Title: CHIPS Fund Based Payroll Designed for Microsoft Windows
1CHIPS Fund Based Payroll Designed for Microsoft
Donald R. Frey Company 40 N. Grand Ave. Suite
303 Ft. Thomas, KY. 41075 Toll Free 800 659-3739
2CHIPS Fund Based Payroll
- Experienced Fund Based Payroll Solutions Since
1974 - Proven Designed for Microsoft Windows In 1998
- Contemporary Continually Improving With Bold
New Features And Improved Usability On An Annual
Basis - Outstanding Support Responsive And Knowledgeable
Support Team. Answers When You Need Them - Value Priced Pricing designed to meet the needs
of a wide range of clients
3CHIPS Module Options
- Base Payroll (Required)
- Multi-User
- Magnetic Media Reporting
- ACH Direct Deposits
- Bank Reconciliation
- Time Clock Interface
- Data Dictionary
- ODBC ( Open Data Base Connectivity)
- Microsoft SQL Database
Toll FREE Support at 800-659-3739
- True Fund Based Payroll
- Complex Distributions
- Allocations Processing
- Interface to BUCS G/L
- 46 User Defined Fields
- ACH Direct Deposits
- Human Resources Fields
- Searchable Employee Skills
- Extensive Employee Notes
- Sick/Vacation/Holiday/Comp
- EEO Data Fields
- All Pay Frequencies
- Special Retirement Processing
- True Microsoft Windows
- Unlimited Pay-types
- Real Time Updating
- Individual User Preferences
- Global Changes
- Laser Checks
- Time Clock Interface
- Employee Notes With Alarms
- Distribution Checks
- Document Imaging
- ODBC Interface
- Microsoft SQL Database Option
- Crystal Reports Ad Hoc Query
And much more...
5CHIPS User Interface
Toll FREE Support at 800-659-3739
6CHIPS documentation is provided in printed
format as well as an on-line Help manual with
Key Word search capability. Just click on Help
on the menu bar.
7Employee Record
The TABS allow instant access to every detail of
employee information. Magnifying Glass buttons
provide search functions . Dates have calendar
buttons to look up dates. The red cross and
camera reveal emergency contact information and
employee photos.
8Emergency Contacts
Immediately locate emergency contact information
for as many as three different contacts unique to
each employee.
Easily scan employee images into CHIPS to
maintain current employee profiles.
Employees can have 30 unique deductions. This
full deduction detail information for each
employee is very convenient.
The Skills section tracks career beneficial job
skills that employees acquire over time. These
are easily created in the Skills section and
applied to an employee by clicking the Add
button. They are searchable too!
Notes are used to track vital details about
employees. A check mark enables the Note Alert.
When that employee is accessed, a message will
notify you of an important note.
ACH Automated Clearing House is the electronic
roadway used by the banking system. ACH Direct
Deposits are the state-of-the-art way to provide
those functions in CHIPS.
11YTD Information
Year-to-date information is instantly available
for every employee.
12Payroll Processing
Payroll Processing is Painless!
Generate standard payroll transactions for
employees that remain the same from period to
Add employees who have exceptions for the pay
13Distribute Employee Pay
Distribute employee pay across funds!
Distribute employee wages across multiple funds
by selecting the appropriate amounts and accounts.
The Distribution will display the selections you
have made. A time remaining is displayed to
assist you with the breakdown.
14Calculate Payroll
Calculate your payroll selecting the desired pay
frequencies for this payroll run. Quick check
marks make this a breeze. You can also store your
preferences for convenience
Print the various payroll reports that are needed
for deductions, etc. Press OK to print, or
optionally send it to a file.
free form setup allows flexibility for check
formats. If you want current benefit balances to
appear on the check, place a check mark in the
This is a typical sick hours table view. All
sick, personal, and vacation tables are user
16Accounting Integration
- Interface With BUCS Fund Accounting
- BUCS Chart-of-accounts available To CHIPS
- Payroll Disbursement Checks Prepared By BUCS
17CHIPS Fund Based Payroll Designed for Microsoft
Donald R. Frey Company 40 N. Grand Ave. Suite
303 Ft. Thomas, KY. 41075 Toll Free 800 659-3739
Thanks for viewing this brief overview of CHIPS
Please contact your sales representative for
additional information or to place an order.