2NPRMs Closed Since My September 2006 Briefing
- Implementation of Improved Area Navigation (RNAV)
Technology - Final Rule promulgation due Spring 2007
- Cabin Surveillance and Crew Monitoring
- Final Rule promulgation due Summer 2007
- Enhanced Program for Airplane Systems and Fuel
Tank Safety - Final Rule promulgation due Summer 2007
- High Intensity Radiated Fields
- Final Rule promulgation due Summer 2007
3NPRMs Closed Since My September 2006 Briefing
- Mitsubishi MU-2 Special Operating, Training and
Experience Requirements - Final Rule promulgation due Summer 2007
- Airplane Performance and Handling Qualities in
Icing Conditions - Final Rule promulgation due Summer 2007
4NPRMs Closed Since My September 2006 Briefing
- Transport Airplane Fuel Tank Flammability
Reduction - Final Rule promulgation due Fall 2007
- 14 CFR part 60 Qualification Performance
Standards (Simulator Certification) - Final Rule promulgation due Fall 2007
- Along with first amendment to the rule
- Flight Data Recorder Improvements
- Final Rule promulgation due Fall 2007
- Performance Handling Qualities for Rotorcraft
- Comments being worked within FAA
5NPRMs Expected or Currently Published for Public
Comment (1/2)
- Filtered Flight Data Recorder
- NPRM Comment Period Closes April 16, 2007
- 14 CFR part 25 Actuation of Ice Protection
- NPRM Expected to be Published Shortly
- Part 121, Subparts N and O, Crewmember and
Aircraft Dispatcher Training and Qualification - NPRM Expected to be Published Late Calendar 2007
6NPRMs Expected or Currently Published for Public
Comment (2/2)
- Automatic Dependent Surveillance Broadcast
(ADS-B) - NPRM Expected to be Published Fall 2007
- 14 CFR part 135 (Smaller Aircraft Air Operators)
- NPRM Expected to be Published Fall 2007
7Rulemaking UnderConsideration (1/2)
- Aircraft Engines Standards for Engine
Life-Limited Parts - The proposed rule would harmonize14 CFR part 33
requirements with EASA and JAA requirements - Commercial Space Transportation-Miscellaneous
Changes to 14 CFR Chapter III (three different
rule-making activities)
8Rulemaking UnderConsideration (2/2)
- Revision of Certain Airmen Medical Certification
Procedures and Standards and Aviation Medical
Examiner Designee Privileges - Additional Takeoff and Landing Performance
Requirement For Turbojet and Turboprop Aircraft
in Commercial Service - 14CFR 121 (Large Aircraft Commercial Operations)
Pilot Mandatory Age 60 Retirement Rule
9FAA Policies Under Development or Recently
- Implementation of ICAO Rules Annex 8, Amendment
97 Design for Security - Air Operator Operational Control Requirements
- 14 CFR 121 Flag Operators Flightcrew Duty Time
Beyond 16 Hours - 14 CFR 121 International Fuel Reserves
- RNP SAAAR Approach Authorizations
- RNAV Substitution Authorizations
- Electronic Flight Bag (EFB) Data Approval
- Third Party Performance Data Approval
- Third Party Aircraft Deicing Approval
- New Large Aircraft (A380, B747-8) Airport
Operational Authorizations
10Internet Links To FAA Federal Register
Publications For Last Six Month Period
- http//www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/rulemaking
/historical_documents/2007/jan_mar/ - http//www.faa.gov/regulations_policies/rulemaking
11 12New U.S. ETOPS Regulations
- The concept of ETOPS has not changed
- PRECLUDE a diversion by designing reliable
airplane, engines and systems, and enhanced
preventative maintenance procedures - PROTECT the diversion by having operational plans
in place for the protection of passengers and
13New U.S. ETOPS Regulations
- January 8, 2007 Signed by FAA Administrator
- January 16, 2007 Federal Register publication
- Docket No.
FAA-2002-6717 - HTML http//a257.g.akamaitech.net/7/257/2422/01ja
n20071800/edocket.access.gpo.gov/2007/07-39.htm - PDF http//a257.g.akamaitech.net/7/257/2422/01jan
14New U.S. ETOPS Regulations
- Definition Extended Operations
- Application
- All two-engine turbojet airplanes operated in air
carrier (14 CFR 121) operations beyond 60 minutes
from an airport. - All two-engine turbojet airplanes operated in
commuter and on-demand operations (14 CFR 135)
beyond 180 minutes from an airport - All commercially operated airplanes that are not
all-cargo that have more than two engines
beyond 180 minutes from an airport - No maximum limit for all airplanes except two
engine commuter and on-demand operations (240
minute limit)
15New U.S. ETOPS Regulations
- Codification of current 2-engine ETOPS guidance
- All operations from 60 minutes to 180 minutes
from an available alternate. - Codification of Polar Policy for ALL airplanes.
