Title: Energy Recovered Linacs and Ponderomotive Spectral Broadening
1Energy Recovered Linacs andPonderomotive
Spectral Broadening
- G. A. Krafft
- Jefferson Lab
- Recirculating linacs defined and described
- Review of recirculating SRF linacs
- Energy recovered linacs
- Energy recovered linacs as light sources
- Ancient history lasers and electrons
- Dipole emission from a free electron
- Thomson scattering
- Motion of an electron in a plane wave
- Equations of motion
- Exact solution for classical electron in a plane
wave - Applications to scattered spectrum
- General solution for small a
- Finite a effects
- Ponderomotive broadening
- Sum Rules
- Conclusions
3Schematic Representation of Accelerator Types
RF Installation
Beam injector and dump
Recirculating Linac
4Why Recirculate?
- Performance upgrade of a previously installed
linac - Stanford Superconducting Accelerator and MIT
Bates doubled their energy this way - Cheaper design to get a given performance
- Microtrons, by many passes, reuse expensive RF
many times to get energy up. Penalty is that the
average current has to be reduced proportional to
1/number passes, for the same installed RF. - Jefferson Lab CEBAF type machines add passes
until the decremental gain in RF system and
operating costs no longer pays for an additional
recirculating loop - Jefferson Lab FEL and other Energy Recovered
Linacs (ERLs) save the cost of higher average
power RF equipment (and much higher operating
costs) at higher CW operating currents by
reusing beam energy through beam recirculation.
5Beam Energy Recovery
Recirculation path length in standard
configuration recirculated linac. For energy
recovery choose it to be (n 1/2)?RF. Then
6Beam Energy Recovery
Recirculation path length in herring-bone
configuration recirculated linac. For energy
recovery choose it to be n?RF. Note additional
complication path length has to be an integer at
each and every different accelerating cavity
location in the linac.
7Comparison between Linacs and Storage Rings
- Advantage Linacs
- Emittance dominated by source emittance and
emittance growth down linac - Beam polarization easily produced at the
source, switched, and preserved - Total transit time is quite short
- Beam is easily extracted. Utilizing source laser
control, flexible bunch patterns possible - Long undulaters are a natural addition
- Bunch durations can be SMALL (10-100 fsec)
8Comparison Linacs and Storage Rings
- Advantage Storage Rings
- Up to now, the stored average current is much
larger - Very efficient use of accelerating voltage
- Technology well developed and mature
- Disadvantage Storage Rings
- Technology well developed and mature (maybe!)
- The synchrotron radiation damping equilibrium,
and the emittance and bunch length it generates,
must be accepted
9Power Multiplication Factor
- Energy recovered beam recirculation is nicely
quantified by the notion of a power
multiplication factor - where Prf is the RF power needed to
accelerate the beam - By the first law of thermodynamics (energy
conservation!) k lt 1 - in any linac not recirculated. Beam
recirculation with beam deceleration somewhere is
necessary to achieve k gt 1 - If energy IS very efficiently recycled from the
accelerating to the decelerating beam
10High Multiplication Factor Linacs
Recirculated Linacs
Normal Conducting Recirculators kltlt1
LBNL Short Pulse X-ray Facility (proposed) k0.1
CEBAF (matched beam load) k0.99 (typical) k0.8
High Multiplication Factor Superconducting
JLAB IR DEMO k16 JLAB 10 kW Upgrade
k33 Cornell/JLAB ERL k200 (proposed) BNL PERL
k500 (proposed)
Will use the words High Multiplication Factor
Linac for those designs that feature high k.
11Comparison Accelerator Types
Typical results by accelerator type
12More Modern Reason to Recirculate!
- A renewed general interest in beam recirculation
has arisen due to the success of Jefferson Labs
high average current energy recovered Free
Electron Lasers (FELs), and the broader
realization that it may be possible to achieve
beam parameters Unachievable in storage rings
or linacs without recirculation. - ERL synchrotron source Beam power in a typical
synchrotron source is (100 mA)(5 GeV)500 MW.
