Urogenital System - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Urogenital System


The Urinary and Genital Systems Functions of the Urinary System Excretory functions Eliminates dissolved organic waste from cells Regulates blood volume and blood ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Title: Urogenital System

Urogenital System
The Urinary and Genital Systems
Functions of the Urinary System
  • Excretory functions
  • Eliminates dissolved organic waste from cells
  • Regulates blood volume and blood pressure
  • Adjusting the volume of water lost in the urine
  • Releasing the hormones erythropoietin (EPO) and
  • Regulates plasma concentrations of ions such as
    sodium, potassium, chloride
  • Controlling ion quantities lost in urine
  • Controlling calcium ion levels by synthesis of

Functions Cont.
  • Stabilizes blood pH
  • Controls the loss of hydrogen ions (H) and
    bicarbonate ions (HCO3-) in urine
  • Conserves valuable nutrients
  • Prevents excretion of nutrients (Ex. Glucose and
    amino acids) in urine
  • Eliminates organic waste products (Ex. urea and
    uric acid)

Urogenital System
  • activities must be carefully regulated to keep
    the composition of the blood within acceptable
  • A disruption of any one of these functions will
    have immediate and potentially fatal consequences

Urinary System
Urinary System - Kidneys
  • Lg., brown, bean-shaped structures
  • Found on either side of the vertebral column
    between the thoracic and third lumbar vertebrae
  • Right kidney often sits slightly lower than the
  • Kidneys lie retroperitoneal (btw muscles of
    dorsal body the peritoneal lining)
  • Their position is maintained by
  • Overlying peritoneum
  • Contact with adjacent organs
  • Supporting connective tissue

Urinary System - Kidneys
  • Each kidney is packed in protecting
  • Soft cushion of adipose tissue prevents jolting
    and shocks
  • A displaced kidney is a condition called a
    floating kidney
  • Dangerous b/c ureters or blood vessels can get
    twisted or kinked

Urinary System - Kidneys
  • The indentation we see is called the hilus
  • Hilus- is the pt. of entry for the renal artery
    and the exit for the renal vein and ureter
  • ureters - muscular tubes communicates with the
    renal pelvis to carry urine to the urinary
  • exit the kidney at the hilus
  • renal pelvis is a large, funnel-shaped chamber
    that connects to the ureter at the hilus of the

Urinary System - Kidneys
  • The kidney can be divided into an outer layer
    cortex and an inner medulla
  • The medulla contains 6-18 conical renal pyramids,
    whose tips or renal papilla project into the
    renal sinus (candy corn tips)

Urinary System - Nephron
  • The nephron is the functional unit of the kidneys
  • Each kidney has more than 1mil functioning
    nephron units
  • A nephron consists of Bowmans Capsule (found in
    cortex of kidney) thats connected to a long,
    coiled renal tubule
  • Within the Bowmans capsule is a cluster of
    capillaries called glomerulus
  • filtration

  • 3 main regions
  • Proximal convoluted tubule-
  • conducts the filtrate from Bowmans capsule
  • Reabsorption and secretion
  • Loop of Henle-
  • an elongated, hairpin-shaped portion
  • Filtrate becomes concentrated as it descends and
    more diluted as it ascends (countercurrent)

  • Distal convoluted tubule-
  • conducts the filtrate to the collecting ducts
  • Reabsorption and secretion
  • Filtrate passes from the renal tubule into a
    larger connecting duct (concentrated)
  • Collecting Duct-
  • Where urine collects
  • Reabsorption of H2O
  • Eventually empties into the renal pelvis

Release of hormones
  • The Kidneys release 3 hormones
  • erythropoietin, renin calcitriol
  • erythropoietin (EPO) Released in response to low
    oxygen levels in kidney tissue
  • Stimulates the production of RBC by bone marrow

Release of hormones cont.
  • renin
  • Released in response to a decline in blood
    volume, blood pressure or both
  • Functions as an enzyme
  • calcitriol
  • steroid hormone

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Urinary System
  • Ureters narrow extensions of the renal pelvis
  • fine tubules that transport from the kidneys to
    the urinary bladder
  • Urinary Bladder pear shaped, located
  • Function- temporarily store urine coming from the
    kidneys by way of the ureters

Urinary System
  • Urethra unpaired tube, transports urine from
    urinary bladder out of the body
  • Preputial Orifice opening for urine to exit, in
    males, urine as well as seminal fluid excreted
  • Uretheral Orifice opening for urine to exit

Adrenal Glands
  • Paired
  • small, round yellow masses of tissue, embedded in
    fat, lie superior to kidney
  • Helps body cope with stress and regulate
  • Each gland consists of a central portion, the
    adrenal medulla and a larger outer section, the
    adrenal cortex
  • Different types of tissues and function as
    different glands