- Application of ETOPS requirements on all
passenger-carrying commercially operated
airplanes more than 180 minutes from an
alternate. - New 2-engine airplane approval for this
operation. - New requirements for commuter on-demand
operations - New requirements for 3- and 4-engine airplanes
16180-minute ETOPS - Twins
17New U.S. ETOPS Regulations
- Requirements
- Same as previous ETOPS requirements
- ETOPS certification of the airplane and engine
- ETOPS operational approval of the operator
- New requirements for expanded ETOPS (ETOPS beyond
180-minutes) - Passenger recovery plans
- SATCOM voice
- Cargo fire suppression
- Time-limited systems requirements based on actual
wind - Enhanced aircraft certification requirements
- fuel system pressure and flow requirements
- low fuel alerting
- engine oil tank design
18New Air Carrier (14 CFR 121) ETOPSTwinengine
- Codified all ETOPS authorities in present
guidance - ETOPS requirements apply beyond 60 minutes.
- ETOPS Maintenance, Operations and Dispatch
Programs - ETOPS Training  for flight crews and dispatch
- New ETOPS authorities beyond 180 minutes
- Expanded two-engine authority to 240 minutes in
certain areas of the world - Beyond 240-minute authority approval based on
city pair requests. - IFSD of .01/1000 flight hours
- Passenger Recovery Plan for ETOPS greater than
180 minutes and Polar Areas - SATCOM voice for ETOPS greater than 180 minutes
19New Air Carrier ETOPSPassenger Airplanes with
more than 2 engines(All New Regulations)
- ETOPS requirements apply beyond 180 minutesÂ
- Operations and Dispatch Programs (no ETOPS
maintenance) - ETOPS training for flight crews and dispatch
- Aircraft systems must support the Diversion
- Cargo Fire suppression
- Critical fuel scenario
- Flight plan to remain within 240 minutes of an
alternate if possible, but remain within
capabilities of the airplane. - SATCOM voice required for ETOPS
- Passenger Recovery Plan (ETOPS and Polar Areas)
20New Commuter On-Demand (14 CFR 135) ETOPSAll
passenger carrying airplanes(All new regulations)
- ETOPS requirements apply beyond 180 minutes.
- ETOPS Maintenance (twins only) and Operations
Program - ETOPS training for flight crews and dispatch
- Aircraft systems must support the Diversion
- Cargo Fire suppression
- Critical fuel scenario
- Flight plan MUST remain within 240 minutes of an
alternate - North Pole operations based on Polar Policy
Letter (not ETOPS) - Passenger Recovery Plan (North Polar Area)
21ETOPS Rule Compliance Dates
- New Type Design Requirements
- Air Carrier twins Current 180 approved -
exempt from added requirements. - Beyond 180 - subject to all requirements
- - 34 engine 8 years
- Commuter On-demand
- - All airplanes
8 years - Operational Requirements
- All operations (except air carrier ETOPS twins)
- 1 year compliance for general applications
- ETOPS training
- Passenger recovery plans
- ETOPS Maintenance program
- Cargo fire suppression systems
- Air Carrier 34 engine 6 years
- Commuter On-Demand (all airplanes) 8 years
- North Polar requirements
- Commuter On-Demand 1 year
22New U.S. ETOPS Regulations
- General
- All-cargo operations of 3 4 engine airplanes
exempted from ETOPS - ETOPS maintenance programs not required for 3
4-engine passenger-carrying airplanes - 8-year compliance date for passenger-carrying 3
4 engine airplanes and all commuter and on-demand
airplanes - 1-Year compliance dates for new ETOPS program
elements - Passenger recovery plans only required for ETOPS
beyond 180 minutes - No passenger recovery plan requirement for
two-engine cargo operations - No passenger recovery plans for commuter and
on-demand operations except for North Polar Area
23Foreign Air Carriers Pilot Over Age 60 Operations
Within the U.S.
- A001. Issuance, Applicability and Reports HQ
Control10/19/06HQ Revision 040 - Pilot Age Requirements. Foreign air carriers
shall comply with the current age requirements of
ICAO Annex 1 as amended, except that in
accordance with 14 CFR Section 61.3 (j), the
foreign air carrier shall not use the services of
a pilot, nor shall any person act as a pilot of a
civil airplane of U.S. registry, in any of the
following operations under the authority of these
operations specifications, if that person has
reached his/her 60th birthday - (1) Scheduled international air services carrying
passengers in turbo-jet-powered airplanes - (2) Scheduled international air services carrying
passengers in airplanes having a passenger-seat
configuration of more than nine passenger seats,
excluding each crewmember seat - (3) Nonscheduled international air transportation
for compensation or hire in airplanes having a
passenger-seat configuration of more than 30
seats, excluding each crewmember seat or - (4) Scheduled international air services, or
nonscheduled international air transportation for
compensation or hire, in airplanes having a
payload capacity of more than 7,500 pounds.
24FAA AOC Policy (Information for Operators)InFo
- FAA Guidance The FAA believes that a copy of the
Air Carrier Operating Certificate and the
associated authorizations, conditions, and
limitations included within the certificate
holders FAA approved manuals, as required by 14
CFR parts 121, sections 121.133 and 121.135, or
part 135,sections 135.21, and 135.23, meets these
ICAO requirements. A notarized copy of the
operators Air Carrier Operating Certificate and
a copy of the certificate holders operations
specifications would also meet this requirement. - Additional ICAO Guidance ICAO published guidance
containing another way to comply with this
requirement at the following web site
http//www.icao.int/fsix/_Library/Annex6_AOC.pdf - Recommended Action Each operator that conducts
International operations should ensure they are
in compliance with the above ICAO Standard to
carry onboard a certified true copy of their
AOC with the associated authorizations,
conditions, and limitations.