Rajendra Kasinath, PhD Department of Environmental - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Rajendra Kasinath, PhD Department of Environmental


Rajendra Kasinath, PhD Department of Environmental Engineering Montana Tech of the University of Montana The world right now .. Impetus for change Carbon ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Rajendra Kasinath, PhD Department of Environmental

Nanotechnology enabled environmental
  • Rajendra Kasinath, PhD
  • Department of Environmental Engineering
  • Montana Tech of the University of Montana

The world right now..
  • Emergence of more than a billion new consumers
    from over 20 developing countries
  • Newly acquired spending capacity increasing
    global CO2 emission at an alarming rate
  • For every 1 billion barrel of new oil discovered
    we are consuming 4 billion barrels
  • Extraction from shale and tar sands are not
    energy efficient

Impetus for change
  • Climate change accompanying increased green-house
    gas emissions
  • The United Nations Framework Convention on
    Climate Change has called for the stabilization
    of greenhouse-gas concentrations in the
  • This needs to be at a level that would prevent
    dangerous anthropogenic interference with the
    climate system
  • 10 TW (10 x 1012 watts) of carbon-emission-free
    power needs to be produced by the year 2050 to
    enforce this stabilization
  • This is close to the power provided by all of
    todays energy sources combined

Impetus for change
  • To meet increasing energy demand environmentally
    clean alternative energy resources need to be
  • Three major options are at our disposal to tackle
    10 TW clean energy generation

Impetus for change
  • Carbon neutral energy (fossil fuel in conjunction
    with carbon sequestration),
  • Nuclear power, and
  • Renewable energy

Impetus for change
  • To produce 10 TW energy using fossil fuels
    without affecting the environment, we need to
    find secure storage for 25 billion metric tons of
    CO2 produced annually (equal to the 12,500 km3 or
    the volume of Lake Superior)
  • Nuclear power would mean construction of a new 1
    GW electric nuclear fission plant everyday for
    the next 50 years (definitely somewhere on this

Renewable options
  • Renewable energy alternatives include
  • hydroelectric resources (0.5 TW), from all tides
    ocean currents (2 TW)
  • geothermal resource integrated over all available
    land area (12 TW)
  • globally extractable wind power (2-4 TW), and
  • solar energy striking the earth (120,000 TW)
  • Solar energy stands out as the most viable choice
    to meet energy demand
  • Despite this vast resource, the energy produced
    from sunlight remains less than 0.01 of the
    total energy demand

Nanotechnology to the rescue?
  • Nanotechnology uses new paradigms and
    physiochemical laws at the nanoscale to enable
    novel, cost effective ways to enable existing
    technologies, and provide platforms to discover
    new ones

  • Energy technologies
  • Solar (photovoltaic and photosynthesis)
  • Hydrogen fuel cells
  • Energy storage
  • Rechargeable batteries
  • Super-capacitors
  • Zero waste manufacturing

Strategies for harvesting solar energy
  • Three major ways to use nanostructures for the
    design of solar energy conversion devices
  • mimicking photosynthesis with donor-acceptor
    molecular assemblies and clusters
  • semiconductor assisted photocatalysis to produce
    fuels such as hydrogen
  • nanostructured semiconductor based solar cells

Donor-acceptor hybrid assemblies
  • The essential roles of Chla are to
  • capture solar energy
  • transfer the energy to special locations, and
  • bring about charge separation for the subsequent
    electron-transfer processes
  • Based on the principle of photosynthesis, a
    variety of donor acceptor dyads and triads have
    been synthesized as light harvesting assemblies

State of the art
  • Organized inorganic-organic nano-hybrids, with
    hierarchical architecture have been developed by
    assembling monolayers of organic molecules
    containing functional groups, such as
  • amines, thiols, isothiocynate, and silanes, on to
    3Dprotected metal clusters (MPCs)
  • functionalized with chromophores by place
    exchange reactions (e.g. porphyrin-alkanethiolate
    monolayer protected-gold nanoclusters)
  • These hybrids form spherical shape clusters that
    can be employed as light harvesting antenna
  • Exhibit efficient light-harvesting capability and
    suppress undesirable energy transfer quenching of
    the porphyrin singlet excited-state by the gold
    surface relative to the bulk gold