Realistically, even the federal govt. will be
unable to provide a third of a nuclear plant to
run a synchrotron source. Idea is to use the high
multiplication factor possible in energy
recovered designs to reduce the power load. Pulse
lengths of order 100 fsec or smaller may in be
possible in an ERL source impossible at a
storage ring. Better emittance may be possible
too. - The limits, in particular the average current
carrying capacity of possible recirculated linac
designs, are not yet determined and may be far in
excess of what the FELs can do!
13Challenges for Beam Recirculation
- Additional Linac Instability
- Multipass Beam Breakup (BBU)
- Observed first at Illinois Superconducting
Racetrack Microtron - Limits the average current at a given
installation - Made better by damping non-fundamental
electromagnetic High Order Modes (HOMs) in the
cavities - Best we can tell at CEBAF, threshold current is
around 20 mA, measured to be several mA in the
FEL - Changes based on beam recirculation optics
- Turn around optics tends to be a bit different
than in storage rings or more conventional
linacs. Longitudinal beam dynamics gets coupled
more strongly to the transverse dynamics and
nonlinear corrections different - HOM cooling will perhaps limit the average
current in such devices.
14Challenges for Beam Recirculation
- High average current sources needed to provide
beam - Right now, looks like a good way to get there is
with DC photocathode sources as we have in the
Jefferson Lab FEL. - Need higher fields in the acceleration gap in the
gun. - Need better vacuum performance in the beam
creation region to increase the photocathode
lifetimes. - Goal is to get the photocathode decay times above
the present storage ring Toushek lifetimes - Beam dumping of the recirculated beam can be a
15Recirculating SRF Linacs
16The CEBAF at Jefferson Lab
- Most radical innovations (had not been done
before on the scale of CEBAF) - choice of Superconducting Radio Frequency (SRF)
technology - use of multipass beam recirculation
- Until LEP II came into operation, CEBAF was the
worlds largest implementation of SRF technology. -
17CEBAF Accelerator Layout
C. W. Leemann, D. R. Douglas, G. A. Krafft, The
Continuous Electron Beam Accelerator Facility
CEBAF at the Jefferson Laboratory, Annual
Reviews of Nuclear and Particle Science, 51,
413-50 (2001) has a long reference list on the
CEBAF accelerator. Many references on Energy
Recovered Linacs may be found in a recent ICFA
Beam Dynamics Newsletter, 26, Dec. 2001
18CEBAF Beam Parameters
19Short Bunches in CEBAF
Wang, Krafft, and Sinclair, Phys. Rev. E, 2283
20Short Bunch Configuration
Kazimi, Sinclair, and Krafft, Proc. 2000 LINAC
Conf., 125 (2000)
21dp/p data 2-Week Sample Record
Energy Spread less than 50 ppm in Hall C, 100 ppm
in Hall A
Secondary Hall (Hall A)
Primary Hall (Hall C)
Energy drift
X and sigma X in mm
Energy drift
Energy spread
Energy spread
Courtesy Jean-Claude Denard
22Energy Recovered Linacs
- The concept of energy recovery first appears in
literature by Maury Tigner, as a suggestion for
alternate HEP colliders - There have been several energy recovery
experiments to date, the first one in a
superconducting linac at the Stanford SCA/FEL - Same-cell energy recovery with cw beam current up
to 10 mA and energy up to 150 MeV has been
demonstrated at the Jefferson Lab 10 kW FEL.
Energy recovery is used routinely for the
operation of the FEL as a user facility - Maury Tigner, Nuovo Cimento 37 (1965)
- T.I. Smith, et al., Development of the
SCA/FEL for use in Biomedical and Materials
Science Experiments, NIMA 259 (1987)
23The SCA/FEL Energy Recovery Experiment
- The former Recyclotron beam recirculation system
could not be used to obtain the peak current
required for FEL lasing and was replaced by a
doubly achromatic single-turn recirculation line.
