Postoperative Delirium - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Postoperative Delirium


Postoperative Delirium Presented By: Tareq Salwati SSC-Anaes Case Summary 1: 27 years old lady, comes for debridement and skin grafting. She receives a balanced TIVA ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Postoperative Delirium

Postoperative Delirium
  • Presented By
  • Tareq Salwati SSC-Anaes

  • Case Summary 1
  • 27 years old lady, comes for debridement and skin
  • She receives a balanced TIVA anesthetic, using
    propofol infusion and fentanyl.
  • After extubation she became agitated, and

  • Case Summary 2
  • A 23-year-old previously healthy man undergoes
    general anesthesia for distal upper extremity
  • The surgery and anesthetic progress uneventfully.
    After emergence and extubation and on transport
    to the postanesthesia care unit (PACU), the
    patient becomes disoriented and combative.

Problem Analysis
  • Definition
  • Postoperative delirium is a state in which a
    patient has alterations in mental status that
    range from disorientation and lethargy to
    violent, harmful behavior and confusion.
  • These patients are awake, but cannot or do not
    follow commands appropriately.

  • Multifactorial Occurrence
  • -Postoperative delirium is a multifactorial
    occurrence that needs to be promptly evaluated by
    an anesthesiologist whether on table, or in the
  • -It also may only be a sign of a more
    life-threatening problem, such as airway
    obstruction, hypoxia or hypercarbia, which must
    be diagnosed immediately.

Possible Sequelae
  • -A significant sequela of postoperative delirium
    is that the patient is at extreme risk of
    physically harming himself or PACU personnel.
  • -If the patient becomes combative, he or she may
    cause accidental trauma to self or the staff, and
    surgical repairs or indwelling lines and
    catheters may be in jeopardy.
  • -Furthermore, the agitation may also produce a
    large sympathetic nervous system response leading
    to hypertension and tachycardia.

Patient Assessment
  • After restraining the patient, assess the
    patients preexisting medical condition,
    perioperative medications administered, course of
    anesthesia, and type of surgery performed.
  • Next, a thorough physical examination and
    laboratory evaluation addressing arterial blood
    gas, serum glucose concentration, and
    electrolytes should follow.
  • If a diagnosis is not forthcoming, a
    neurologic consultation and computed tomographic
    (CT) head scan should be considered.

Risk Assessment
  • -Postoperative delirium is not a rare occurrence
    in the immediate postoperative period.
  • -It has been established that children and young
    adults are more likely to be agitated after
  • -Young children can often be calmed by the
    presence of a parent in the PACU.
  • -Furthermore, elderly patients are at
    substantially higher risk of having prolonged
    recovery of cognitive function after emergence,
    and thus may respond inappropriately in the PACU.

  • -Any patient with preoperative personality
    disturbances will generally have the same after
  • -Patients with language, cultural or ethnic
    differences may have difficulty responding
    appropriately to PACU staff.
  • -Finally, patients who have undergone surgical
    procedures with possibly grave consequences
    (e.g., tumor biopsies) may emerge with heightened

  • The consequences of postoperative delirium are
  • -First, identifying the cause and treating that
    appropriately, and
  • -second, calming and carefully positioning and
    restraining the patient to avoid injury to
    himself or others.
  • The former requires efficient, precise diagnosis
    and treatment to offset possible sequelae.

  • Management

Emergence Phenomena
  • The most likely reason for development of
    postoperative delirium is a transient period
    after emerging from general anesthesia during
    which the patient is unable to respond to sensory
    input appropriately.
  • -A wide range of variation occurs among the
    responses, from somnolence and quiescence to
    hysteria and uncontrolled thrashing.
  • -A patient with the latter will need calming,
    positioning, and restraint, all of which may
    escalate the state of restlessness.
  • -As noted above, airway obstruction, hypoxia, or
    hypercarbia must be immediately assessed and
    treated if present.

Anticholinergic Crises
  • -Anticholinergics have historically been a major
    contributor to emergence delirium when given
  • -Both atropine and scopolamine, when administered
    perioperatively, may lead to postoperative
  • -They may concomitantly produce tachycardia,
    facial flushing, and dry mouth.
  • -Moreover, anticholinergic medications
    administred ocularly for pupillary dilataion have
    also been implicated in causing emergence
  • -Treatment consists of administering
    physostigmine 1.25 mg IV.

