Title: Bacterioplankton communities: single-cell characteristics and physiological structure
1Bacterioplankton communities single-cell
characteristics and physiological structure
- Paul del Giorgio
- Université du Québec à Montrèal
2Why study aquatic bacteria?
- They are responsible for much of organic matter
and nutrient transformation and mineralization - Bacteria are responsible for much of the aerobic
respiration and all of anaerobic respiration in
aquatic systems - Aquatic bacteria are one of the largest living
reservoirs of carbon, P, N, Fe and other
materials - Aquatic bacteria represent the largest surface in
oceans and lakes - Bacterial biomass may be a significant food
resource in aquatic food webs - Some bacteria pose sanitary or environmental
3Ecosystem processes Carbon cycling Gas exchange
Trophic interactions Grazing (predation) Viral
mortality Competition
Bacterial community structure Bacterial
processes Production Respiration Nutrient
Resource supply the nature and amount of organic
matter and nutrients
4What is community structure at the microbial
- Bacterial biomass
- Bacterial cell size and morphology
- Attached versus free-living cells
- The distribution of cells with different
functions - Taxonomic (phylogenetic) composition
- The distribution of cells with different growth
and metabolic rates
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7From Cole et al. (1988)
8Bacterial response to changes in resources and
9Bacterial response to changes in resources and
10Bacterial response to changes in resources and
Changes in abundance
11Ducklow 1999
12Bacterial response to changes in resources and
Changes in composition of bacterial community
Changes in abundance
13Bacterial response to changes in resources and
Changes in composition of bacterial community
Changes in composition of bacterial community
Changes in abundance
14Bacterial response to changes in resources and
Changes in composition of bacterial community
Changes in composition of bacterial community
Changes in abundance
15Bacterioplankton black box
Bacterioplankton black box
Caja negra del picoplancton
Caja negra del picoplancton
17Starvation, dormancy, slow growth
- Dormancy, starvation-survival, slow growth, and
inactivity are often used interchangeably to
denote low levels of cellular activity in marine
bacteria, but these terms are not synonyms and
refer to different states
18Microbial bioenergetics maintenance versus growth
19Starvation survival
- Under conditions of extreme substrate and energy
deprivation, marine bacteria may undergo a
starvation response - The starvation response is regulated by specific
genes and involves cell miniaturization, and
profound changes in macromolecular composition,
with the synthesis of specialized protective
proteins - Prolonged starvation may lead to cell dormancy,
which is a state of complete metabolic arrest
that allows long-term survival under unfavorable
conditions. Cells in a dormant state are still
more resistant to other environmental stresses - There are costs and benefits associated to
entering dormancy as opposed to maintaining a
slow level of metabolic activity and growth as a
response to low substrate availability - Resource patchiness and temporal variability play
a major role in shaping the survival strategies
of marine bacteria, whether it is slow growth,
starvation response or dormancy
20The distribution of cells into different
physiological categories is termed the
physiological structure of bacterioplankton
- Within a bacterial community there is a continuum
of activity, from dead to highly active cells - The categories used to describe the physiological
structure are operational and depend on the
methods used - The physiological structure is related, albeit in
complex ways, to the size structure of the
community, as well as to the phylogenetic
structure, i.e. the distribution of cells into
operational taxonomical units - The physiological structure is dynamic, i.e. the
proportions of cells in various physiological
states may vary at short time scales and small
spatial scales
21Nyström et al. 1992
22The starvation sequence
Joux and Le Baron 2000
23The reality of our disciplne
- Thomas Brock's classic microbial ecology text
(Brock 1966) is prefaced by a quote attributed as
a graduate student motto. The motto simply
states, 'microbial ecology is microbial
physiology under the worst possible conditions'.