- Same-cell energy recovery was first demonstrated
in an SRF linac at the SCA/FEL in July 1986 - Beam was injected at 5 MeV into a 50 MeV linac
(up to 95 MeV in 2 passes) - Nearly all the imparted energy was recovered. No
FEL inside the recirculation loop. -
T. I. Smith, et al., NIM A259, 1 (1987)
24CEBAF Injector Energy Recovery Experiment
- N. R. Sereno, Experimental Studies of
Multipass Beam Breakup and Energy Recovery using
the CEBAF Injector Linac, Ph.D. Thesis,
University of Illinois (1994)
25Instability Mechanism
Courtesy N. Sereno, Ph.D. Thesis (1994)
26Threshold Current
Growth Rate
If the average current exceeds the threshold
have instability (exponentially growing cavity
Krafft, Bisognano, and Laubach, unpublished (1988)
27Jefferson Lab IR DEMO FEL
Wiggler assembly
Neil, G. R., et. al, Physical Review Letters, 84,
622 (2000)
28FEL Accelerator Parameters
Gradient modulator drive signal in a linac cavity
measured without energy recovery (signal level
around 2 V) and with energy recovery (signal
level around 0).
Courtesy Lia Merminga
30Longitudinal Phase Space Manipulations
Simulation calculations of longitudinal dynamics
Piot, Douglas, and Krafft, Phys. Rev. ST-AB, 6,
0030702 (2003)
31Phase Transfer Function Measurements
Krafft, G. A., et. al, ERL2005 Workshop Proc. in
32Longitudinal Nonlinearities Corrected by
Nominal Settings
Sextupoles Off
Basic Idea is to use sextupoles to get T566 in
the bending arc to compensate any curvature in
the phase space.
33IR FEL Upgrade
34IR FEL 10 kW Upgrade Parameters
35ERL X-ray Source Conceptual Layout
36Why ERLs for X-rays?
ESRF 6 GeV _at_ 200 mA
ERL 5 GeV _at_ 10-100 mA
ex ey ? 0.01 nm mrad B 1023
ph/s/mm2/mrad2/0.1BW LID 25 m
ex 4 nm mrad ey 0.02 nm mrad B 1020
ph/s/mm2/mrad2/0.1BW LID 5 m
ERL (no compression)
ERL (w/ compression)
37Brilliance Scaling and Optimization
- For 8 keV photons, 25 m undulator, and 1 micron
normalized emittance, X-ray source brilliance - For any power law dependence on charge-per-bunch,
Q, the optimum is - If the space charge/wake generated emittance
exceeds the thermal emittance eth from whatever
source, youve already lost the game! - BEST BRILLIANCE AT LOW CHARGES, once a given
design and bunch length is chosen! Therefore,
higher RF frequencies preferred - Unfortunately, best flux at high charge
38ERL Phase II Sample Parameters
rms values
39ERL X-ray Source Average Brilliance and Flux
Courtesy Qun Shen, CHESS Technical Memo 01-002,
Cornell University
40ERL Peak Brilliance and Ultra-Short Pulses
Courtesy Q. Shen, I. Bazarov
41Cornell ERL Phase I Injector
Injector Parameters
Beam Energy Range 5 15a MeV Max Average Beam
Current 100 mA Max Bunch Rep. Rate _at_ 77 pC 1.3
GHz Transverse Emittance, rms (norm.) lt 1b
mm Bunch Length, rms 2.1 ps Energy Spread,
rms 0.2
a at reduced average current b corresponds to 77
42Beyond the space charge limit
Cornell ERL Prototype Injector Layout
2-cell SRF cavities
500-750 kV DC Photoemission Gun
Merger dipoles into ERL linac
Injector optimization
0.1 mm-mrad, 80 pC, 3ps
Courtesy of I. Bazarov
43Nonlinear Thomson Scattering
- Many of the the newer Thomson Sources are based
on a PULSED laser (e.g. all of the high-energy
lasers are pulsed by their very nature) - Have developed a general theory to cover
radiation calculations in the general case of a
pulsed, high field strength laser interacting
with electrons in a Thomson scattering
arrangement. - The new theory shows that in many situations the
estimates people do to calculate flux and
brilliance, based on a constant amplitude models,
need to be modified. - The new theory is general enough to cover all
1-D undulator calculations and all pulsed laser