Photoinduced electron transfer
  • Semiconductor nanoparticles are known to accept
    electrons from an excited sensitizer and transfer
    the electrons to another acceptor molecule bound
    to the surface
  • Has led to semiconductor nanoparticle mediated
    electron transfer between donor and acceptor
  • The non-metallic property of ultra-small metallic
    particles can also be utilized to capture
    electrons from an excited sensitizer

Photoinduced electron transfer
Catalysis with Semiconductor/metal nanocomposites
  • Semiconductor nanoparticles when subjected to
    band gap excitation undergo charge separation
  • Small size of particles and high recombination
    rate leads to a fraction of these charges that
    can be utilized to induce redox processes at the
  • Photocatalytic processes using TiO2 and other
    semiconductors have demonstrated the need to
    overcome the limitations in achieving higher
    photo-conversion efficiencies
  • Particular interest is in the use of
    semiconductor nanostructures for solar hydrogen
    production by the photocatalytic splitting of
  • Efforts to employ semiconductor-semiconductor or
    semiconductor- metal composite nanoparticles have
    been explored to facilitate charge rectification
    in the semiconductor nanostructures
  • The deposition of a noble metal on semiconductor
    nanoparticles is beneficial for maximizing the
    efficiency of photocatalytic reactions

Photochemical solar cells
Photochemical Solar Cells
  • Various strategies have been developed in recent
    years to construct photochemical solar cells
    using organized assemblies of nanostructured
  • Many of these systems have the potential to
    develop into third generation solar cells
  • Four promising strategies currently employed are
  • donor-acceptor based molecular clusters
  • dye sensitization of semiconductor
  • Quantum dot solar cells, and
  • carbon nanostructure based solar cells

Dye Sensitized Solar Cells
  • The process of utilizing sub-bandgap excitations
    with dyes is referred to as photosensitization
  • Conveniently employed in silver halide
    photography and other imaging science

Comparison to existing solar cells
Photocurrent Generation Mechanism
  • Primary event responsible for photocurrent
    generation is the photo induced charge separation
    between excited porphyrin and nano-entities
  • Electron transfer is completed in the
    sub-nanosecond time scale
  • The reduced nanoparticles inject electrons into
    SnO2 nanocrystallites and the oxidized porphyrin
    undergoes electron transfer with iodide ions

Quantum dot photosynthesis
  • Semiconductor films provide an efficient method
    to mimic photosynthesis
  • Charge separation is facilitated by semiconductor
    nanoparticle and the high porosity of mesoscopic
    semiconductor films
  • enables incorporation of sensitizing dyes in
    large concentrations
  • Currently Nano-TiO2 films modified with a
    ruthenium complex exhibit photo-conversion
    efficiencies in the range of 11, which is
    comparable to that of amorphous silicon-based
    photovoltaic cells

Quantum dot photosynthesis
  • When the electrode is illuminated with visible
    light, the sensitizer molecules absorb light and
    inject electrons into the semiconductor particles
  • These electrons are then collected at the
    conducting glass surface to generate anodic

Quantum Dot Solar Cells
  • Ordered assemblies of narrow band gap
    semiconductor nanostructures are convenient
    systems by which to harvest visible light energy
    if employed as electrodes in photoelectrochemical
  • The photocurrent obtained using such nanoparticle
    assemblies is often low as fast charge
    recombination limits photocurrent generation
  • By employing composite semiconductors it has been
    possible to improve the efficiency of charge
    separation through charge rectification
  • Chemically and electrochemically deposited CdS
    and CdSe nanocrystallites are capable of
    injecting electrons into wider gap materials such
    as TiO2, SnO2, and ZnO generating photocurrents
    under visible light irradiation

  • Specific advantages of using semiconductor
    quantum dots as light harvesting assemblies in
    solar cells are due to
  • The size quantization property allows tuning the
    visible response and varying the band offsets
    allows modulation of charge transfer across
    different sized particles
  • Quantum dots open up new ways to utilize hot
    electrons or generate multiple charge carriers
    with a single photon