24If I could do it all over again, I would be a
microbial ecologist. Ten billion bacteria live in
a gram of soil... They represent thousands of
species, almost none of each are known to
science Wilson, E.O. 1994. Naturalist. Island
25Approaches to measuring single-cell properties
26Some approaches used to assess bacterial
characteristics in situ that are culture
- Microautoradiography to assess uptake of
radiolabeled organic compounds - RNA (and other macromolecular) contents
- Vital stains as indices of cell metabolism
(Fluorescein, Calcein, INT, CTC) - Stains that reflect membrane polarization and
integrity (PI, Oxonol, SYTOX, TOPRO) - Structural integrity under TEM
27Heissenberger et al. 1996 Examples of cell and
capsule structure observed by TEM in
bacterioplankton samples
28Zweifel Hagström (1995)
Site BT (106) NuCC () MPN ()
Baltic Sea, NB1 2.5 - 3.2 4 - 6 0.1 - 0.3 Baltic
Sea, SR5 0.7 - 1.2 17 - 27 7 - 14 Baltic Sea,
US5b 0.6 - 2.7 12 - 27 6 - 15 North Sea,
Skagerrak-1 1.1 - 1.4 2 - 5 0.5 - 0.6 North Sea,
Skagerrak-2 0.2 - 0.8 4 - 32 0.2 -
0.8 Mediterranean, Point B 0.5 20 16
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31Marie et al. 1997Marine picoplankton
32Cytometric enumeration of in situ aquatic
bacteria using green nucleic acid stains
33Cytometric detection of dead or injured bacteria
in situ using exclusion nucleic acid stains
34Cytometric detection of in situ bacteria with
depolarized membranes using the Oxonol DiBAC
35Cytometric detection of in situ actively
respiring bacteria using CTC
36In situ hybridation visualized with
epifluorescence microscopy
37RNA probing of bacterioplankton using
epifluorescence and cytometry
38Figs. 1 y 2 from Heissenberger et al. (1996)
From Hoppe (1976)
Percentage of total cells
40Smith and del Giorgio 2003
41Bouvier et al. 2007
42Bouvier et al. 2007
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45Bouver et al. 2007
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47Lebaron et al. 2001 River and coastal samples
48Longnecker et al. 2006
49del Giorgio and Gasol in press
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51Søndergaard and Danielsen 2001 The highly active
CTC fraction is seasonally much more dynamic
than the total bacterial abundance in lakes
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53The universe of DAPI-positive particles
Low activity Dormancy
High activity
Medium activity
PI (damage)
Dibac (depolarization)
DNA content
54The regulation of the physiological structure of
bacterioplankton communities has three main
- Environmental factors that influence the
individual level of metabolic activity and cell
integrity and damage, such as substrate and
nutrient availability, UV and temperature - Physical and biological factors that influence
the persistence and loss of the various
physiological fractions, such as selective
grazing and viral infection, and selective
degradation - Intrinsic phylogenetic characteristics that
modulate the response of different bacterial
strains to the above factors
55Example Bacterial succession along the
transition between fresh and salt waters
- Does bacterial composition change abruptly along
a salinity gradient in an estuary? - Is the compositional succession accompanied by
changes in the physiological structure of the
community along this salinity gradient?
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57Bacterial composition
Fresh Salt
Fresh Salt
Relative abundance,
Distance downriver, Km
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63Environmental stress influences the physiological
structure of bacterioplankton
- What about biological interactions, such as
grazing and viral infection
64Viles and Sieracki 1992
65Fukuda et al. 1998
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67Gonzalez et al. 1990 Flagellate and ciliate
grazing is strongly size-dependent. This had
strong implications on the influence of bacterial
structure on food web interactions within the
microbial loop
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70Hahn and Höfle 1999Grazing influences the size
distribution within individual bacterial
taxa.Great morphological plasticity in bacteria
71Gasol et al. (1995)
González et al. 1990
Relative grazing efficiency
Chrzanowski Simek. 1990
Size (µm3)
72Selective grazing of live and active cells by
73In situ dyalysis bag experiments in the
Mediterranean Sea to follow the dynamics of
active and inactive cells in the presence and
absence of protistan grazing showed selective
grazing and significant cell inactivation
Black box approach
Using single-cell measurements
del Giorgio et al. 1996
74Lake Microcosm Experiments(with David Bird, Rox
Maranger and Yves Prairie, UQÀM)
- Water samples were filtered through 0.8 µm (to
remove grazers), or unfiltered - Water samples were incubated in dialysis bags in
situ in Lac Cromwell (Québec) - Three UV/light treatments
- We followed thee abundance of highly active cells
(CTC) and injured/dead cells (TOPRO)
75How do environmental and biological factors
interact to shape the physiological structure of
76Experimental design
77Reducing protozoan grazers resulted in higher
proportions of CTC cells. The grazing effect may
be related to size-selective removal
No Grazers
78There was an interaction between grazing and
light (or UV) that affected the proportion of
CTC cells.
No grazers
No grazers
No grazers
79The proportion of cells that took up the
exclusion strain TOPRO increased with UV exposure
Maranger et al. 2001
80There is an inverse pattern of CTC and TOPRO
cells in relation to UV/light exposure
81Some conclusions regarding the link between
grazing and bacterioplankton activity (I)
- Grazing and UV radiation both affect the
physiological structure of bacterioplankton - Grazing is highly selective and preferentially
removes active cells - Active cells appear to be on average larger than
less active or dormant cells - Grazing selectivity may be based on size
82Some general ecological patterns in microbial
- In aquatic microbial communities, small size and
low activity represent a refuge against predation
and perhaps viral infection - Large cells must find alternative refuges
attachment, parasitism, chemical defenses - In other types of communities it is often the the
small and the weak that are selectively removed - General allometric rules, i.e. size versus
specific activity, do not necessarily apply to
aquatic microbial communities
83Are there links between single-cell activity and
the phylogenetic affiliation of bacterial cells?
84Single-cell analyses that link composition with
activity and function
Hibridization (FISH) and in situ reverse
trabscription (ISRT) 16S rRNA mRNA Chen et al.
In situ hibridization and microautoradiography
(MAR-FISH) 16S rRNA 3H-TdR Lee et al.
