Title: Emergency Response to Hazardous Substance Releases
1Emergency Response to Hazardous Substance
- DOSH Directive 12.75
- John McFadden
- Field Consultation Manager
- DOSH Directive 12.75
- Definitions
- Examples
- Enforcement
- Consultation
3Reactive Interactions
Rick McFarland, Arkansas Democrat-Gazette
4Uncontrolled Release
- Large Quantity Releases
- Small Releases that could be highly toxic
- Potentially Contaminated Individuals
- Airborne Exposure gtPEL
5Hazardous Substance
- Section 101(14) CERCLA
- Biological Agents
- USDOT Title 49 Part 172
- Hazardous Wastes WAC 296-824
6CSB Reactive Hazard Investigation
- 167 incidents since 1980
- 108 fatalities
- 5 fatalities per year (average)
- 50 incidents with public impact
7In WA State
8Atlas Foundry 2008
- Tacoma WA
- Initial explosion
- Safety devices did not close
9(No Transcript)
10(No Transcript)
11(No Transcript)
12Middletown, CT
14Severe Reactive Chemical Incidents
15Where Do Reactive Incidents Occur?
CSB Investigation of Reactive Incidents
Source CSB
16Where Do Reactive Incidents Occur?
CSB Investigation of Reactive Incidents
Source CSB
17Does Emergency Response under WAC 296-824 apply
to hazardous waste sites?
- Conflict? More stringent rule applies
- Terrorist events?
18What will enforcement do?
- Review Emergency Response Plan (ERP)
19Enforcement cont.
- Incomplete plans Serious or General?
20Enforcement guidance cont.
- Evaluate Incident Command System
- Implementation of Emergency Response Plan
- Hazard Assessment for PPE WAC 296-824-600
- Post-emergency response
21How do we prepare?
- Consultation
- Industrial Hygiene
- Safety
- Risk Management
- mcfj235_at_lni.wa.gov OR (509)886.6570