Booklet A – Turning to Crime Upbringing Cognition Biology

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Booklet A – Turning to Crime Upbringing Cognition Biology


Booklet A Turning to Crime Upbringing Cognition Biology Upbringing Disrupted families (Farrington et al. (2006) Learning from others (Sutherland (1934) Poverty ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Booklet A – Turning to Crime Upbringing Cognition Biology

Booklet A Turning to CrimeUpbringingCognition
Upbringing Disrupted families (Farrington et
al. (2006) Learning from others (Sutherland
(1934) Poverty and disadvantaged neighbourhoods
(Wikström Tafel (2000)
Disrupted familiesKey Study Farrington et al.
  • Aims
  • To document the start, duration and end of
    offending behaviour from childhood to adulthood.
  • To investigate the influence of life events
  • The risk and protective factors predicting
    offending and anti-social behaviour.
  • The intergenerational transmission of offending
    and anti-social behaviour.
  • The influence of family background.

  • In the latest report on the group, data were
    gathered from interviews at age 48 and searches
    of criminal records.
  • Participants
  • The study was based on 411 boys, 8- and
    9-years-old, from the registers of six state
    schools in East London who were born in 1953/4.
  • The boys were predominantly white working class.

Selected results
  • At age 48, of 404 individuals searched in the
    criminal records, 161 had convictions.
  • The number of offences and offenders peaked at
    age 17, closely followed by age 18.
  • Those who started criminal careers at age 1013
    were nearly all reconvicted at least once.
  • Self-reported crime not covered by official
    statistics indicated that 93 per cent admitted
    committing one type of offence at some stage in
    their lives.

Selected results (cont.)
  • A small proportion of the study males (7) were
    defined as chronic offenders.
  • Most of these chronic offenders shared common
    childhood characteristics they were more likely
    to have a convicted parent, be high daring, a
    delinquent sibling, a young mother, low
    popularity, a disrupted family and a large family
  • The proportion of men leading successful lives
    increased from 78 per cent at age 32 to 88 per
    cent at age 48.

Learning from others Key study Sutherland (1934)
  • Sutherlands theory is based on two core
  • Deviance occurs when people define a certain
    human situation as an appropriate occasion for
    violating social norms or criminal laws.
  • Definitions of the situation are acquired through
    an individuals history of past experience.

1. Criminal behaviour is learned.
  • Sutherland believed that criminal behaviour was
    not inherited or a result of any other biological
  • 2. Criminal behaviour is learned in interaction
    with other persons in a process of communication.
  • Sutherland believed such communication usually
    involved verbal interaction.

3. The principle part of the learning of criminal
behaviour occurs within intimate personal groups.
  • Sutherland felt that intimate personal groups
    provided the largest influence on the learning of
    criminal behaviour.
  • 4. When criminal behaviour is learned, the
    learning includes the techniques of committing
    the crime.
  • A criminal has to learn the techniques of the
    trade from someone. They also learn the attitudes
    taken and excuses made for behaving in a criminal

5. The specific direction of motives and drives
is learned from definitions of the legal codes as
favourable or unfavourable.
  • Groups of people may see certain laws as
    pointless or discriminatory and therefore feel
    they can flaunt them or that it is right to break
    them, for example under-age drinking laws.
  • 6. A person becomes delinquent because of an
    excess of definitions favourable to violation of
    law over definitions unfavourable to violation of
  • This is the principle of differential
    association. Individuals become criminal due to
    repeated contacts with criminal activity and a
    lack of contact with non-criminal activity.

7. Number of contacts with criminals over
non-criminals may vary in frequency, duration,
priority, and intensity.
  • According to Sutherland, a precise description of
    the criminal behaviour of a person would be
    possible in quantitative form by analysing the
    number of contacts with criminals.
  • 8. The process of learning criminal behaviour by
    association with criminal and anti-criminal
    patterns involves all of the mechanisms that are
    involved in any other learning.
  • In this point, Sutherland claims that criminal
    behaviour is learned just like every other

9. While criminal behaviour is an expression of
general needs and values, it is not explained by
those general needs and values.
  • A thief generally steals in order to obtain
    money. However, such an action is no different
    from the work of an honest labourer so this need
    in itself cannot explain theft.

