Title: Designing your own home brewery
1Designing your own home brewery
- Mike Heydenrych
- Presented at the Worthogs meeting of
- 12 February 2003
2What do you want to achieve?The six most
important aspects of making good beer
- Big yeast starters
- Temperature control
- Full wort boils
- Cool your wort quickly
- Oxygenate your wort
- Keep good records
? ? ? ?
Mark Tumarkin, Hogtown Brewers, posted on HBD
3How much will your wife allow you to spend?
Beginner R500 Hobbyist R1500 Enthusiast R10 000
Mash Kit/stove R0 Partial/zap-zap R100 All-grain R3000
Cool Pot in sink R0 Immersion R110 Counterflow R300
Ferment Bucket R50 Fridge R800 Cylindro-con R1500
Dispense Bottles R50 Bottles R50 Cornelius kegs R5000
4This presentation
Beginner R500 Hobbyist R1500 Enthusiast R10 000
Mash Kit/stove R0 Partial/zap-zap R100 All-grain R3000
Cool Pot in sink R0 Immersion R110 Counterflow R300
Ferment Bucket R50 Fridge R800 Cylindro-con R1500
Dispense Bottles R50 Bottles R50 Cornelius kegs R5000
5Mash/lauter systems Cooler box
Pipe with holes under to drain away wort
6Mash/lauter designsThe Zap-Zap system(Charlie
Make holes 2-3mm Cheap, easy Lautering is by
pouring water from a jug by hand No direct heat
7Immersion cooler
Cold water in
Warm water out
Hot wort
Kitchen pot
8Chemical Engineers heaven
Beginner R500 Hobbyist R1500 Enthusiast R10 000
Mash Kit/stove R0 Partial/zap-zap R100 All-grain R3000
Cool Pot in sink R0 Immersion R110 Counterflow R300
Ferment Bucket R50 Fridge R800 Cylindro-con R1500
Dispense Bottles R50 Bottles R50 Cornelius kegs R5000
Hot Liquor Tank
- No pumps
- Recirculate by carrying buckets
- Climb to look into HLT
Mash/ Lauter
- Easier to check vessels
- Needs a pump
- Not a great deal of flexibility
Hot Liquor Tank
Mash/ Lauter
- Easy to work with vessels
- Relies on pumps
- Needs at least 2 pumps for sparging
Hot Liquor Tank
Mash/ Lauter
12My preferred layout
Hot Liquor Tank
Mash/ Lauter
Optional HLT recirc.
To chiller, fermenter
Sample tap
13Fill Mash tun
Hot Liquor Tank
Mash/ Lauter
Optional HLT recirc.
To chiller, fermenter
Green open/on Red closed
Sample tap
Hot Liquor Tank
Mash/ Lauter
Optional HLT recirc.
To chiller, fermenter
Sample tap
Hot Liquor Tank
Mash/ Lauter
Optional HLT recirc.
To chiller, fermenter
Sample tap
Hot Liquor Tank
Mash/ Lauter
Optional HLT recirc.
To chiller, fermenter
Sample tap
17Vessel sizes
Brew length 1 volume
Hot Liquor Tank 2 volumes
Mash/ Lauter 0.8 volumes
Kettle 1.5 volumes
Fermenter 1.2 volumes
18Does size matter?(Prices of vessels from Sinvac,
May 2002)
Cost (11.2)2/3
19Typical 60l setup
20Detailed vessel design
- Principles
- Practicalities
- Kettle and Hot Liquor Tank heating
- Mash/lauter tun design
- Counterflow chiller
- Fermenter
21Hot liquor tank - principles
- High W/m2 on heater element OK
- Thermostat control useful, not essential
- If you have a HERMS coil, then movement of the
water around the coil is essential, else you get - cold layers of water at the bottom of the tank
- poor transfer of energy to the wort in the tube
22Hot liquor tank
- Need volume - plastic tanks are economical
- Geyser elements are acceptable
- 1ΒΌ (32mm) thread
- Power rating unimportant
- Geyser thermostat OK
- Recirculation useful for good temperature control
23Hot liquor tank schematic
Optional HERMS
Outlet valve
2kW geyser element with thermostat
Inlet for recirc.