Scaling into devices
  • Possible application of such photocatalyst based
    hybrid cells can be visualized in outdoor
    fixtures where single stack fuel cells can be
    spread out to capture sunlight
  • The rising clean energy demand will compel us in
    the near future to find hybrid devices that are
    tailored to specific applications

Rechargable batteries
  • Most of the active research is currently focused
    on rechargeable lithium batteries (roughly 10
  • As compared with aqueous batteries Li-ion
    chemistry leads to an increase of 100150 on
    energy storage capability per unit weight and
  • Disadvantages include low energy and power
    density, large volume change on reaction, safety
    and costs

Rechargable batteries
  • These shortcomings are being reduced by
  • Nano-materials are being researched for both the
    electrodes and the non-aqueous electrolyte
  • Recent findings include
  • up to six times increases in electrolyte
    conductivity by introducing nanoparticles of
    alumina, silicon or zirconia to non-aqueous
    liquid electrolytes

Rechargeable batteries
  • Sony Corporation has commercialized a tin-based
    anode nanobattery called Nexelion
  • Toshiba Corporation has announced a breakthrough
    in lithium-ion batteries that dramatically
    reduces recharge times
  • the new nanobattery can recharge 80 of the
    batterys energy capacity in only 1 min,
    approximately 60 times faster than the typical
    lithium-ion batteries in use today
  • nanostructuration of the cathode has also been
    explored with transition-metal dioxides,
  • LiFePO4, LiMn2O4 and vanadium oxide (V2O5)
  • Manganese oxides are especially suitable for both
    environmental and economical reasons

  • Electrochemical capacitors (ECs), also called
    supercapacitors, are energy storage devices that
    differ from batteries
  • While batteries store energy chemically,
    ultracapacitors store electricity physically, by
    separating the positive and negative charges
  • These devices have attracted considerably less
    attention than batteries as energy storage
  • Nanotechnology and better understanding of ionic
    behavior in small pores have rekindled interest
    in ECs

  • The drawbacks of classical capacitors are
  • high cost of premium performance electrodes due
    to miniaturization
  • large requirements for long cycle life, and
  • low efficiency materials that combine both high
    surface area with a low resistively are required
  • Main determining factor for power density and
    maximum power output is the surface area of each

Nanostructured Supercapacitors
  • Use of nanostructured materials dramatically
    increases this surface area (up to 1000 m2/g
    using carbon)
  • In contrast to capacitors, supercapacitors
    utilize a small volume of electrolyte
  • Interacts with the surface of each electrode to
    store charge
  • Offers a unique combination of high power and
    high energy performance

Nanostructured Supercapacitors
  • Types of ECs
  • pseudocapacitors,
  • electrochemical double layer capacitors (EDLCs),
  • hybrid capacitors
  • Nanostructuration of materials for
    pseudocapacitors could considerably improve their
    performance since stored charge is directly
    proportional to the electrode surface

Nanostructured Supercapacitors
  • EDLCs are currently the most common devices
  • Technologies are mainly based on blending porous
    materials (like activated carbon) with a
    conductive additive (like graphite or metals)
  • A transition from activated carbon electrodes to
    carbon based nanostructures has been carried out
    order to improve the performance of these devices
    (100 kW A/kg)

  • Nanotechnology or the use of nanostructures might
    pave the way for sustainable energy harvesting
  • The relevant nano-entities find applications in
    quantum dot enabled solar cells , as efficient
    charge transfer and mediation agents, and
    modified electrolytes for greater activity in

  • Nanotechnology to the rescue?
  • Perhaps, with new discoveries and the growing
    rise of new discovered emergent properties of
  • However, as guardians of the environment we need
    to question the implications of anthropogenic
    nanomaterials exposure and their short and long
    term effects on health and planetary ecology

  • PNWIS organization committee for the invitation
    to give this talk
  • Prof. Kumar Ganesan for his guidance in
    application of nanotechnology in environmentally
    sustainable applications
  • The students in our labs for being there to
    research new ideas

  • Any Questions?
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