Perioperative Meperidine
  • -Perioperative meperidine (pethidine) in large
    doses, because of its atropine-like structure,
    can also cause these symptoms (i.e., similar to
    anticholinergic crises).
  • -Furthermore, long term meperidine use may lead
    to build-up of normeperidine, its major
    metabolite, which has substantial convulsive

Other Perioperative Medications
  • -Other perioperative medications that may
    produce disorientation on emergence include
    long-acting benzodiazepines (e.g., diazepam,
  • -and the induction agents ketamine, etomidate,
    and propofol.
  • Ketamine is probably the most widely
    recognized agent that causes postoperative
    dysphoria and hallucinations.
  • Propofol has been implicated in induction of
    seizure activity in rare incidences

  • -Insufficient or lack of reversal of
    neuromuscular blockade may produce severe
    agitation and uncoordinated, disoriented
  • A patient will lack strength and purposeful
    movement and may need sedation and mechanical
    ventilation until the neuromuscular blockers are
    metabolized, if more reversal agent is not

Alcohol and Recreational Drugs.
  • -Acute perioperative intoxication with alcohol or
    recreational drugs and/or withdrawal from such
    agents must be considered.

Pain and Discomfort
  • -Patients who awaken after general anesthesia
    with substantial pain may be highly agitated
    prior to the administration of analgesics.
  • -Distension of the stomach or the urinary
    bladder, poor body positioning, inappropriately
    tight dressings or traction, and any indwelling
    catheters or lines can also cause discomfort and

Metabolic Alterations
  • -Hypothermia increases the solubility of
    inhalational anesthetics, decreases metabolism of
    numerous sedative medications, and, if severe
    enough (lt30 degrees centigrade), may produce cold
  • -Serum glucose concentrations must be evaluated,
    as hypoglycemia is readily treatable with 50
    glucose administration IV.
  • -Hyperglycemia, especially diabetic ketoacidosis
    and hyperosmolar, nonketotic coma may alter the
    mental status of the patient.
  • The latter disorder is diagnosed by high blood
    glucose concentrations (gt600 mg/dL),
    hyperosmolarity, and lack of ketoacidosis.

Metabolic Alterations
  • Furthermore, hyperglycemia often occurs in
    patients without diabetes mellitus but with some
    type of severe illness ( sepsis, pneumonia, large
  • It may also occur with substantial dehydration,
    IV dextrose administration, or large dose steroid
  • -The coma that results from this disorder is most
    likely due to cerebral intracellular dehydration.
  • Treatment is in the intensive care unit setting
    with insulin administration, hydration, potassium
    supplementation, and close monitoring of glucose
    concentration and electrolytes.

Neurologic Injuries and Conditions
  • -Careful neurologic examination and consultation
    may be of great value.
  • Cerebral hypoxia leading to ischemia may occur
    secondary to prolonged hypoxemia or hypotension.
  • -Trauma patients may develop unrecognized
    increased intracranial pressure or hemorrhage.
  • -Intracranial hemorrhage may also occur due to
    large, abrupt hypertension in the perioperative
  • -Cerebral thromboembolism may occur in many
    patients, especially those with known carotid
    vascular disease or those having undergone
    cardiac, vascular or radical neck surgery.

Neurologic Injuries and Conditions
  • Although rare, placement of intra-arterial,
    internal jugular or subclavian lines could cause
  • -Air embolism in cardiac surgery, air injection
    of intra-arterial lines, or intraveinous air
    administration in a patient with right-to-left
    shunt (paradoxical air embolism).
  • -Fat embolism producing cerebral ischemia is very
    rare, but it should be considered in patients
    with long bone fractures.
  • -Computed tomographic scans may be an invaluable
    aid in all of these situations.
  • -Finally, unrecognized grand mal seizures due to
    an underlying seizure disorder or delirium
    tremens secondary to alcohol withdrawal must be

Treatment of Postoperative Delirium
  • -Treatment of postoperative delirium , because in
    most cases it is transient, is usually
  • -Patient reassurance, a quiet, calm environment,
    and close observation during the short interval
    required for dissipation of general anesthetic
    effects are often all that is necessary.
  • -Nevertheless, more substantial intervention,
    such as the administration of analgesics for
    pain, or small doses of short-acting sedatives to
    relieve anxiety, may be required.

  • -Likewise, a patient may need to be restrained if
    agitation could cause harm to self or others in
    the PACU.
  • -It must be reiterated that close observation and
    evaluation of all other possible medical reasons
    for the altered mental status must be performed
    prior to the administration of medications that
    may further alter a patients sensorium.

  • -Because it is difficult to predict in which
    patient postoperative delirium will develop,
    preventing it, necessitates careful perioperative
    care of the patient, from preoperative assessment
    through discharge from the PACU.
  • -A caring, dedicated PACU staff, who attempt to
    calm and reassure the patient while the medical
    evaluation progresses, is invaluable.


  • Chapter 47-48
  • Complications in anesthesia
  • John L. Atlee, M.D.
  • 1999
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