Thomson scattering calculations. - The main new physics that the new calculations
include properly is the fact that the electron
motion changes based on the local value of the
field strength squared. Such ponderomotive forces
(i.e., forces proportional to the field strength
squared), lead to a red-shift detuning of the
emission, angle dependent Doppler shifts of the
emitted scattered radiation, and additional
transverse dipole emission that this theory can
44Ancient History
- Early 1960s Laser Invented
- Brown and Kibble (1964) Earliest definition of
the field strength parameters K and/or a in the
literature that Im aware of - Interpreted frequency shifts that occur at high
fields as a relativistic mass shift. - Sarachik and Schappert (1970) Power into
harmonics at high K and/or a . Full calculation
for CW (monochromatic) laser. Later referenced,
corrected, and extended by workers in fusion
plasma diagnostics. - Alferov, Bashmakov, and Bessonov (1974)
Undulator/Insertion Device theories developed
under the assumption of constant field strength.
Numerical codes developed to calculate real
fields in undulators. - Coisson (1979) Simplified undulator theory,
which works at low K and/or a, developed to
understand the frequency distribution of edge
emission, or emission from short magnets, i.e.,
including pulse effects
45Coissons Spectrum from a Short Magnet
Coisson low-field strength undulator spectrum
R. Coisson, Phys. Rev. A 20, 524 (1979)
46Dipole Radiation
Assume a single charge moves in the x direction
Introduce scalar and vector potential for fields.
Retarded solution to wave equation (Lorenz gauge),
47Dipole Radiation
Polarized in the plane containing and
48Dipole Radiation
Define the Fourier Transform
With these conventions Parsevals Theorem is
Blue Sky!
This equation does not follow the typical (see
Jackson) convention that combines both positive
and negative frequencies together in a single
positive frequency integral. The reason is that
we would like to apply Parsevals Theorem easily.
By symmetry, the difference is a factor of two.
49Dipole Radiation
For a motion in three dimensions
Vector inside absolute value along the magnetic
Vector inside absolute value along the electric
field. To get energy into specific polarization,
take scaler product with the polarization vector
50Co-moving Coordinates
- Assume radiating charge is moving with a velocity
close to light in a direction taken to be the z
axis, and the charge is on average at rest in
this coordinate system - For the remainder of the presentation, quantities
referred to the moving coordinates will have
primes unprimed quantities refer to the lab
system - In the co-moving system the dipole radiation
pattern applies
51New Coordinates
Resolve the polarization of scattered energy into
that perpendicular (s) and that parallel (p) to
the scattering plane
It follows that
So the energy into the two polarizations in the
beam frame is
53Comments/Sum Rule
- There is no radiation parallel or anti-parallel
to the x-axis for x-dipole motion - In the forward direction ?'? 0, the radiation
polarization is parallel to the x-axis for an
x-dipole motion - One may integrate over all angles to obtain a
result for the total energy radiated
Generalized Larmor
54Sum Rule
Total energy sum rule
Parsevals Theorem again gives standard Larmor
55Energy Distribution in Lab Frame
By placing the expression for the Doppler shifted
frequency and angles inside the transformed beam
frame distribution. Total energy radiated from
d'z is the same as d'x and d'y for same dipole
57Weak Field Undulator Spectrum
Generalizes Coisson to arbitrary observation
58Strong Field Case
Why is the FEL resonance condition?
