Title: Patients' Experience of Depression: What is the nature of
1 Patients' Experience of Depression What is the
nature of the concerns patients experience when
they stop their antidepressant medication?
- Presentation for MPhil to PhD Upgrade
- Penny Louch
- 4th December 2006
2Swanton Morley Nurse-led Surgery
Elmham Surgery
3Presentation Plan
- Contextualising depression
- Treatments for depression
- Causes of depression
- Theoretical framework
- Study
- Initial results
- Future plan
- Knowledge transfer
4Global Burden of Depression
WHO. The European Health Report 2002.
2002. Copenhagen, Denmark, WHO Regional Office
for Europe. WHO. World Health Statistics 2006.
2006. France, WHO.
5European Burden of Depression
WHO. The World Health Report 2001. Mental
Health New Understanding, New Hope. Geneva WHO,
6The Burden of Depression
- Personal
- Family
- Social
- Economic
- Increased mortality
- Office for National Statistics. Psychiatric
Morbidity in Great Britain, 2000, Prevalence of
Psychiatric Morbidity Among Adults Living in
Private Households. London HMSO, 2001. - The Centre for Economic Performance's Mental
Health Policy Group. The Depression Report New
Deal for Depression and Anxiety Disorders.
London - London School of Economics, 2006.
7The Economic Impact of Depression
Department for Work and Pensions. Individual
Benefit Statistics. May 2004. DWP Resource
8Antidepressant Prescriptions Costs
Dept.Health. Prescription Cost Analysis England
1998-2005. London Department of Health, 2000-2006
9A Cost Matrix of Depression
Chisholm D. The economic consequences of
depression. In Dawson A, Tylee A, eds.
Depression Social and economic timebomb, pp
121-9. London BMJ Publishing Group, 2001The
Sainsbury Centre For Mental Health. The economic
and social costs of mental illness Policy Paper
3. 2003. London, The Sainsbury Centre For Mental
10Causes of Depression
WHO. The World Health Report 2001. Mental
Health New Understanding, New Hope. Geneva
WHO, 2001.
11(No Transcript)
12Depression Diagnosis in Primary Care
Rule of Halves
Lepine JP, Gastpar M, Mendlewicz J, Tylee A.
Depression in the community The first
pan-European study DEPRES (Depression Research in
European Society). Int.Clin.Psychopharmacol.
13Research Questions
- What is the nature of the concerns patients
experience when they stop their antidepressant
medication? and Are these concerns dependent
upon a personal construction of the meaning of
recovery from a depressive illness?
- To understand model(s) of recovery
- To inform healthcare professionals
- To develop an appropriate counselling strategy(s)
- To help reduce relapse rates
15Theoretical Framework
16Explanatory Model Theory
- Illness v. disease
- Patient clinician explanatory models
- 5 parts of an illness experience
Kleinman A. Patients and healers in the context
of culture. Berkeley, CA University of
California Press, 1980.
17Study Design
- General practice
- Mixed method approach
- Questionnaires
18Early Themes
- The meaning of depression
- The dilemma of medication
- Hopes and fears
- Locus of control
- Loss
- Depression illness trajectory
19Study Design
21Data Analysis
Ritchie J, Spencer L. Qualitative data analysis
for applied policy research. In Bryman A, Burgess
RG, eds. Analysing Qualitative Data, pp 173-94.
London Routledge, 1994.
23Knowledge Transfer
24Thank you