Adrenal Gland
  • Coupled with the sympathetic nervous system
  • Secretesnorepinephrine and ephinephrine
  • Under normal conditions small amts. of both are
  • During a stressful situation, adrenal medulla
    hormones initiate an alarm reaction
  • lg. amts. of epinephrine and norepinephrine get
  • Enables us to think more quickly, fight harder or
    run faster and metabolic rates increase (Fight or
    Flight Response)

Adrenal Gland
  • Synthesizes steroid hormones from cholesterol
  • More than 30 types of steroids produce
  • Secretes only 3 types of hormones in lg. amts.
  • Sex hormones precursors
  • Testosterone (male) and estradiol (female)
  • Mineralocorticoids
  • Aldosterone- reg. fluid balance by reg. salt
    balance (Na K)
  • Glucocorticoids
  • Cortisol- ensures adequate fuel supplies for
    cells when body is under stress

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Female Genital System
  • Produces oocytes (immature gametes), receives the
    penis and sperm released from it during sexual
  • Houses and nourishes the embryo, gives birth and
    produces milk (lactation)

Female Genital System
  • Ovaries are the female gonads
  • Posterior and lateral to the kidneys
  • About the size and shape of a large almond
  • Produce eggs
  • Produce the female, gametes and female sex

Female Genital System
  • Almost immediately after ovulation, the oocyte
    (cells that give rise to egg cells-ova), are
    swept into the funnel-shaped oviduct or uterine
    tube (fallopian tube)
  • Cilla sweep the oocyte into the oviduct and move
    it toward the uterus (bull horns)
  • Right Cornu of uterus lg. tube leading to the
    left ovary fetal development
  • Left Cornu of uterus lg. tube leading to the
    right ovary fetal development

Female Genital System
  • Vagina receives sperm from the penis during
    sexual intercourse
  • Entrance for male copulation
  • Is an elastic tube - uterus to the exterior of
    the body
  • Part of the birth canal
  • Vagina Orifice opening to the vagina
  • External female genitalia is collectively known
    as the vulva

Female Genital System
  • Vulva includes many structures
  • Labia minora surrounds the vaginal and urethra
  • Hymen is a thin ring of tissue that forms the
    border around the vagina entrance
  • Clitoris is a sm. erectile structure comparable
    to the male glans penis
  • Clitoridean gland sexual attractant (similar to
    preputial gland in males)

Male Genital System
  • Reproductive role - reproduce sperm cells and
    deliver them into the female reproductive tract
  • Testes (gonads) paired, spermatogenesis, the
    process of sperm production, occurs here
  • Primary sex organs of the male
  • Hang within the scrotum, a fleshy pouch,
    suspended from the groin

Male Genital System
  • Scrotum is divided into 2 chambers, each with a
    testis (found in a flattened oval shape)
  • Consists of a thin layer of skin, loose
    connective tissue and smooth muscle
  • Cremaster muscle- contract to pull testes closer
    to the body (1.1C or 2F below body temp.)
  • When body temperature rises testes lower and when
    body temperature drops testes rise to maintain
    sperm development

Male Genital System
  • Sperm production occurs in 800 slender, tightly
    coiled seminiferous tubules
  • Each testis contains ½ mile of seminiferous
  • A healthy male ejaculates 3mL of sperm during
    sexual climax (100 mil sperm per mL of semen in
    the 1970s, now it is 60 mil)
  • The cause of decrease is not known, may be linked
    to environmental factors
  • Smoking, marijuana use or alcohol abuse

Male Genital System
  • Epididymis elongated tube, 23ft long, so
    twisted and coiled it takes up every little
    space surrounds testes
  • It takes 2 wks for sperm to travel through the
    epididymis, where it completes physical
  • Damaged or abnormal sperm get recycled
  • Corpus epididymis head of epididymis
  • Caput epididymis body of epididymis
  • Cauda epididymis tail of epididymis

Male Genital System
  • During ejaculation, sperm pass from each
    epididymis into the vas deferens (mature)
  • The vas deferens empties into an ejaculatory duct
  • Which passes through the prostate gland (and
    opens into a single urethra
  • Urethra (male), at different times conducts urine
    and semen, passes through the penis and out the

Male Genital System
  • Penis an erectile copulatory organ that delivers
    sperm into the female reproductive tract
  • Baculum (penis bone) found at the tip, gives
  • Long shaft that enlarges to form an expanded tip
  • Loose fitting skin (foreskin) of the penis folds
    down and covers the glans forming a cuff prepuce
  • Foreskins removed during circumcision
  • Preputial glands are found on either side of the
    base of penis (similar to clitoridean glands in

Male Genital System(Accessory Glands)
  • Accessory glands produce fluid portion of semen
  • Vesicular glands contribute to sperm viability
  • Seminal Vesicles secrete a nutritive fluid rich
    in fructose and prostaglandins
  • Nutrients provide energy for sperm
  • Prostaglandins stimulate contractions of the
    uterus helps move sperm up female tract

