm - Tamarind