Poverty and disadvantaged neighbourhoods Key
study Wikström and Tafel (2000)
  • Design
  • A cross-sectional study.
  • Sample
  • Nearly 2000 Year 10 (14 to 15year-old) pupils.
  • Methodology
  • Interview and data collection.

Selected findings
  • 44.8 per cent of the males and 30.6 per cent of
    the females had committed at least one crime.
  • 9.8 per cent of the males and 3.8 per cent of the
    females had committed a serious crime of theft.
  • One in eight offenders were reported to or caught
    by the police for their last committed crime.
  • Offenders were more often victimised than
  • Offenders were more often drunk and more often
    used drugs than other youths.

Explanatory factors
  • The study covers a wide range of factors that may
    predispose to criminal activity
  • family social position
  • individual characteristics
  • social situation
  • lifestyle and routine activities
  • community context.

Explanatory factors (cont.)
  • Youths with many individual risk factors offend
    frequently, while youths with many individual
    protective factors rarely offend.
  • Of these, the most important were the youths
    individual characteristics and the way they lived
    their lives, which strongly affected their
    involvement in crime.

  • The findings suggest the presence of three groups
    of adolescent offenders.
  • Propensity-induced
  • These youths have an enduring propensity to
  • Lifestyle-dependent
  • Offending by this group appears to be highly
    dependent on their lifestyle.
  • Situationally-limited
  • These are individually well-adjusted youths who
    may occasionally offend if their lifestyle
    exposes them to high levels of situational risk.

Upbringing overall conclusions
  • Crime appears to run in families although the
    mechanism by which this happens is unclear
    genes, SLT, Differential Associations
  • There are risk factors in the family that
    predispose individuals to crime including
    convicted parent, delinquent sibling, large
    family, family social position and community in
    which you are raised
  • There are also individual factors that contribute
    to offending

Upbringing possible section a questions
  • Describe research into the influence of the
    family in turning to crime.
  • Describe how upbringing contributes to criminal
  • Outline the relationship between poverty
    neighbourhood turning to crime

Upbringing possible section b questions
  • Discuss the difficulties of conducting research
    into the effect of upbringing on turning to crime
  • Discuss the usefulness of research into the
    effect of upbringing on turning to crime
  • Compare individual and situational factors in
    upbringing explanations of turning to crime

  • Criminal thinking patterns (Yochelson Samenow
  • Moral development and crime (Palmer Hollin
  • Social cognition (Gudjonsson, G. H. and Bownes,
    I. (2002)

Criminal thinking patterns Key study Yochelson
and Samenow (1996)
  • Aims
  • To understand the makeup of the criminal
  • To establish techniques that could be used to
    alter the personality disorders that produce
  • To encourage an understanding of legal
  • To establish techniques that can be effective in
    preventing criminal behaviour.

  • The study was based on 255 male participants from
    various backgrounds blacks, whites, those from
    the inner city, those from the suburbs, wealthy,
    poor, etc. were all evaluated.
  • The population of studied offenders was composed
    of those confined to the hospital who had been
    found not guilty by reason of insanity, as well
    as a roughly equal number of convicted criminals
    who were not confined to the institution.
  • Methodology
  • A series of interviews was conducted with the
    participants over a period of several years.

Selected findings
  • Criminals
  • are very restless, dissatisfied and irritable.
  • consider requests from their teachers and parents
    as impositions.
  • continually set themselves apart from others.
  • want to live a life of excitement, at whatever
  • are habitually angry.
  • are lacking empathy.
  • feel under no obligation to anyone or anything
    except their own interests.
  • are poor at responsible decision-making, having
    pre-judged situations.