24Kettle principles
- For a given kW heater element, you will evaporate
a given amount of water per hour, whether the lid
is on or off. - Rolling boil serves several purposes
- Agitation for agglomerating protein particles
- Evolution of steam to drive off volatiles
- Temperature to drive ?-acid isomerisation
- Temperature to drive Maillard (darkening)
reactions - Wort ingredients foul heater elements and cause
them to fail unless the energy density per m2 is
25Kettle - practicalities
- Use stainless steel if possible, and heat using
gas - Plastic works well, but specify large-area
Incoloy heating elements (approx. R250). Strive
for 24kW/m2 (4m for a 3kW element). - 3kW elements for kettles from 40-100l
- You need a good rolling boil, even with the lid
26Heating elements sealing detail
Kettle wall
Electrical box
Sealing washer
Electrical connector
Electric element
Securing nut 12 mm
- Temperature ramping 3 methods
- Add hot water, thinning the mash
- Heat up recirculated wort, either by
- HX with hot liquor (HERMS),
- Directly heating wort under the sieve, or
- Directly heating wort electrically (RIMS)
- Heat up mash and grains directly
- Decoction mashing
- Heating container directly
- Stirring with a heated mashing fork
28Mashing - principles
- Thinning the wort reduces enzyme activity
- (but OK for ?-amylase?)
- Heating up recirculated wort denatures enzymes,
so keep temp. rise low, and minimise the time the
wort spends hot - Heating up mash and grains directly
- Movement of particles relative to the hot
surface NB to prevent burning (phenols)
29Mashing Pros and Cons
- HERMS (Heat Exchanger tube in HL tank)
- You cant overheat the wort
- You need to stir your HLT with HERMS
- RIMS (Recirc. Infusion Mashing System),
electrical heating of recirculating wort - Best used by controlling the electrical energy
input based on the wort temperature. - Direct heating by gas
- Long residence time of heated wort under sieve
(keep this volume low!)
30Sparging principles
- Stuck mash - Compressible filter bed
Low pressure drop Medium flow
Medium pressure drop Med-fast flow
High pressure drop Slow flow
31Sparging principles
- Stuck mash - Compressible filter bed
1 cm/min
32Sparging principles
- Lauter plate design
- There tend to be more openings on the edge, hence
more flow down the sides.
Make as many 2-2,5mm holes as practical,
preferably with a greater density of holes in the
middle Try to get as close to plug flow as
possible clean water fully replacing sugary
wort as it moves down. Start sparging only when
the liquid level falls below the top of the grain
33Sparging practicalities
- For mashing, you want an approximately equal
height/diameter ratio to keep heat loss down. - For sparging, you want to keep the surface area
as large as possible, but have at least 30cm of
bed - Balance large surface area with the heat loss, or
use separate mash tun lauter tun.
34Mash/lauter tun design
Well insulated
Vessel diameter should be slightly more than the
height to get fastest recirc and lautering
Keep volume here minimum
Apply flame close to outlet
35Counterflow chiller principles
- Maximise heat transfer area
- Fluid velocity improves heat transfer
- Heat transfer rate determined by the side with
the lowest fluid velocities
Heat transfer occurs across the wall
Cold stream
Hot stream
36Counterflow chiller principles
Hot wort
These lines become parallel if water flow rate
decreases to wort flow rate. Typically, youll
use 3-5x more water than wort.
Cooling water
Distance along the length of chiller
37Counterflow chiller practicalities
- Use 15.2m of 10mm soft copper tubing
- Use 15m of 20mm garden hose
- Roll out copper tubing flat on the lawn, and push
it into the hosepipe. - Use a copper connector (ask Moritz) to make the
seal on each end
Warm water out
Cold water in
Cold wort out
Hot wort in
38Counterflow chiller practicalities
- Where the chilled wort leaves the counter-flow
chiller, put it through a 10mm copper coil (5m)
dipped in an ice bath - Ensure movement of ice water past the tubing by
- Jigging the tube bundle, or
- Putting a fountain pump in the bath
To fermenter
C/flow chiller
Ice bath
39My first counterflow chiller
40Cylindroconical fermenter
- Need lt 30 included angle underneath
- 5 of volume below side offtake
- Sinvac 180l, Pioneer 70l
- Need to make a stand
- Open fermenter (loose lid) has worked fine
41Grain roaster
- For a counterflow chiller design spreadsheet,
mike_at_heydenrych.info - Added later, some suppliers (details on Worthogs
web site) - Metraclark (Mitchell St, Pta) for 10mm copper
tubing - Sinvac (Pretoria West, near Iscor) for most
plastic drums - Pioneer plastics (Rosslyn) for 80 liter conical
fermenter - Plastilon for silver insulation, plastic buckets,
packaging materials in general