59High K
Inside the insertion device the average (z)
velocity is
and the radiation emission frequency redshifts by
the 1K2/2 factor
60Thomson Scattering
- Purely classical scattering of photons by
electrons - Thomson regime defined by the photon energy in
the electron rest frame being small compared to
the rest energy of the electron, allowing one to
neglect the quantum mechanical Dirac recoil on
the electron - In this case electron radiates at the same
frequency as incident photon for low enough field
strengths - Classical dipole radiation pattern is generated
in beam frame - Therefore radiation patterns, at low field
strength, can be largely copied from textbooks - Note on terminology Some authors call any
scattering of photons by free electrons Compton
Scattering. Compton observed (the so-called
Compton effect) frequency shifts in X-ray
scattering off (resting!) electrons that depended
on scattering angle. Such frequency shifts arise
only when the energy of the photon in the rest
frame becomes comparable with 0.511 MeV.
61Simple Kinematics
Beam Frame
Lab Frame
62In beam frame scattered photon radiated with wave
Back in the lab frame, the scattered photon
energy Es is
63Electron in a Plane Wave
Assume linearly-polarized pulsed laser beam
moving in the direction (electron charge is e)
Polarization 4-vector
Light-like incident propagation 4-vector
Krafft, G. A., Physical Review Letters, 92,
204802 (2004), Krafft, Doyuran, and Rosenzweig ,
Physical Review E, 72, 056502 (2005)
64Electromagnetic Field
Our goal is to find xµ(t)(ct(t),x(t),y(t),z(t))
when the 4-velocity uµ(t)(cdt/dt,dx/dt,dy/dt,dz/d
t)(t) satisfies duµ/dt eFµ?u?/mc where t is
proper time. For any solution to the equations of
Proportional to amount frequencies up-shifted
going to beam frame
65 ? is exactly proportional to the proper time
On the orbit
Integrate with respect to ? instead of t. Now
where the unitless vector potential is f(?)-eA(?
66Electron Orbit
Direct Force from Electric Field
Ponderomotive Force
67Energy Distribution
68Effective Dipole Motions Lab Frame
And the (Lorentz invariant!) phase is
- Overall structure of the distributions is very
like that from the general dipole motion, only
the effective dipole motion, including physical
effects such as the relativistic motion of the
electrons and retardation, must be generalized
beyond the straight Fourier transform of the
field - At low field strengths (f ltlt1), the distributions
reduce directly to the classical Fourier
transform dipole distributions - The effective dipole motion from the
ponderomotive force involves a simple projection
of the incident wave vector in the beam frame
onto the axis of interest, multiplied by the
general ponderomotive dipole motion integral - The radiation from the two transverse dipole
motions are compressed by the same angular
factors going from beam to lab frame as appears
in the simple dipole case. The longitudinal
dipole radiation is also transformed between beam
and lab frame by the same fraction as in the
simple longitudinal dipole motion. Thus the usual
compression into a 1/? cone applies
70Weak Field Thomson Backscatter
With F p and f ltlt1 the result is identical to
the weak field undulator result with the
replacement of the magnetic field Fourier
transform by the electric field Fourier transform
Thomson Backscatter
Driving Field
Forward Frequency
Lorentz contract Doppler
Double Doppler
71High Field Strength Thomson Backscatter
For a flat incident laser pulse the main results
are very similar to those from undulaters with
the following correspondences
Thomson Backscatter
Field Strength
Forward Frequency
Transverse Pattern
NB, be careful with the radiation pattern, it is
the same at small angles, but quite a bit
different at large angles
72Forward Direction Flat Laser Pulse
20-period equivalent undulator
73(No Transcript)
74Realistic Pulse Distribution at High a
In general, its easiest to just numerically
integrate the lab-frame expression for the
spectrum in terms of Dt and Dp. A 105 to 106
point Simpson integration is adequate for most
purposes. Flat pulses reproduce previously known
results and to evaluate numerical error, and
Gaussian amplitude modulated pulses. One may
utilize a two-timing approximation (i.e., the
laser pulse is a slowly varying sinusoid with
amplitude a(?)), and the fundamental expressions,
to write the energy distribution at any angle in
terms of Bessel function expansions and a ?