Selected findings (cont.)
  • Thirty completed the programme of interviews, but
    only nine genuinely changed as a result.
  • Yochelson and Samenow acknowledge that the
    patients lied and gave the answers they thought
    would help their situations improve when the
    doctors began the study.
  • Many of the thinking errors they found would be
    part of a modern-day diagnosis of anti-social
    personality disorder, which is generally
    considered to be exceptionally difficult to treat.

  • In all, 52 thinking patterns were distinguishable
    in the criminal personality.
  • These were considered to be errors in thinking.
    Although not unique to criminals, they were
    displayed more by criminals.
  • Though criminals may differ in the types of
    crime that they commit, and their modus operandi,
    they exhibit identifiable and classifiable
    paralleled errors in thinking

Moral development and crime Key study Palmer
  • Aim
  • To see whether the development of moral reasoning
    among male delinquents is delayed compared to non
  • Participants
  • Midlands
  • 97 convicted male offenders age 13-21
  • 77 non offenders, male female, age 12-24

  • Correlation moral reasoning self reported
  • Quasi as comparing 2 naturally occurring groups
  • Moral reasoning
  • Socio moral reflection measure short form
  • 11 hypothetical dilemmas
  • Self reported delinquency
  • 46 item checklist of offences

  • Male offenders had least mature moral reasoning
    Kohlberg preconventional
  • Female non offenders showed more mature moral
    reasoning than male non offenders
  • The majority of non offenders were using
    conventional level reasoning
  • Delinquents seem to have deficits in their moral
    reasoning and interventions aimed at raising
    levels of moral reasoning in areas related to
    delinquent behaviour could lead to a decrease in
    offending behaviour.

Social cognitionKey study Gudjonsson and Bownes
  • Aim
  • To examine the relationship between type of
    offence and the attributions offenders make about
    their criminal act.
  • Method
  • Using the Gudjonsson and Singh 42 item Blame
    Attribution Inventory (GBAI) to measure the
    offenders type of offence and attribution of

  • 80 criminals who were serving sentences in
    Northern Ireland.
  • 20 subjects had committed violent offences
    including homicide and grievous bodily harm
    (GBH). Their mean age was 29.
  • 40 sex offenders included rapists and paedophiles
    and those committing a sexual assault. Their mean
    ages varied from 41 for the paedophiles down to
    28 for the other offenders.
  • 20 had committed property offences including
    theft and burglary and their mean age was 29.

  • Those who had committed sexual offences showed
    the most remorse about their behaviour this was
    followed by those who have committed violent acts
    against the person.
  • Those who have committed violent offences have
    the highest mental element scores on the GBAI,
    followed by the sex offenders.
  • With regard to external attribution (blaming
    others/situation), highest scores were found for
    violent offenders and lowest for sex offenders.

  • Offenders attribute blame for their crimes
    differently according to their type of crime.

Cognition Overall Conclusions
  • Criminals have differences in their thinking
    patters which may explain why they turn to crime.
    These include
  • Lower level of moral thinking
  • Thinking errors
  • Differences in remorse and external attribution
    depending on the type of criminal
  • However, many of these thinking patterns are
    shown by non criminals too

Cognition section a possible questions
  • Describe thinking patters shown by criminals
  • Describe research which demonstrates a link
    between morality and crime
  • Outline the attributions of blame used by

Cognition possible section b questions
  • Evaluate the validity of research into cognitive
    explanations of turning to crime.
  • Evaluate the generalisability of research into
    cognitive explanations of turning to crime
  • Discuss to what extent cognitions provide an
    explanation of turning to crime

  • Brain dysfunction (Raine, A. ( )
  • Genes and serotonin (Brunner et al. (1993)
  • Gender (Daly Wilson (2001)