Accessory Glands
  • Coagulating Glands tiny, at the base of the
    vesicular gland
  • Ampullary gland increases the volume of sperm
  • Prostate Glands found dorsal, at the base of the
    seminal vesicles
  • Makes an alkaline environment

Accessory Glands
  • During sexual arousal, paired bulbourethral
    (cowpers) glands, opens to urethra cleans and
  • This lubricates the penis, aiding in penetration
    into the vagina

  • Healthy kidneys clean your blood and make
  • When your kidneys fail, you need treatment to
    replace the work your kidneys used to do.
  • Unless you have a kidney transplant, youll need
    a treatment called dialysis
  • Dialysis essentially filters your blood to rid
    your body of harmful wastes, extra salt and water
  • Treatments are 3 times a week
  • Patients usually require dialysis when the waste
    products in their body become so high that they
    start to become sick from them.
  • These wastes build up slowly
  • Can live productive and useful lives, even though
    their kidneys no longer work adequately.
  • 200,000 ppl in the United States use dialysis

Kidney Stones
  • Kidney stones are small, hard deposits of mineral
    and acid salts on the inner surfaces of your
    kidneys. Normally, the substances that form
    kidney stones are diluted in the urine
  • Concentrated urine may cause minerals to
    crystallize, stick together and solidify ? stone
  • Passing kidney stones can be excruciating
  • Usually cause no permanent damage
  • Treatments vary, depending on the type of stone
    and the cause
  • May be able to pass a stone through your urinary
    tract simply by drinking plenty of water and
    staying active
  • Stones that can't be treated with
    more-conservative measures either because
    they're too large to pass on their own may need
    professional treatment.

Urinary Tract Infection
  • Typically occur when bacteria enter the urinary
    tract (urethra) and begin to multiply in the
  • can be painful and annoying. But serious
    consequences can occur if the infection spreads
    to your kidneys
  • Women are most at risk In fact,1/2 of all women
    will develop a UTI during their lifetimes
  • Antibiotics are the typical treatment
  • Signs / symptoms Not everyone has them, but most
    people have some
  • A strong, persistent urge to urinate
  • A burning sensation when urinating Passing
  • small amounts of urine
  • blood in the urine or cloudy
  • strong-smelling urine
  • Prevention
  • Drink plenty of liquids, especially water.
    Cranberry juice or cranberry pills
  • Urinate promptly when the urge arises
  • Wipe from front to back
  • Avoid potentially irritating feminine products

Prostate Cancer
  • below a man's bladder - produces fluid for
  • 3rd most common cause of death from cancer in men
    of all ages rare in men younger than 40.
  • Symptoms
  • Problems passing urine, such as pain, difficulty
    starting or stopping the stream, or dribbling
  • Low back pain
  • Pain with ejaculation
  • Treatments
  • depends on the stage of the cancer
  • how fast the cancer grows
  • surgery
  • radiation therapy, chemotherapy

Ovarian Cancer
  • More common in women over age 50, but it can also
    affect younger women
  • Its cause is unknown
  • Ovarian cancer is hard to detect early
  • The sooner ovarian cancer is found and treated,
    the better your chance for recovery
  • Many times, women with ovarian cancer have no
    symptoms or just mild symptoms until the disease
    is in an advanced stage and hard to treat
  • Symptoms may include
  • Heavy feeling in pelvis
  • Pain in lower abdomen
  • Bleeding from the vagina
  • Weight gain or loss
  • Abnormal periods
  • Unexplained back pain that gets worse
  • Gas, nausea, vomiting, or loss of appetite
  • Treatment
  • is usually surgery followed by treatment

  • Also called Endo
  • Endometriosis is a problem affecting a woman's
  • Endometriosis is when the kind of tissue that
    normally lines the uterus grows somewhere else
    such as the ovaries, behind the uterus or on the
    bowels or bladder
  • This "misplaced" tissue can cause pain,
    infertility and very heavy periods.
  • Cause of endometriosis is not known.
  • Symptoms
  • pain is usually in the abdomen, lower back or
    pelvic areas
  • Some women have no symptoms at all. Having
    trouble getting pregnant may be the first sign.
  • Pain medicines and hormones often help. Severe
    cases may need surgery.

  • an operation to remove a woman's uterus
    sometimes along with the ovaries and fallopian
  • Hysterectomies are very common - one in three
    women in the United States has had one by age 60.
  • Reasons for a hysterectomy
  • Women suffering from Endometriosis may have one
    if endo cannot be cured by medicine or surgery
  • Uterine prolapse - when the uterus drops into the
  • Cancer of the uterus, cervix, or ovaries
  • Vaginal bleeding that persists despite treatment
  • A hysterectomy will stop your periods, and you
    will no longer be able to get pregnant. If the
    surgery removes both ovaries, you will enter
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