Animal Digestive Systems - PowerPoint PPT Presentation

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Animal Digestive Systems


Digestive System Where large complex molecules are broken down into simpler molecules Digestive Tract: Long tube beginning with mouth and ending with the anus ... – PowerPoint PPT presentation

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Transcript and Presenter's Notes

Title: Animal Digestive Systems

Animal Digestive Systems
Topic 3024Ms. Blakeley
  • http//

Digestive System Objectives
  • Describe and understand the basic functions of
    the primary components of the digestive system.
  • Compare the functions and locations of the
    digestive organs in man, poultry, horses, cows
    and swine.
  • Differentiate between and identify digestive
    systems of man, horses, swine, poultry and cows.

Digestive System
  • Where large complex molecules are broken down
    into simpler molecules
  • Digestive Tract
  • Long tube beginning with mouth and ending with
    the anus
  • Polygastric (Ruminant)
  • A stomach with more than one compartment
  • (cows, sheep, deer)
  • Monogastric (Non-ruminant)
  • A stomach with one compartment
  • (swine, horses)
  • Avian (Poultry)
  • No true stomach
  • (chickens, geese)

Digestive Systems
  • Man Pig have a simple stomach with an extensive
    intestinal system
  • Horses Rabbits have a simple stomach with an
    extensive intestinal system and an enlarged
  • Ruminants have a complex stomach with a simpler
    intestinal system
  • Poultry have no teeth and no true stomach with a
    crop and gizzard to grind food

Mouth Esophagus
  • Mouth prehensile tool (grasps mixes food)
  • Chewing breaks down food
  • Salivary Glands secrete juices containing enzymes
    (digest food)
  • Mucin lubricates the feed for swallowing
  • Esophagus muscular tube that connects mouth to
  • Peristaltic waves send feed down the esophagus,
    (muscle contractions).
  • Reverse Peristalsis blowing chunks
  • The cardia, located at the end of the esophagus
    prevents feed in the stomach from coming back
    into the esophagus. ( non-ruminants only)

Simple Stomach
  • Muscular organ, receives feed
  • Gastric juices are secreted by the glands in the
    stomach wall
  • start when masticated feed enters the stomach
  • Gastric juices have about 0.2 to 0.5 percent HCl
  • The wall of the stomach is lined with muscle,
    this muscle churns and squeezes the feed
  • This action forces the liquid portion on into the
    small intestine

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Ruminant Stomach
  • Occupies 3/4 of abdominal cavity, mostly on the
    left side
  • Rumen (paunch) 80 of stomach, lighter food
    collects here
  • Microbes digest cellulose
  • Uses lots of water
  • Reticulum (hardware stomach) 5 of stomach,
    heavy foreign items are trapped here

Ruminant Stomach (cont.)
  • Omasum (many plies) 8 of stomach, absorbs water
  • Abomasum (true stomach) 7 of stomach, typical
    enzyme activity
  • Rumination regurgitation, re-chewing of food

Rumination (regurgitation)
  • After rumen if full, it lies down to ruminate
    (chew its cud)
  • Cattle spend from 5-7 hours ruminating, broken up
    into 6-8 periods
  • Regurgitation is the process of forcing the feed
    back into the mouth for chewing
  • Done through a series of muscular contractions
    and pressure in the rumen and reticulum

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Avian stomach/gizzard
  • Since chickens have no teeth, they swallow food
    whole and its stored in the crop
  • Feed in proventriculus are secreted by the
    glandular stomach and mixed with feed
  • The feed moves to the gizzard and is ground
  • Epithelium breaks the feed into smaller
    particles, further mixing proventricular digestie
    juices with the feed in the gizzard
  • The end of the digestive system is the vent

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Small Large Intestines
  • Small Intestine long coiled tube connecting
    stomach to large intestine
  • rest of the digestion and absorption takes place
  • surface covered with villi (surface area)
  • Large Intestine Caecum, colon, rectum
  • absorbs water (makes feces more solid)
  • some vitamins minerals absorbed here
  • Cecal Fermenters (Horse) similar to rumen

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