1999 Cottrell Kirchman 2000
Activity probes, cytometry cell sorting and
molecular analyses CTC, FACS, DGGE Bernard et
al. 2000 Zubkov et al. 2001
In situ hybridization and DNA synthesis
16S rRNA BrdU Pernthaler et al 2002
85Zubkov et al. 2001 Celtic Sea
86Does the active fraction (CTC) have the same
composition than the inactive fraction ?
Bernard et al. 2000
87Urbach et al. 1999 Used BromodeoxyUridine
(BrdU), an analog of thymidine, to detect growing
cells Cells incorporating BrdU can be detected
using immunofluorescence
88Linking growth to phylogeny BrdU-incorporation
- Found that the BrdU-incorporating (growing)
communities were substantially different from the
total communities - This suggests that the numerically dominant
groups are not necessarily those that are the
most active
Hamasaki et al. 2007
Hamasaki et al. 2004
89Cottrel and Kirchman 2003
Showed that the contribution of the major groups
to Tdr and Leu assimilation varied greatly along
a salinity gradient
Also showed that some groups contribute
disproportionately to total bacterial activity
90del Giorgio and Gasol in press
91What is the link between single-cell activity and
phylogenetic affiliation?
- MAR-FISH analysis analyses show that in most
cases there is a mixture of cells that are active
and inactive in substrate uptake within any given
bacterial group, suggesting that the level of
single-cell activity is not intrinsic but rather
that members of the same group may express very
different levels of activity depending on their
microenvironment and of their immediate history - This scenario would further suggest that resource
microheterogeneity may play a key role in
determining the distribution of activity within
bacterial assemblages - Alternatively, the heterogeneity of single-cell
activity detected within broad phylogenetic
groups may indicate that within these groups
there is a wide range of genetic diversity, that
is expressed as a wide range in metabolic
responses of different cells to the same set of
environmental conditions - This establishes two extreme scenarios, i.e. the
physiological structure entirely due to
environmental heterogeneity, microscale
patchiness and temporal variability, versus
physiological heterogeneity due entirely to
genetic/phenotypic diversity. Where along this
gradient lie natural bacterioplankton assemblages
is still a matter of study
92Azam 1998
93Microscale variability in coastal bacterial
community structure
Seymour et al. 2004
Total BA
D1 group
94Some general ecological conclusions from these
- There are intense bacterioplankton phylogenetic
successions along environmental gradients,
associated to physiological stress and possibly
cell mortality - Predation is a major structuring factor in
microbial communities, but predator-prey
interactions may be distinct in microbial systems
- Some general ecological notions, such as
allometric relationships, refuge and succession
theory, may not effectively describe the
microbial world
95Ducklow 2001
96Variability in specific BP (BP / BA) and BR (BR /
BA) in marine waters
del Giorgio and Gasol in press
97Variability in abundance of microbial components
Landry and Kirchman 2002
98We know that there is an upper limit to bacterial
growth rate, but how slowly can a bacterial cell
- There are thermodynamic constraints that
determine both the upper and lower limits of cell
growth - Slow growth still requires the operation of
tranport systems, the maintenance of cell
membranes, and the turnover of proteins and
nucleic acids.
99Microbial bioenergetics maintenance versus growth
100del Giorgio and Gasol in press
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102del Giorgio and Gasol in press
103What about other components of the microbial food
web The coupling between protist predators and
their bacterial prey
- There is evidence that protist grazing may
profoundly affect the physiological (and
taxonomic) structure of bacterioplankton - But does the distribution of single cell activity
affect protist activity?
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108Feedback at the population level
Protist biomass
Protist grazing
Bacterial Biomass/ production
Feedback at the cellular level
Protist single cell activity
Bacterioplankton structure
109Some patterns concerning protist-bacteria
- Microbial predators can respond to prey
fluctuations at the population level, like
predators in other types of systems - But microbial predators can also respond at the
level of cellular metabolism - This response is much faster and allows microbial
predator-prey systems to be more tightly coupled
than any other system - This tight coupling provides overall stability to
the ecosystem
300 l-1
100 ml-1
2000 l-1
103 ml-1
1000 ml-1
107 ml-1
111An important aspect of the functioning of
bacterial communities is social behavior
112Ducklow 2001
Size does matter! Smaller organisms have higher
surface area (SA) to volume (V) ratios. Consider
a spherical microbe SA 4?r2 V 4/3 ?r3 So,
SAV 4?r2/4/3 ?r3 1/r That is, as organisms
get bigger, SAV gets smaller
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Bacterial physiological parameters
intact membrane
Potentiel Membrane
Intégrité Membrane PI (Live/Dead Baclight)
damaged membrane
intact membrane DiOC6(3)
damaged membrane DiBAC4(3)
Content SYTO13
Turn over H3 Thymidine uptake
Turn over H3 Thymidine uptake
Turn over H3 Leucine uptake
Firefly Luciferase
Enzymatic Activity
-Bulk metabolism -Single cell activity
Substrate Biolog