integral over the modulation amplitude. This
approach actually has a limited domain of
applicability (K,alt0.1)
75Forward Direction Gaussian Pulse
Apeak and ?0 chosen for same intensity and same
rms pulse length as previously
76Radiation Distributions Backscatter
Gaussian Pulse s at first harmonic peak
Courtesy Adnan Doyuran (UCLA)
77Radiation Distributions Backscatter
Gaussian p at first harmonic peak
Courtesy Adnan Doyuran (UCLA)
78Radiation Distributions Backscatter
Gaussian s at second harmonic peak
Courtesy Adnan Doyuran (UCLA)
7990 Degree Scattering
8090 Degree Scattering
And the phase is
81Radiation Distribution 90 Degree
Gaussian Pulse s at first harmonic peak
Courtesy Adnan Doyuran (UCLA)
82Radiation Distributions 90 Degree
Gaussian Pulse p at first harmonic peak
Courtesy Adnan Doyuran (UCLA)
83Polarization Sum Gaussian 90 Degree
Courtesy Adnan Doyuran (UCLA)
84Radiation Distributions 90 Degree
Gaussian Pulse second harmonic peak
Second harmonic emission on axis from
ponderomotive dipole!
Courtesy Adnan Doyuran (UCLA)
85THz Source
86Radiation Distributions for Short High-Field
And the phase is
Krafft, G. A., to be published Phys. Rev. ST-AB
87Wideband THz Undulater
Primary requirements wide bandwidth and no
motion and deflection. Implies generate A and B
by simple motion. One half an oscillation is
highest bandwidth!
88THz Undulator Radiation Spectrum
89Total Energy Radiated
Lienards Generalization of Larmor Formula (1898!)
Baruts Version
From ponderomotive dipole
Usual Larmor term
90Some Cases
Total radiation from electron initially at rest
For a flat pulse exactly (Sarachik and Schappert)
91For Circular Polarization
Only other specific case I can find in literature
completely calculated has usual circular
polarization and flat pulses. The orbits are then
pure circles
Sokolov and Ternov, in Radiation from
Relativistic Electrons, give
(which goes back to Schott and the turn of the
20th century!) and the general formula checks out
- Recent development of superconducting cavities
has enabled CW operation at energy gains in
excess of 20 MV/m, and acceleration of average
beam currents of 10s of mA. - The ideas of Beam Recirculation and Energy
Recovery have been introduced. How these concepts
may be combined to yield a new class of
accelerators that can be used in many interesting
applications has been discussed. Ive given you
some indication about the historical development
of recirculating SRF linacs. - The present knowledge on beam recirculation and
its limitations in a superconducting environment,
leads us to think that recirculating accelerators
of several GeV energy, and with beam currents
approaching those in storage ring light sources,
are possible.
- Ive shown how dipole solutions to the Maxwell
equations can be used to obtain and understand
very general expressions for the spectral angular
energy distributions for weak field undulators
and general weak field Thomson Scattering photon
sources - A new calculation scheme for high intensity
pulsed laser Thomson Scattering has been
developed. This same scheme can be applied to
calculate spectral properties of short, high-K
wigglers. - Due to ponderomotive broadening, it is simply
wrong to use single-frequency estimates of flux
and brilliance in situations where the square of
the field strength parameter becomes comparable
to or exceeds the (1/N) spectral width of the
induced electron wiggle - The new theory is especially useful when
considering Thomson scattering of Table Top
TeraWatt lasers, which have exceedingly high
field and short pulses. Any calculation that does
not include ponderomotive broadening is
- Because the laser beam in a Thomson scatter
source can interact with the electron beam
non-colinearly with the beam motion (a piece of
physics that cannot happen in an undulator),
ponderomotively driven transverse dipole motion
is now possible - This motion can generate radiation at the second
harmonic of the up-shifted incident frequency on
axis. The dipole direction is in the direction of
laser incidence. - Because of Doppler shifts generated by the
ponderomotive displacement velocity induced in
the electron by the intense laser, the frequency
of the emitted radiation has an angular
asymmetry. - Sum rules for the total energy radiated, which
generalize the usual Larmor/Lenard sum rule, have
been obtained.