Title: GaN MOCVD Growth
1Park Jae Young
GaN MOCVD Growth
? ? ? ? ? ?
2005? 11? 3?
Photonic Electronic Thin Film Lab, Dept. of
Mat. Sci. Engg, Chonnam National University,
2 History of LED
? 1923? SiC? ??? ???? ?? ? GaP? ?? III-V ???????
LED ???? ???? ??. ? 1968? GaAsP ?? LED? ????
???? (?? ?????? ??) ? ??? ??? Si ??? ???? ????
??, LED ????? ?? ???? ???? ?? ? ??? ??
????? ???? ??? LED ?? ??. ? 1980?? ??? ?? AlGaAs
LED ?? (?? ???? ???? ?? ?? ??). ? 1993? ???
Nichia?? ????? ??? InGaN ?? LED ??. ? 1995? ???
InGaN ?? LED? ??? (??? ?? ?????? ??). ? 1996? ??
LED? ????? ???? ?? LED? ??. ? 2000? ???
Agilent??? ??? InGaAlP? ??? ?? LED? ?????
??? ?? 100 lm/w? ?? (??? ?? ??? ??).
3 Crystal structure of GaN
4Chemical, Thermal, and Mechanical Stable
???? ??? ?? ?? ??????? ???? ??? ??? ??? ??? ??
Wide Band Gap Semiconductor? ???? ???? ?? ???
??? ??, ???, ??? ??? ?? ??
600oC ??? ?? ?????? ? ?? ??? ??? ???
??? (Al-N2.88 eV, Ga-N2.20 eV, In-N1.93 eV)
??? ?????? ?? ??? ???? ?? ? order ?? ??? 500oC
??? ???? ??? ??? ???? ??? ???? ?? ??? ???
H3PO4H2SO4 ??? ??
5GaN Crystal Structure
Schematic Illustration of GaN Growth onto
Sapphire (0001) Surface
Wurtzite structure
(0001) GaN // (0001) sapphire with a 30
rotation lattice mismatch between GaN and
sapphire 13.8
6Why GaN ? (From Red To UV)
7Visible Semiconductors
8Optical Data Storage System I
- HD-DVD? CD(?? 650MB), DVD(?? 4.7GB)? ?? ?3??
Optical Storage?? - Blue Laser? ???? ?? 20GB ??? ??? ? ?? Disc?.
- User Key Benefit
- - ??? HD ??? 2?? ?? ?? ??
- - ?? ???? ?? (SD?) 13?? ?? ????
9Optical Data Storage System II
10Why MOCVD ?
- Very high quality of grown layers (high
growth rate and doping uniformity/reproducibility)
- High throughput and no ultra high vacuum needed
(-compared to MBE) (Economically
advantageous, high system up-time) - Highest flexibility (Different materials can
be grown in the same system) - Growth of sharp interfaces possible very
suitable for heterostructures, (e.g., multi
quantum wells (MQW))
11Components of a MOCVD System
12Basic Reaction I (By MOCVD)
Ga(CH3)3 NH3 GaN 3CH4 (by-products)
13Basic Reaction II (By MOCVD)
14GaN thin films growth process
1) Growth process of the GaN layer on AlN
nucleation layer
(b) Lateral Growth
(a) Island Growth
(d) Quasi 2-D Growth
(c) Coalescence
15Buffer-layer growth technique
GaN ??? ??????? ????? ?? ( relaxation) ??
1. ???? 2. ?? ?? 3. ????(?? )
16Nitride-based Semiconductor materials growth
- 1) GaN ??? ??
- a-Al2O3 (sapphire), 6H-SiC, MgO, ZnO ??
- ???? ???(16 for sapphire, 3.5 for SiC)
- ????? ??
- ?? dislocation ?? (1081010cm-2)
- (???) Buffer ?? (AlN or GaN), ELOG GaN
, Pendeo GaN - 2) P-? ??? p-? ?? ??
- Mg ??? ???? ? (160meV in p-GaN)
- H-passivation LEEBI, ???,UV ??
- Hole ??? ??
- ?? ????? ?? ???(work function )? ?? ?? ??
- ??? ?? ?? ??
- (???) Carrier gas N2 ??, Co-doping
17- 3) InGaN/GaN ???? ? QW ?? ??
- ?? In ??? ?? ???
- ??? InGaN ???
- ???? ??? ?? ?? ???
- (???) Co dopoing, ???? ??
- 4) AlGaN/GaN ??
- ?? ? ??
- Crack ?? AlGaN ?? ? Al ??? ??
- (???) Modulation doping, InGaN ?? ?
strain compensation ?? - 5) Device ??
- Not chemical etching
- Dry etching
- Not cleaving
- Metal contact
18Quantum well structure (QW)
19 Crystal Defect Formation ( Dislocation )
During HT Epi-layer Growth
. Crystal quality ?? (Dislocation) .
InGaN/GaN MQWs ??? ? p-GaN ?? ? ?? ?? ?
????(VF / 20 mA) ?? gt ???
??? ??
??? ?? ?? ?
Growth Issue
7 / 14
20Dislocations in LEDs
- (??)
- ??? ??? ??? ?? ??? (-16 for sapphire, 3.5 for
SiC) - ????? ???? ?? ?? (-34 for sapphire, 25 for
SiC) - (LED ? ??? ??)
- Traps (?)
- Non-radiative recombination centers (?)
- Negative-charged scattering centers (?)
- P-type doping efficiency (?)
- Leakage current pathway
- Electronic discharges
- Device life time
21Applications I
22Applications II
23Applications III
24Applications IV