Brain dysfunctionKey study Raine (1997)
  • Aim
  • Previous research has suggested that brain
    dysfunction may predispose individuals to violent
    behaviour but no-one has tried to confirm which
    particular areas may be involved. So the aim is
    to directly assess brain functioning in violent
  • Hypotheses
  • Seriously violent individuals will have
  • Brain dysfunction in the prefrontal cortex,
    amygdale, hippocampus, thalamus and corpus
    callosum (all previously linked with violence)
  • No brain dysfunction in other areas of the brain
    which have been related to psychiatric disorder
    but not violence (e.g. cerebellum)

  • Quasi experiment
  • 41 NGRI 39 Male, 2 female mean age 34.3
  • Murder / manslaughter
  • Referred for assessment due to schiz, head
    injury, affective disorder, epilepsy, learning or
    personality disorder
  • Medication free 2 weeks checked urine test
  • Control group, matched age sex and schiz

Procedure contd
  • Injection of radioactive tracer
  • CPT
  • PET scan

  • The murderers had
  • Reduced brain activity in prefrontal cortex
    corpus callosum
  • Increased brain activity in areas not previously
    linked with violence e.g. cerebellum
  • Abnormal asymmetries i.e. reduced activity on
    their left and increased activity on the right in
    some of the areas linked to violence e.g.
    amygdale, thalamus hippocampus

  • There are some differences in the brain
    metabolism of murderers pleading NGRI
  • The differences are in areas that are typically
    associated with aggressive behaviour

Genes and serotonin Key Study Brunner et al.
  • Aim
  • To explain the behaviour of a large family in the
    Netherlands where the males are affected by a
    syndrome of borderline mental retardation and
    abnormal violent behaviour.

  • The study was based on five affected males from
    the family.
  • Method
  • Data were collected from analysis of urine
    samples over a 24-hour period.

  • The tests showed a deficit of the enzyme
    monoamine oxidase A (MAOA).
  • A mutation was identified in the X chromosome of
    the gene responsible for production of MAOA.

  • MAOA is involved in serotonin metabolism.
  • The defect in the gene leading to impaired
    serotonin metabolism is likely to be responsible
    for the mental retardation in the family and this
    in turn may account for the violent behaviour.
  • Brunner concluded that the MAOA deficiency
    accounted for their inability to regulate their

GenderKey study Daly and Wilson (2001)
  • Aim
  • To find out if homicide rates would vary as a
    function of local life expectancy in Chicago.
  • Method
  • A correlational study using survey data from
    police records, school records and local
    demographic records.

  • The study examined local communities in Chicago
    which had lower than average male life

  • Life expectancy proved to be the best predictor
    of neighbourhood-specific homicide rates it was
    possible that young men in these neighborhoods
    actually discounted the future and expected to
    live shorter lives, thereby escalating the
    likelihood that they would increase their risk
    taking for short-term rewards.
  • Another key finding was that the
    neighbourhood-specific rate of absenteeism from
    school was also negatively correlated with life
    expectancy these young men see little point in
    investing effort in school performance.

  • One possible explanation they suggest is that
    parents are unwilling to invest in their childs
    education by enforcing attendance because they
    are also operating on a short time horizon.
  • Inequity or the unequal distribution of wealth
    and resources in society mean the poorest feel
    they have little to lose by engaging in reckless

Biology overall conclusions
  • Variety of explanations that show links between
    brain activity, genes and gender and criminal

Biology possible section a questions
  • Describe physiological explanations for turning
    to crime.
  • Outline the link between gender and criminal
  • Describe methods used to investigate biological
    explanations for turning to crime

Possible section b questions
  • Discuss the extent to which biological
    explanations of turning to crime are reductionist
  • Evaluate the usefulness of research into
    biological explanations of turning to crime
  • Evaluate the methods used by psychologists to
    investigate biological explanations of turning to

Other possible section b questions
  • Discuss the nature nurture debate in relation to
    explanations of turning to crime.
  • Discuss to what extent explanations of turning to
    crime are reductionist
  • Evaluate methods used to investigate explanations
    of turning to crime
  • Discuss the usefulness of explanations of turning
    to crime
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